Jalil Farzadmehr; Hamed Sangooni; Hamid Rouhani
Volume 26, Issue 1 , June 2019, , Pages 18-28
In order to investigate the relationship between the distribution of plant communities and environmental factors in Bidokht area, a physiognomic-floristic approach was used. The appropriate area of sampling plot and sample size were determined by the minimal area method and statistical ...
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In order to investigate the relationship between the distribution of plant communities and environmental factors in Bidokht area, a physiognomic-floristic approach was used. The appropriate area of sampling plot and sample size were determined by the minimal area method and statistical approach, respectively. In each plot, the number of plant species and their canopy cover were determined and vegetation mapping was conducted. In each of the plant communities, six soil profiles were drilled and soil samples (composite) were taken from 0 to 100 cm depth. After transferring to the laboratory, parameters of soil texture, lime, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, sulfate, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen were measured. Information layers were also provided for altitude, slope and aspect of the study area. In order to determine the factors influencing vegetation distribution, PCA-ORD software was used to analyze the principal components (PCA). The results showed that there was a relationship between the factors studied and distribution of vegetation (four rangeland types). The results of principal component analysis showed that the most important environmental characteristics affecting distribution of plant communities in the region were clay, sand, organic matter, electrical conductivity, and potassium (PCA first axis).
shahla Ghaderi; Alireza Amirian Chekan; Amaneh Karim Zadeh; Masoume Difrakhsh; Javad Pourrezaie
Volume 24, Issue 3 , October 2017, , Pages 478-493
Amir Hosein Parsamehr; Mohammadreza Vahabi; zahra Khorovani
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 194-203
Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters ...
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Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters of Ardestan rangelands, Isfahan Province. Primarily, the vegetation types were distinguished in the field using physiognomic method. Plot size was determined applying minimal area method. The number of plots was determined using statistical method. Systematic randomized sampling was used and performed along three transects of 100 m length. Ten plots of 6m2 were established along each transect at 10-meter intervals. Three soil profiles were dug in each area and soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-150 cm to study 21 soil factors. The results of factor analysis showed that among variables studied, 17 variables were the most effective factors on vegetation types of the study area. To determine the effect of environmental factors on the establishment of vegetation, canonical correspondence analysis was used applying CANOCO software. Ordination results showed that environmental factors such as soil texture, lime, potassium and electrical conductivity had the most important role in the establishment and expansion of plant communities in the study area.
Azadeh Asrari; Gholam reza Bakhshikhaniki; Abalfazl Rahmatizadeh
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 264-282
In this research relationship between vegetation and salt soil in Qom province was studied. The study area situated in central Iranian which is about 14631 km2 with Salt Lake. In this study, first considered region condition including the geographical position, geological history, pedology and ...
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In this research relationship between vegetation and salt soil in Qom province was studied. The study area situated in central Iranian which is about 14631 km2 with Salt Lake. In this study, first considered region condition including the geographical position, geological history, pedology and climate. The aim of this study was assessment of plant communities of area and their relationship with soil. Primarily the vegetation types were distinguished at the field with physiognomic-floristic-ecologic method. The species data were gathered with stratifield random sampling method using the 10m by 10m quadrats recording the species covers, litter, bare soil, stone and gravel cover in the quadrat. In this study were considered 11 soil factors in 48 types of rangeland. Using cluster analysis was separated 13 plant communities in the region. To determine the effect of environmental factors on the establishment of vegetation was used CCA ordination method using software CANOCO. Ordination results showed that environmental factors such as electrical conductivity (EC), lime, sodium (Na), potassium (K) and calcium(Ca), are studied the most important role in the establishment and expansion of areas plant communities. Also plants of Chenopodiceae family compared with plants of Poaceae family have efficient mechanisms of salt tolerance. In salt lands gradual change of soil moisture, zoning of different species and vegetation types to come in parallel strips. Thus topography of the ground, although small, are the main factors of soil chemical and physical changes, and naturally caused the formation of specific habitat for various plant species.
Asghar Farajollahi; Mohammad ali Zare Chahouki; Hosein Azarnivand; Reza Yari; BahraM Gholinejad
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 108-119
In this study, the relationship between environmental factors and distribution of plant communities in rangelands of Bijar protected region was investigated. Vegetation types were determined by using physiononmy method. Plot size was determined with minimal area method and after primary sampling the ...
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In this study, the relationship between environmental factors and distribution of plant communities in rangelands of Bijar protected region was investigated. Vegetation types were determined by using physiononmy method. Plot size was determined with minimal area method and after primary sampling the number of plots was determined by statistical method. In each vegetation type, sampling was done along four transects of 300 m length. 15 plots of 1m2 were established along each transect at 20 meter intervals. The type and the amount of existing species and the percentage of vegetation cover were determined in each plot. In each community, 6 profiles were dug within sampling unit. Soil samples were taken from 0-20 and 20-100 cm according to the boundary of separated horizons and type of existing plant species in study area. physiographic features including altitude, slope and aspect were measured and among soil properties, clay, silt, sand, lime, pH, EC, organic mater and gravel were measured. After collecting data, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to determine relationship between vegetation cover and environmental factors by PC-ORD software. The results indicated that there were relationships between measured factors and distribution of vegetation. Texture, gravel, lime, altitude and slope had the most influence on distribution of plant communities.