Mahshid Souri; mirfarhad blurfrush; Hirad Aghbari; javad motamedi; Behnaz Attaeian
Volume 27, Issue 3 , October 2020, , Pages 369-409
If the rangeland forage is used continuously, the important elements such as NPC do not return to the soil, which will cause the rangeland lands to lose their fertility. Therefore, nowadays, in the field of rangeland management, rangeland improvement and rehabilitation has become ...
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If the rangeland forage is used continuously, the important elements such as NPC do not return to the soil, which will cause the rangeland lands to lose their fertility. Therefore, nowadays, in the field of rangeland management, rangeland improvement and rehabilitation has become very important. The use of fertilizers is one of the methods to rehabilitation the rangelands. If the proper fertilizer application is carried out in accordance with the climatic conditions, cover condition, and soil characteristics, it will improve the rangeland. Otherwise, it will increase the concentration of salts, soil toxicity, and surface and groundwater contamination and leads to drying of the plants. The aim of this study is to present a model based on the use of an artificial neural network that expresses the relationships between organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of rangeland soil and plant factors, based on which, it is possible to estimate the mentioned elements in the rangeland ecosystems without statistics to manage fertilization. Based on the results, organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of the soil were estimated in the Nazlocha rangeland of Urmia. Eight factors of electrical conductivity, acidity, clay percentage, silt percentage, sand percentage, lime content, production and canopy cover percentage of rangeland plants were also selected for factor analysis. Therefore, according to the mentioned results, the neural network was able to accurately predict the amount of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in rangeland soils. According to the results, the vegetation type Astragalus gummifera-prangos uloptera-Bromus tomentellus requires phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. Onobrychis cornuta- Festuca ovina-Thymus kotschyanus requires phosphorus fertilizer, and Astragalus macrostachys-Noeae mucronata-Stipa barbata requires organic matter and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.
Mahshid Souri; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Nadia Kamali
Volume 25, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 524-535
Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the yield of forage plants is one of the necessities for improvement, rehabilitation, and development of rangelands. Festuca ovina is of perennial grasses. This species is found to be abundant in the semi-steppe rangelands of the country due to its ...
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Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the yield of forage plants is one of the necessities for improvement, rehabilitation, and development of rangelands. Festuca ovina is of perennial grasses. This species is found to be abundant in the semi-steppe rangelands of the country due to its adaptability to dehydration and low temperatures of -20 ° C. This rangeland species plays an important role in providing forage, soil stabilization, erosion prevention, and soil conservation in semi steppe rangelands. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of salinity and pollutant factors on the performance of Festuca ovina. This experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions in a factorial arrangement based on a completely randomized design under the influence of the first factor of copper oxide treatment at two levels (50 and 100 mg / l), copper nano-oxide at two levels (50 and 100 mg / l), and control treatment, and the second factor of sodium chloride treatment at three levels (0, 200 and 400 mM) in five replicates on Festuca ovina in a hydroponic greenhouse. After two months of stress, changes in chlorophyll, potassium and air length were measured. Data were analyzed using a factorial experimental design and SNK multiple range test in SPSS.18 software. According to the results of this study, the Festuca ovina species, in addition to the ability to establish and grow in each of the conditions of salinity and pollutant stress, has the ability to establish in both conditions (salinity + pollutant). Therefore, it can be of particular interest to planners, managers of natural resources and the environment and recommended as a consistent species to improve the rangelands of these regions.
Mahshid Souri; seyedeh Khadije mahdavi; sahra Tarverdizadeh saqzi
Volume 24, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 360-369
This research was aimed to investigate the effects of range improvement treatments on vegetation performance. The study was conducted in Silvana rangelands, West Azerbaijan province. In this study, four improvement treatments including contour furrow, pitting, gabion and mortar stone dams were selected. ...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effects of range improvement treatments on vegetation performance. The study was conducted in Silvana rangelands, West Azerbaijan province. In this study, four improvement treatments including contour furrow, pitting, gabion and mortar stone dams were selected. A control site (with no improvement treatment) was also selected. Vegetation sampling was done in a random-systematic manner in key areas of each site. Vegetation parameters including production, canopy cover percentage, litter and density were measured Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Then, the mean values of parameters were compared with each other using the Duncan test. Statistical analysis was done in SPSS software. The results of one-way variance analysis indicated that the study mechanical improvement treatments had significant difference in terms of performance of plant parameters. According to the results, among the study treatments, contour furrow and mortar stone dam had the most positive impact on increasing and improving the performance of plant parameters, compared to other treatments in Silvana region.
savan shahrokhi; Mahshid Souri; javad moetamedi; Alireza Eftekhari
Volume 24, Issue 1 , May 2017, , Pages 98-109
Global warming has devastating effects on the lives of organisms, causing damage to natural ecosystems, floods, droughts and climatic and ecological imbalance. Resonance effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of carbon dioxide concentration causes warming, melting polar ice caps, ...
