hosein arzani; Ramezan Zakeri; Javad Motamedi; zahra Arzani; majid Akhshi
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 426-435
Hasan Barati; ali Tavili; hosein Arzani; farhang Ghasriani
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 436-446
Anvar Sanaie; Hossein Arzani; Ali Tavili; Mehdi Farahpour
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 275-288
This study aimed to evaluate the range suitability for sheep grazing according to the Manual of Suitability for Sheep Grazing instructions in the rangelands of central Taleghan and comparison with the FAO guidelines (1991). Accordingly, the final model of range suitability was determined from combining ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the range suitability for sheep grazing according to the Manual of Suitability for Sheep Grazing instructions in the rangelands of central Taleghan and comparison with the FAO guidelines (1991). Accordingly, the final model of range suitability was determined from combining three criteria of vegetation, water resources and soil erosion. Sampling was conducted in the key area of vegetation types through random-systematic method with four transects of 200 meters and 40 plots of one square meter and in each plot, the list of species, canopy cover percentage, and species composition as well as production were harvested and calculated. For this purpose, the results of the proposed instructions were compared with the results of the FAO model (1991) by non-parametric Wilcoxon test. Our results clearly showed that the lack of available forage, low allowable use, erosion and the formation sensitive to erosion (Marl), poor condition and negative trend in some vegetation types as well as steep and mountainous regions were among the factors, limiting range suitability for sheep grazing. The final results of sheep grazing model showed that no vegetation type was placed in S1 and N classes, and most of the vegetation types of the study area was in S2 range suitability class, so that from 25576.9 ha of the rangelands studied, 87.25% was in S2 class and 12.75% was in S3class. According to the results of comparison of the two methods for determining range suitability, no significant differences were found (P <0.01).
Hosein Arzani; Esmaiel Sabri; Javad Moetamedi; Seyed Akbar Javadi
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 158-167
Several sheep breeds with different sizes use the rangelands in different climatic regions of West Azerbaijan province. Since these rangelands differ regarding the vegetation and physical characteristics and these differences cause the amount of animals’ mobility to vary, the amount of required ...
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Several sheep breeds with different sizes use the rangelands in different climatic regions of West Azerbaijan province. Since these rangelands differ regarding the vegetation and physical characteristics and these differences cause the amount of animals’ mobility to vary, the amount of required forage for providing their daily metabolic energy at different grazing times would not be the same. Therefore, to organize the animal feeding on the rangeland, mapping the daily requirement of animals grazing on the rangelands of area was necessary. In this regard, at first, the average amount of metabolic energy per unit weight of rangelands grazed by animals at different growth stages in the summer and winter rangelands were identified and then, considering the daily metabolic energy requirement of each sheep breed in maintenance state, the amount of daily required forage was determined, and on the basis of mentioned results, the map of daily animal requirement at different growth stages was provided. According to the obtained results, it was found that the amount of forage providing the daily requirement of sheep breeds in different climatic pastures of the province varied between 1.04 and 2.31kg per day, so that the least amount was related to the forage providing daily requirement of Makui breed (with an average weight of 45.36 kg) at the initial growth stages of summer rangelands in the northern areas of the province, and the highest amount belonged to the forage providing daily requirement of Ghezel breed (with an average weight of 71.57 kg) and the Herki breed (with an average weight of 53.50kg) at the final growth stages (seeding stage) of winter rangelands in the southern areas of the province
Hosein Arzani; Javad Moetamedi; Seyed Ali Hoseini
Volume 21, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 651-662
Knowledge of forage quality is of paramount importance for livestock and rangeland management. For this purpose, the forage quality of range species was investigated in summer rangelands of Saraliabad, Golestan province to meet daily animal unit requirement. In the present study, 12 rangeland species ...
