Amir Hosein Parsamehr; Mohammadreza Vahabi; zahra Khorovani
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 194-203
Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters ...
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Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters of Ardestan rangelands, Isfahan Province. Primarily, the vegetation types were distinguished in the field using physiognomic method. Plot size was determined applying minimal area method. The number of plots was determined using statistical method. Systematic randomized sampling was used and performed along three transects of 100 m length. Ten plots of 6m2 were established along each transect at 10-meter intervals. Three soil profiles were dug in each area and soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-150 cm to study 21 soil factors. The results of factor analysis showed that among variables studied, 17 variables were the most effective factors on vegetation types of the study area. To determine the effect of environmental factors on the establishment of vegetation, canonical correspondence analysis was used applying CANOCO software. Ordination results showed that environmental factors such as soil texture, lime, potassium and electrical conductivity had the most important role in the establishment and expansion of plant communities in the study area.
Gholam reza Zehtabian; Jamal Bakhshi; Mehrnush Ghadimi; Nader Biroudian
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 436-446
As the recognition impact of a plant specie plantation in a specific area can determine the effects of that plant in other parts and areas of the country, the effects of Haloxylon plantation on the stand understory in desert lands of Ardestan were studied. Three areas of Haloxylon plantation and a reference ...
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As the recognition impact of a plant specie plantation in a specific area can determine the effects of that plant in other parts and areas of the country, the effects of Haloxylon plantation on the stand understory in desert lands of Ardestan were studied. Three areas of Haloxylon plantation and a reference site which were approximately similar in terms of altitude (height), slope, soil, and geomorphology have been selected. The necessary number of plots in each area was chosen on statistical base. In this study the plant density and crown closure of the understory species in the Haloxylon stand and also, the reference area were measured. Then, by using Dankan Test and Analysis of Variance through SPSS package the achieved data of the sampling were analyzed. The study conducted that there was a significant difference between the understory coverage of plantation areas and the reference site. It is concluded that the Haloxylon plantation caused a great deal of increasing in understory species number and composition.