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Global warming has devastating effects on the lives of organisms, causing damage to natural ecosystems, floods, droughts and climatic and ecological imbalance. Resonance effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of carbon dioxide concentration causes warming, melting polar ice caps, massive flooding, and deforestation. Biological carbon sequestration is soil and plants' ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in plant and soil. Therefore, it is a method that helps to reduce atmospheric carbon and to mitigate the consequences of climate changes. In this project, the effects of restoration rangeland practices (contour furrow) on carbon sequestration were investigated in Khalifan region of Mahabad. For this purpose, in each study site (contour furrow and control), four 100-m transects were established. Along each transect, five plots spaced 20 m apart were set up systematically. At the beginning and end of each transect, a profile was excavated at two depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm). Soil and plant samples were transferred to the laboratory. Plant biomass was measured in all plots by cutting and weighing method. Carbon sequestration rate was determined for each of the samples. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and T-test. The results indicated that the highest rate of carbon sequestration in the study sites belonged to the litter. The results demonstrated that the rate of carbon sequestration in both biomass and soil in contour furrow site was higher in comparison with control site. This can be due to the positive effect of contour furrow practice on the amount of participation storage in soil, run off and erosion control and increasing the vegetation.
Seyedeh khadijeh Mahdavi; Mahshid Souri; Ahmad Choupanian
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 289-297
Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of climate change, having harmful effects for human beings. Reducing the amount of this gas by inhibiting industrial development and the use of artificial methods is not suitable due to the lack of economic justification. Therefore, ...
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Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of climate change, having harmful effects for human beings. Reducing the amount of this gas by inhibiting industrial development and the use of artificial methods is not suitable due to the lack of economic justification. Therefore, taking advantage of carbon storage potential in plant tissue and soil has attracted much attention in recent decades. According to the different climatic zones in the country, studying the carbon sequestration in each of these areas should be taken into consideration. Therefore, the potential of soil carbon sequestration in the mountain rangelands of Kermanshah Province was studied in three height classes and four aspects. Then, soil samples were taken from two depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm in the habitats of Astragalus gossypinus and Astragalu sparrowianus. Soil organic carbon, bulk density, electrical conductivity, pH, moisture content and soil texture were measured in both soil depths. Stepwise regression results showed that soil parameters including texture, bulk density and pH, were the most important factors, affecting soil organic carbon. Based on the results of data analysis in a completely randomized factorial design, significant differences were observed for soil carbon sequestration among height classes and aspects at 1% level of significance. According to the results of mean comparisons based on SNK test, the highest amount of carbon sequestration was observed in the third height class and north aspect. Our results clearly showed that Astragalus parrowianus had a higher potential in soil carbon sequestration as compared to Astragalus gossypinus.
Mohammad Jafari; Hossein Azarnivand; Mahshid Souri; Seyedeh Khadijeh Mahdavi
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 95-108
Water deficiency and low soil moisture, are considered as limiting factors in rehabilitation and improvement of semi-arid rangelands. Considering the problem of water deficiency and low soil moisture in pastures discussed, rainfall storage projects can be one of suitable strategies to compensate for ...
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Water deficiency and low soil moisture, are considered as limiting factors in rehabilitation and improvement of semi-arid rangelands. Considering the problem of water deficiency and low soil moisture in pastures discussed, rainfall storage projects can be one of suitable strategies to compensate for water shortages in such areas. On the other hand, considering several criteria that must be considered in this selection, makes it difficult to choose the appropriate locations to execute projects such as pitting and furrowing. These factors include technical and social-economical criteria. Meykhoran region in Kermanshah Province was considered in this research. In this study, in order to locate suitable areas for pitting and furrowing projects, spatial decision support system were used in three stages. The first stage involves determining hierarchical levels consisting of object, criteria, sub-criteria, and factors. During the second stage, the standardization of criteria based on fuzzy logic, weighting criteria and sub-criteria based on analytical hierarchy process, and paired comparisons of criteria and sub-criteria, with preference values of one to nine and an inconsistency rate of less than one-tenth, were done in ARC-GIS software by using AHP subprogram. In the final step, after integration of these layers, the final maps of optimal sites for pitting and furrowing were prepared. Using this template to locate other natural resources projects will help to optimize use of spatial data, save time and costs.