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Knowledge of forage quality is of paramount importance for livestock and rangeland management. For this purpose, the forage quality of range species was investigated in summer rangelands of Saraliabad, Golestan province to meet daily animal unit requirement. In the present study, 12 rangeland species including Achillea millifolium, Agropyron trichophorum, Centurea zuvandica, Crepis khorassanica, Koeleria cristata, Medicago sativa, Poa angustifolia, Taraxacum brevidens, Thymus transcaspicus, Tragopogon graminifolius, Trifolium repens and Artemisia aucheri were sampled at three different phenological stages (vegetative, flowering and seeding) in 2009. In each stage, three samples and for each sample three individuals were cut. Then, forage quality indices were calculated. Results showed that the crude protein values at all growth stages were higher than the critical level (7.0%) to meet daily animal unit requirement. In addition, dry matter digestibility values in vegetative and flowering stages were higher than the critical level (50%) to meet daily animal unit requirement, contrary to the seeding stage. Metabolisable energy values in vegetative stage were higher and in flowering and seeding stages were lower than the critical level (8Mj) to meet daily animal unit requirement. Our results clearly showed that the forage quality of range species varied at different growth stages, indicating that daily animal unit requirement need be determined based on forage quality. The results of this study could be used in determining the daily animal unit requirement in different years since measuring forage quality is costly.
Maryam Haji Mohammad Ebrahim Zanjani; Hosein Arzani; Nematalah Khorasani; Navid Ziaee
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 191-202
Distinguishing of protected areas is one of the range management methods for improvement, sustainable development and richness of plant composition. This research was carried out to study the effects of conservation on some vegetative factors in some parts of Varjin located in Tehran province and protected ...
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Distinguishing of protected areas is one of the range management methods for improvement, sustainable development and richness of plant composition. This research was carried out to study the effects of conservation on some vegetative factors in some parts of Varjin located in Tehran province and protected since 1982. For this purpose, two vegetation types were selected in protected area as well as unprotected area. Four transects of 300 m length were then established in key areas of each vegetation type and 10 plots of 1m2 were sampled along each transect with 30-m intervals. In each plot, list of species was recorded and vegetative factors including density, composition and yield (cut and weighting method) were measured. All samples were weighted in wet and dry condition. Normality of data was tested and then measured parameters were compared by t test. Results showed that mean difference for all measured parameters in vegetation type of (Me Pe – As br) except vegetation composition of class III species and density of class II and III species were significant. Also in vegetation type of (Fe ov – As br), all parameters were significant except density of class I and class III species.
Hassan Ghelichnia; Hosein Arzani; Mohammad Akbarzadeh; Mahdi Farahpour; Mojgan sadat Azimi
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 203-220
Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting ...
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Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting statistical data. Vegetative factors (vegetation cover and yield) were measured in 10 sites along six transects of 200 meter length in sixty plots of one square meter. According to the results, maximum average percentage of vegetation cover (50.22) and maximum yield (417.87) were recorded for 2003. Minimum average percentage of vegetation cover (47.38) was obtained in 2001 and average yields of 391.46 and 391.63 were obtained in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Consequently, a relationship was found between vegetation cover percentage and yield with precipitation. Most of the sites in which average rainfall especially in late winter and spring of 2003 was more than that of the other years, higher average of canopy cover percentage and yield were recorded in the mentioned year. Also, livestock grazing management was effective on amount of yield and vegetation cover. The sites located in highlands showed a better condition due to the cool Mediterranean climate and higher precipitation and proper grazing management in rangelands. The condition of class I and class II species of these sites was better than that of downstream rangelands. In the sites located in lower regions with a cold semi-arid climate especially in sagebrush lands, range condition was lower than that of the highlands due to semi-arid climatic conditions and the use of rangeland in Spring and Autumn. Class III species were dominant in these sites. Precipitation affected all vegetative forms and for perennial grasses vegetation cover percentage and yield were affected. Since cushion plants were not considered in yield calculation, the increment of vegetation cover percentage had no effect on yield. Annual plants also affected the yield due to increased spring rainfall in some sites.
Ali Ehsani; Hosein Arzani; Mahdi Farahpur; Hassan Ahmadi; Mohammad Jafari; Mortezah Akbarzadeh
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 1-16
In this study, potential and actual evapotranspiration were estimated by Penman- Matis using climatic data of Saveh Station, and plant and soil characteristics were estimated by Cropwat 8.0 software. Our results showed that potential evapotranspiration in growing season was 6.16 times greater than the ...
