Javad Motamedi; Esmaeil Sheidai-Karkaj; Yaser Ghasemi Aryan
Volume 30, Issue 1 , April 2023, , Pages 1-23
The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating ...
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The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating layers of elevation, slope, geographical orientation and plant types. Considering the ecological and environmental characteristics of each homogeneous ecological unit and considering the criteria and index for evaluating rangeland utilization, we evaluated the power and suitability of using rangelands. According to the range condition and trend of the rangeland, the rangeland method and grazing systems were presented for each of the classes. Based on the results of 23 homogeneous ecological units, it was identified that many of them belong to rangeland lands with grades 1 to 3. Accordingly, equilibrium range management was considered in 26.9% (244.4 ha) of rangelands with good condition and class 1 power. In 37.4% (346.4 hectares) with moderate condition and class 2 power, natural range management was recommended. Artificial range management or range improvement were recommended for 35.7% (329.9 ha) of poor and class 3 land. In order to prevent erosion and increase forage production, artificial range management was recommended for abandoned fields. The results indicate that application of spatial-ecological model and consequently identification of ecological homogeneous zones as management and planning units at macro level as a cost-effective method, in addition to assessing rangelands power, can enable rangeland management in proposing the rangeland method and grazing systems and assist in localization of range improvement operations.
Bakhtiar Fatahi; Soheila Aghabeigiamin; Alireza Ildoromi; Maedeh ghorbanpour Dalivand
Volume 26, Issue 2 , July 2019, , Pages 302-312
Land use change, land abandonment, overgrazing, expansion and spread of exotic species are of the most important challenges in the rangelands of the country. For this reason, in this research, it has been attempted to address the challenges by presenting a single improvement solution. Therefore, the ...
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Land use change, land abandonment, overgrazing, expansion and spread of exotic species are of the most important challenges in the rangelands of the country. For this reason, in this research, it has been attempted to address the challenges by presenting a single improvement solution. Therefore, the perennial rainfedd alfalfa was used for cultivation in degraded rangelands or abandoned lands for both goals of rangeland reclamation and carbon sequestration. Three rangelands were studied in the protected area of Lashgardar-Malayer reclaimed rangeland via alfalfa, medium grazing, and degraded rangelands. In each of these rangelands, sites were selected for sampling. The size and number of plots were determined by the minimal area and statistical method. In each plot, the aboveground and underground biomass and litter were collected. Soil sampling was performed in the plots and the measurement of carbon sequestration was conducted in the laboratory. Soil samples were collected from two layers of 0-15 and 15-30 cm and their carbon was measured. The three study rangelands were compared using a One-Way ANOVA analysis, and the results showed that the amount of carbon sequestration in the rangeland reclaimed with perennial rainfed alfalfa (36.8 ton / ha) after 4 years was around 1.25 fold higher than the medium grazing rangeland (29.27 ton / ha) and 1.71 fold as compared with the degraded rangeland (21.54 ton / ha). These results indicate that reclamation of degraded rangelands causes to achieve land conservation goals and increase the ability of the ecosystem for carbon sequestration.
Reza bagheri; Sedegheh Mohammadi
Volume 17, Issue 4 , November 2011, , Pages 538-548
Allelopathy is interaction effects of plants on each other through extracted chemical compounds. This phenomenon that has not been considered in range improvement is of important concerns in rehabilitation of rangelands. In this study, we tested allelophatic effects of Artemisia sieberi ongermination ...
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Allelopathy is interaction effects of plants on each other through extracted chemical compounds. This phenomenon that has not been considered in range improvement is of important concerns in rehabilitation of rangelands. In this study, we tested allelophatic effects of Artemisia sieberi ongermination percentage, stem fresh weight and root fresh weight of three species (Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron elongatum and Atriplex canescens) that are widely used in range improvement. Powder of Artemisia sieberi (stem, leaf and root) collected from natural habitats in flowering stage (end of Novambr) was mixed with different concentration levels ( 0%, 0/1 %, 1% and 10 %) in four replicetions and was planted in sand under laboratory condition based on completly rondom design. After putting 25 live seeds of the mentioned species in each pot, three variables as germination percentage, stem fresh weight and root fresh weight were measured and then ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range tests were applied to analyze the data in SPSS software. According to the results decrease rate of germination percentage in comparison to control treatment were as follows :in Agropyron desertorum 60 and 83% from 1 and 10 % leaf concenterations respetively, in Agropyron elongatum 84/2% from 10% leaf concentration and in Atriplex canescens 83/3 and 88/9% from 1 and 10% all tissues concentrations respectively. Also our finding showed that stem weight of Agropyron elongatum was decreased to 48 and 94/5%, respectively in 1 and 10 % of leaf tissue and root weight of Atriplex canescens was decreased to 82/2 and 88/1% in 1 and 10 % of all tissues in comparison to control treatment. According to results of the study under laboratory condition, rehabitating of Artemisia sieberi sites through using the mentioned species probably will not be successful.
Ghasem Asadian; Morteza Akbarzadeh; Mohammad reza Sadeghimanesh
Volume 16, Issue 3 , December 2009, , Pages 343-352
Study of vegetation changes of grazed and ungrazed rangelands is most important in range management programs. Vegetation changes were studied for four years (1996-99) inside and outside of the exclosure in Gian rangelands of Hamadan province. Measurements were made in permanent plots that have been established ...
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Study of vegetation changes of grazed and ungrazed rangelands is most important in range management programs. Vegetation changes were studied for four years (1996-99) inside and outside of the exclosure in Gian rangelands of Hamadan province. Measurements were made in permanent plots that have been established in study areas since 1996. Forage production was measured in randomized plots each year. Data were compared whit T test analysis. Results showed that there were significant differences in total cover of perennials during study period inside exclosure and the cover increased about 80 percent. The cover of all plant forms, such as shrubs, grasses and forbs increased significantly inside the exclosure in this period. The cover of perennials increased about 16 percent outside of exclosure during this period too, but there were significant differences in shrubs and grasses and no difference in forbs. Decreasers and increasers increased and invaders decreased inside, but outside of exclosure there was an opposite trend. Frequency of good quality plants increased inside and decreased outside. Range condition increased from poor to fair inside and decreased to very poor outside of exclosure. A positive and negative trend was observed inside and outside the exclosure area. In second year of study, rainfall was greater and In final year annual precipitation was more than first year but seasonal rainfall that is effective in growth, was less than the first year. Relationship between species canopy cover and annual and seasonal rainfall evaluated, however the correlation coefficient between rainfall and some species was significant. Overall, in comparison inside and outside, exclosure improved vegetation condition, forage production and range condition, under this climatic condition. Because of good precipitation condition of these years, it is necessary to continue the study to cover a series of drier years.
Mirtaher Ghaiemi; Abassali Sandgol
Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2008, , Pages 13-25
The major objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the 5-year exclosure at Goladam station of Salmas rangelands.Vegetation type and dominant species of this area was Bromus tomentellus and Festuca ovina. Changes in total forage production, plus canopy cover percentage, range condition ...
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The major objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the 5-year exclosure at Goladam station of Salmas rangelands.Vegetation type and dominant species of this area was Bromus tomentellus and Festuca ovina. Changes in total forage production, plus canopy cover percentage, range condition and trend of this rangeland were measured, evaluated and then analysed statistically. Results of this study indicated that range condition and trend of this rangeland improved considerably. Total plant cover and forage production of the protected area increased.Vegetation cover and density of the plant species class I and IIincreased whilespeciesclass IIIdecreasedconsiderably throughout the study period. It seems that the 5-year exclosure is an appropriate exclusionperiod for this area. Further investigations are recommended for find decisions.