Ali Mohammadian; Esmaiel Asadi borujeni; Ataollah Ebrahimi; Pezhman Tahmasebi; Ali Asghar Naghipour
Volume 27, Issue 1 , April 2020, , Pages 84-97
This study was was don to investigate the interaction of fire and grazing effects on index of vegetation diversity in Semi-steppe rangelands in Chaharmahal - Bakhtiari Province.Therefore, 16 sites was selected with different periods of fire and grazing intensity and 18 quadrates along transects ...
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This study was was don to investigate the interaction of fire and grazing effects on index of vegetation diversity in Semi-steppe rangelands in Chaharmahal - Bakhtiari Province.Therefore, 16 sites was selected with different periods of fire and grazing intensity and 18 quadrates along transects at each site were determined and then a systematic -random sampling method was don. Then, species diversity and Beta diversity indices were calculated. To determine the effects of fire, grazing, number of year and their interactions on the diversity indices, the method of General Linear Model (GML) and for determining the significant effect between fire site and unfired site the method of T- Test was used. The results showed that in areas with moderate grazing intensity and with different periods time of fire, Diversity, Simpson, Shannon and species richness indices, compared to control areas significantly increased. But beta diversity has decreased. Simpson's and Shannon Index compared to control areas significantly increased, in areas with high grazing and different time periods of fire, and in areas with 1-3 and 3-5 years fire, Species Richness was increased and decreased respectively. Also with different time periods of fire, beta diversity was decreased. Despite the restoration of some shrub species with the passage of time at burned areas, Compared to control, the grazing intensities was significantly decreased and the highest percentage of perennial grasses coverage was observed in fire areas in places with moderate grazing intensity. After the fire, appropriate management methods in Semi-Steppe Rangelands, can increase the Forage quality and also cause an increase in species richness.
Reza Siahmansour; Mohammad Fayaz; Saeedeh Nateghi; Rostam Khalifehzadeh; Ali Mohammadian
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 887-903
Knowledge of preference value of plant species is one of the essential requirements for determining forage available and consequently, calculation of grazing capacity for rangeland habitats. This project was investigated in 36 species including of 21 perennials and 15 annuals species. For this purpose, ...
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Knowledge of preference value of plant species is one of the essential requirements for determining forage available and consequently, calculation of grazing capacity for rangeland habitats. This project was investigated in 36 species including of 21 perennials and 15 annuals species. For this purpose, during four-years period (2007-2010) in each month of the growing season (spring and summer) film was taken from a non-pregnant and non -lactating unit adult ewes (Lori)for at least 1800 seconds with an average weight of 50 kg inside the flock which were grazing in rangeland. Results indicated that annual grasses such as Boissiera squarrosa, Bromus danthonia, Bromus tectorum, Heteranthelium piliferum had the highest grazing time with a total duration of 3083 seconds compared to other species. Subsequent species including of Agropyron trichophorum with 2594 seconds, Bromus tomentellus with 1232 seconds, Onobrychis melanotricha with 681 seconds, broadleaf herbaceous annual such as Helianthemum ledifolhum, Viciea peregerina, Diplotaxis erucoides, talaspi perfoliatum, Minuartia obtusiloba with 670 second and Hordeum bulbosum with 565 second were ranked in the next. Finally, it was found that annual grasses and shrubs in May, perennial grasses in June, and broadleaf herbaceous annual in July have quite palatable and located in Class I. Also, total grasses and perennial forbs in July, annual forbs and shrubs in May and June have fairly palatable respectively which have located in class (II) and vegetative forms have palatable class III in other months.