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In this study, potential and actual evapotranspiration were estimated by Penman- Matis using climatic data of Saveh Station, and plant and soil characteristics were estimated by Cropwat 8.0 software. Our results showed that potential evapotranspiration in growing season was 6.16 times greater than the average of actual evapotranspiration. Actual evapotranspiration was 1.18 times greater than the average precipitation of growing season. It means that plant species have used the stored moisture for actual evapotranspiration. According to the estimation of actual evapotranspiration in a ten-year period, a model was provided for forage production as Ya= 74.30+ 2.698 (ETact). Accordingly, average forage production of the studied site was estimated as 257 kg/hec. It could be said that actual evapotranspiration as an index for climate yield is one of the fundamental factors in improving water use efficiency. Application of the mentioned climate index in different estimation models of long term forage production could be considered in order to determine the rangeland grazing capacity and developing rangeland insurance as a replacement for the usual methods of production.
Jallal Abdolahi; Hossean Arzani; Mohammad hosein Savaghebi; Mojgan Azimi; Hosein Naderi
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 45-59
Our country’s rangelands are mainly located in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the low amount of precipitation and high rate of evapotranspiration, water stress is considered as the most crucial environmental stress for vegetation in this region. This study was conducted at Khud-e-sofla ...
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Our country’s rangelands are mainly located in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the low amount of precipitation and high rate of evapotranspiration, water stress is considered as the most crucial environmental stress for vegetation in this region. This study was conducted at Khud-e-sofla rangelands for nine years (1378- 1386) to investigate the effect of precipitation fluctuation on canopy cover and production of important plant species. For this purpose, four dominant species were selected and their canopy cover and production were monitored every year in permanent and random plots, respectively. Precipitation data were collected from the nearest synoptic station. According to the data of precipitation, cumulative rain amount was calculated at various periods. The relationship between variables of plant parameters and cumulative rain amount was analyzed by step wise regression method in SPSS 13. The results showed that plant species often reacted to the precipitation fluctuations. However, various species reacted differently to the precipitation fluctuation in terms of cover and production. The total vegetation cover as well as canopy cover of Artemisia aucheri hada negative and significant correlation with winter precipitation.Whereas, precipitation of January to April and the past year precipitation exhibited a high correlation with canopy cover of Iris songarica and Stipa barbata. The forage production was also influenced by seasonal precipitation. According to the results, total yeild and the yield of Artemisia aucheri, Lactuca orientalis, Stipa barbata could be estimated by precipitation data While, estimation of forage production through the precipitation data was not enough accurate for Iris songarica.
Fazel Amiri; Hosein Arzani
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 159-177
Rangeland evaluation is defined as identification and assessmnet of actual and potential production in order tohave a sustainable utilization ofthisvaluable resource. One of the important indirect applications in multiple use of rangelands is Apiculture. In this study, site priority for apiculture was ...
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Rangeland evaluation is defined as identification and assessmnet of actual and potential production in order tohave a sustainable utilization ofthisvaluable resource. One of the important indirect applications in multiple use of rangelands is Apiculture. In this study, site priority for apiculture was investigated in rangelands of Ghareh Aghach at Semirom in order to have a sustainable utilization of these rangelands. Suitability model for apiculture was formed from integration of three criterias of vegetation cover, environmental factors and water resources availability using FAO method (1991) and Geographic Information System. Afterward, priority of the vegetation types for apiculture was determined through AHP method. Samples were randomly collected along threetransects of two hundred meters longin each vegetation type. Presence and absence, cover percentage, diversity and vegetation composition of pollen and nectar plants were measured using 1m2 quadrates. To determine the priority of the factors, question sheets were used. The results of priority indicated that apiculture suitability of the vegetation types was different. According to the results, index weight of vegetation cover factor (0.687) was more than that of environmental factors(0.244) and water resource availability (0.069). As.ad-Ag.tr-Da.mu and Co.ba-As.sp vegetation types with a weight of 0.092 showed the highest priority in terms of apiculturalwhileAg.tr with a weight of 0.028 had the lowest priority among vegetation types. Generally, the results of apiculture model showed that 29% of land units (vegetation type) was classified as high suitable (S1), 59% with moderate suitability (S2), 6% with low suitability (S3) and 6% non suitable for apiculture. Considering the suitability and priority areas for apiculture is very important in improvement of range condition.
Asghar Kohandel; Hossein Arzani; Morteza Hosseini Tavassol
Volume 17, Issue 4 , November 2011, , Pages 518-526
Different grazing intensities change the chemical and physical properties of soil and plant composition of rangelands. Accordingly, effect of livestock grazing intensities on soil and vegetation characteristics were investigated in the southeastern of Hashtgerd using Principal Component Analysis. Principal ...
