Mohammad Gheitury; Borzou Yousefi; Reza Siahmansour; Mosayeb Heshmati
Volume 30, Issue 1 , April 2023, , Pages 111-130
Mohammad Ghaitori; Yahya Parvizi; Mosayeb Heshmati; Mohammad Ahmadi
Volume 25, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 44-53
Due to the vast area and biodiversity, rangelands contribute to carbon sequestration, depending on grazing management and utilization. This research was conducted on six rangeland sites including Paveh, Ravansar, Javanrood, Einelcosh, Siahkamar, Varmenjeh, and Koohsefid in Kermanshah Province. There ...
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Due to the vast area and biodiversity, rangelands contribute to carbon sequestration, depending on grazing management and utilization. This research was conducted on six rangeland sites including Paveh, Ravansar, Javanrood, Einelcosh, Siahkamar, Varmenjeh, and Koohsefid in Kermanshah Province. There utilization types were included as exclosure, heavy grazing, and land use change from rangeland to rainfed orchard. The objective was to evaluate carbon sequestration capacity through different rangeland utilization. The plant biomass sampling including canopy cover and plant root as well as plant litter were carried out in the field along three transects of 50 m using plots. Soil sampling was also done in 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil depths. Plant organic carbon was determined by flame method and SOC was measured by the Walkley and Black method. The results explored that plant biomass variation through different land-use practices and utilization is significantly attributed to carbon sequestration, so that the highest level of carbon stock for plant biomass (4.7 tha-1) and soil (114.5 tha-1) was obtained in the exclosure site, while heavy grazing caused the lowest value of organic carbon in both plant biomass (1.3 tha-1) and soil (53.4 tha-1). In addition, the land use change from rangeland to rain-fed orchard led to 86.8 tha-1 organic carbon storage in both soil and plant biomass.
Mohammad Ggeitury; Naser Ansari; Abbas ali Sanadgool; Mosayeb Heshmati
Volume 13, Issue 4 , February 2007, , Pages 314-323
There are various factors that cause cantinous changes in the quality and quantity of natural resources which result in poor ranching, destructive flood, migration of villagers and nomads to large nearby cities and poverty of rural people. Identification of factors which are ...
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There are various factors that cause cantinous changes in the quality and quantity of natural resources which result in poor ranching, destructive flood, migration of villagers and nomads to large nearby cities and poverty of rural people. Identification of factors which are destructive to rangelands in Kermanshah Province was carried out to prevent destruction, to achieve optimal management and recognize priorities in planning. First of all, information and statistics concerning vegetation map and base map ( from past to present ) were obtained and analyzed. On the basis of Pabo Map and GIS, four different climatic regions of dry forest, warm semie-steppe. Cold semi-steppe and high mountainous were distinguished for Kermanshah Province. According to the survey conducted to explore the ecology of Kermanshah, index regions were identified using Pabo climatic Map. In any region, the vegetation of the range along with index of destruction of vegetation was studied. next step, questionnaires related to destructive factors to vegetation were filled by both experts and rural families and nomads and, then were assessed using the statistic method of regression and finally the frequency of different destructive factors to rangelands was calculated. The results indicated that in Kermanshah rangelands, changing the land use, the increase in the number of animals, and early grazing are the common factors of destruction respectively