Parvin Rokhfrooz; Mohammad Farzam; Mohammad KhajeHoseini
Volume 27, Issue 1 , April 2020, , Pages 75-83
Times and methods of seed harvesting and seed storage have important effects on seedling viability and establishment. Effects of seed harvesting times and storage duration were tested on seed germination of Krashninkoviaceratoides in the Shahrak-Imam Seed Production Station in Neyshabur Iran. Experiment ...
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Times and methods of seed harvesting and seed storage have important effects on seedling viability and establishment. Effects of seed harvesting times and storage duration were tested on seed germination of Krashninkoviaceratoides in the Shahrak-Imam Seed Production Station in Neyshabur Iran. Experiment treatments were: 1) two methods of cultivation for seed producing stands (rainfed or irrigation), 2) two methods of seed storage (cold room and normal condition), 3) seed scarification and coat removal in 6 times of seed harvesting, and 8 periods of seed storage. All treatments were designed as three independent experiments, and statistical analysis were performed accordingly. For each experiment, four replicates (25 seeds each) were located in a germinator with 14:10 hours light and dark periods. Methods of seed storage (cold room or ambient) did not affected seed germination rate. Rainfed grown stands led to higher germination percent as compared to those growing under irrigation. Seed coat removing significantly reduced germination rate. Under both cold and ambient storage conditions, seed germination rates did not significantly change till 242 days after harvesting; it gradually reduced and reached to zero at 271 days after seed harvest. According to the results of this research, the best time for seed collection is early October, seeds do not need coat removing or cold treatments, as they are able to germinate till 6 months after the ripening stage under the normal room storage conditions.