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Different grazing intensities change the chemical and physical properties of soil and plant composition of rangelands. Accordingly, effect of livestock grazing intensities on soil and vegetation characteristics were investigated in the southeastern of Hashtgerd using Principal Component Analysis. Principal Component Analysis is a statistical method for defining new variables based on a linear combination of original variables. Three 5-ha areas were selected in the study area under treatments of no, moderate, high and continuous grazing intensities. Afterward, vegetation and important physical and chemical soil characteristics including moisture, specific gravity, soil porosity, infiltration, mechanical resistance, nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, pH, EC, soil texture and organic matter were measured in three grazing treatments for two years (2004 and 2005). According to the results, increase of grazing intensity increased forbs while grasses and shrubs decreased. Among soil properities, soil porosity and Mechanical resistance decreasid and pH, EC and K had the highest relationship with grazing intensity.
Esmaeil Alizadeh; Hossein Arzani; Hossein Azarnivand; Abdol reza Mohajeri; Seyed Hassan Kaboli
Volume 18, Issue 3 , September 2011, , Pages 353-371
Range suitability determination is considered as a step toward development and sustainable utilization of natural resources with a great significance in the world of today. Since the goats are the majority of the livestock populations using the country's rangelands after the sheep, grazing traits, adaptation ...
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Range suitability determination is considered as a step toward development and sustainable utilization of natural resources with a great significance in the world of today. Since the goats are the majority of the livestock populations using the country's rangelands after the sheep, grazing traits, adaptation and capabilities of goats were aplied in range suitability classification in the present study. The research was carried out in Ghareaghach river watershed located north-east of Semirom in Isfahan province.The framework of this research was based on F.A.O method (1991) for land evaluation. Physical factors, vegetation characteristics and water resources were considered to create three sub models including yield, water resources and soil erodibility. The final model of the range suitability in terms of range production showed that the studied rangelands were classified in three classes as moderate suitability (S2) for 2%, low suitability (S3) for 62.2% and not suitable (N) for 23.6% of the rangeland's area and 14.3% of the remaining lands was classified as non-rangelands. Among all studied land components, vegetation and forage production were identified as the first priorities to decrease land suitability for goats. Factors of distance from water sources and high slope (more than 75%) constituted the second priority for grazing suitability.
Mohammad Zadbar; Hossein Arzani; Mojgan Azemi; Vali ... Mozafarian; ghanbar ali Shad; Faredeh Saghafi khadem; Hossein Tavakoli; Hassan Amir abadi zadeh; Somayeh Naaseri
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 231-243
Rangelands play a key role in country's economy not only for livestock grazing but also for soil and water conservation and other services.This research was based upon a national plan of rangeland monitoring performed in different climatic regions of Iran. Three sites including Asalmeh Bajgiran, Tavakal ...
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Rangelands play a key role in country's economy not only for livestock grazing but also for soil and water conservation and other services.This research was based upon a national plan of rangeland monitoring performed in different climatic regions of Iran. Three sites including Asalmeh Bajgiran, Tavakal bagh Quchan and Shah jahan Esfarayen were selected based on the vegetation cover which represents a part of vegetation of mountainous rangelands in north Khorasan.The experiment was carried out on six linear transects, each transect included ten quadrates of 1.1 m2 and canopy cover, density and plant production were monitored during the period of four years (2004 to 2007).Average of the canopy cover in the mentioned sites were 69.94% ,41.38% and 48.44% respectively, containing perennial grasses, shrubs, grass-like species, and annual or perennial forbs. Average of the annual production was obtained as 654, 356 and 506 (kg/ha/year) respectively.In Asameh rangeland, there is no spring for drinking water and that is why livestock grazing is light with a good condition of vegetation. In Tavakal Bagh, grazing time is longer due to the vicinity to the village. In Tavakal Bagh and Shah Jehan Esfarayen early and heavy grazing are observed. Therefore, with regard to the same precipitation, it could be concluded that grazing is the effective factor in reduction of the range lands production.
hosein Arzani; somayeh Dehdari; Gardoon King
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 1-16
Importance of production information in range management has caused researchers be seeking to find suitable methods for yield estimation. As clipping and weighing method has been recognized as a time consuming, high cost and destructive method, researches have been conducted on indirect methods. Estimating ...
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Importance of production information in range management has caused researchers be seeking to find suitable methods for yield estimation. As clipping and weighing method has been recognized as a time consuming, high cost and destructive method, researches have been conducted on indirect methods. Estimating yield from cover data can be considered as an important method. In the present study, relationship between cover and yield was determined at first. Then investigation was done to find how cover data can be used to estimate production using a double sampling procedure or pooled equation. Research was carried out in two rangelands of Manuka (a semi-arid rangeland) and Conservation (as an arid area). Double sampling was formed by clipping and weighing method as direct sampling and foliage or canopy cover measurement as indirect sampling for each group of species. The number of paired of direct and indirect sampling based on time consumption and accuracy were 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40. SPSS was used for data analysis. Data were collected during 2 or 3 years in different seasonal conditions of fair, poor and good. The results showed the possibility of estimating range production from cover measurement using equation based 8 to 12 paired direct and indirect sampling. Correlation between cover and yield was higher for all collected data in both rangelands of Manuka and Conservation. According to the results, cover data can be used in both models of double sampling or pooled equation for accurate yield estimation.
Masoud Borhani; Hossein Arzani; Zahra Jaberolansar; Mojgan Azimi; Mahdi Farahpor
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 1-20
Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected ...
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Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected community, an area was chosen as key area, and a total of eight sites were selected in the key areas. Soil erosion, canopy cover, plant composition, and plant vigor were monitored for each site. The results revealed a significant difference between the sites in terms of the above mentioned parameters, as well as their rainfall (p<0.01). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between annual precipitation and range condition score. The correlation showed different patterns within years in each site, where the difference between years was significant in terms of plant vigor and canopy cover, but non-significant in terms of soil erosion and plant composition. There was also a positive correlation between the trend of individual parameters and the overall condition score. Cluster analysis grouped Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites in one branch, Mooteh, Shoorabad, and Golpayegan in another, and finally Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza in a third branch. The lowest rank for canopy cover, canopy production and soil erosion belonged to Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza sites. Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites were in better condition than the previous group, yet in poor conditions, and the rest of the sites showed the best conditions among study sites. Generally speaking, Isfahan's stepic rangelands are ranked as poor to very poor, while their condition showed a constant trend.
Hossein Arzani; Javad Torkan; Ali Nikkhah; Hossein Azarnivand; Mahdi Ghorbani
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 191-204
Concepts of animal equivalent has been developed to express different kind and classes of grazing animal in common form. This concept is not fixed and usually determine on the basis of live weight and metabolic weight. More than 27 sheep breeds with different body size have been adapted and grazing on ...
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Concepts of animal equivalent has been developed to express different kind and classes of grazing animal in common form. This concept is not fixed and usually determine on the basis of live weight and metabolic weight. More than 27 sheep breeds with different body size have been adapted and grazing on rangelands in different climatic zones of Iran. So it is not correct to use the same animal unit weight for all. Therefore it is necessary to determine animal unit for each breed. In this study, two herds of West Azarbayjan Makoii breed were selected, 3 and 4 years old ewes, 3 and 4 years old rams and 3 and 6 months lambs were weighted in two stages in each herd. For determination of dry matter requirement forage quality was taken into consideration. Daily requirement of animal for maintenance condition was calculated using NRC (1985) tables and MAFF (1984) equation. On the basis of results; animal unit was obtained 45.36 ± 2.75 kg which is near to animal unit weight calculated for whole country based on weight of all breeds. Daily requirement of animal was obtained 9.50 Mj metabolisable energy equal to 1.77 kg dry matter of available forage
Zainab Jafarian jelodar; Hosein Arzani
Volume 16, Issue 3 , December 2009, , Pages 317-328
Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds ...
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Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds of Armoot, Kash, Zidasht and kalanak in Taleghan region with 16320 hectares area were studied. Thirteen vegetation types were recognized in the study area. One key area was selected in each vegetation types (in some of the vegetation types because of vast area and non –homogeneity vegetation, two key areas were selected). Two 100 meter transects were located in each key area, along each transect, 10, one meter square quadrates were located. List of species and number of species were recorded for each quadrates. Then diversity indices, species richness and evenness indices were calculated. Simpson diversity index and Shanon– Wiener diversity index were obtained 0.114 and 2.81 respectively which indicate relatively high species diversity in the study area. Species evenness based on studied indices was estimated. Richness of species was 116 with 18 families and 63 genus in rangelands of the study area.