Fateme Aliloo; Farshad Keyvan behjou; javad moetamedi
Volume 22, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 625-638
The current study was aimed to investigate the relationship between the production of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron trichophorum and their morphological features and providing regression models. For this purpose, three rangeland sites were selected in Dizaj Batchi and Ghotor Ranglands of Khoy. Stratified ...
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The current study was aimed to investigate the relationship between the production of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron trichophorum and their morphological features and providing regression models. For this purpose, three rangeland sites were selected in Dizaj Batchi and Ghotor Ranglands of Khoy. Stratified random sampling was used within one square meter plots at 10-m intervals and along 100-m transects. Various regression models including one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and multiple regression models were applied. Among the significant models, the best model was selected at the species level based on model evaluation criteria. The results showed that each of the features investigated had a significant relationship with production. One-dimensional models demonstrated better results and crown diameter (D1) in both species, and all three range sites was chosen as the most efficient morphological feature in order to estimate production. According to the obtained results, suitable models were recommended for the study rangelands and study species.
Asghar Ghasemi Phirouzabadi; Mohammad Jafari; Hossein Heidari sharifabad; Hossein Azarnivand; Hamid reza Abbasi
Volume 16, Issue 1 , December 2009, , Pages 1-10
Determination of plant resistance to drought and salinity is very important for selecting the favorable plant species in rangelands. The aim of this study was to compare the salinity and drought tolerance of the two rangeland species namely puccinelia distance and Aeluropus Littoralis. In this study ...
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Determination of plant resistance to drought and salinity is very important for selecting the favorable plant species in rangelands. The aim of this study was to compare the salinity and drought tolerance of the two rangeland species namely puccinelia distance and Aeluropus Littoralis. In this study biomass production of these two species was also compared. The Experimental design of split-split plot in randomized block was excuted for the study. The main plots were allocated to the treatments of 7 and 14 days irrigation periods. The subplot were 4 level of salinity including 100, 150, 200 mmolar Cl.Na and normal irrigation water as control respectively. The morphological criterias such as water potential, wilting percentage of the plants and also dry biomass were evaluated in this study. In the context of plant anatomy, The density of stomata per unit area of leaves, vesicular structure, mesophyt tissues and epidermis were also investigated. The results showed that wilting percentage increased with increasing salinity and water deficit(drought). With increasing the time of drought and salinity stress, the weight of dry stem and total dry mass were decreased. The wilting percentage and reduction of total dry biomass in Aeluropus Littoralis was more than puccinelia distance. It was concluded that puccinelia distance is more resistante compare to Aeluropus Littoralis while Aeluropus Littoralis is more tolerate to salinity stress.
Mohammad hadi Rad; Mohammad ali Meshkat; Mahdi Soltani
Volume 16, Issue 1 , December 2009, , Pages 34-43
The effects of drought stress on some saxual‘s (Haloxylon aphyllum) morphological characteristics was studied by weight and drainage lysimeters from 1380 to 1384 in yazd Shahid-Sadughy desertification research station. The moisture treatments included pot capacity (control), one-third pot capacity ...
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The effects of drought stress on some saxual‘s (Haloxylon aphyllum) morphological characteristics was studied by weight and drainage lysimeters from 1380 to 1384 in yazd Shahid-Sadughy desertification research station. The moisture treatments included pot capacity (control), one-third pot capacity and drought that carried out in randomize complete block design (RCBD) with three replicate. After the control of soil moisture, the moisture treatments were irrigated, on the other hand after seedling establishment in drought treatment irrigation was stopped. The moisture treatments were carried out in two growth season and its effects on morphological characteristic such as height, crown diameter, canopy cover volume, leaf length, number of ties in leaf length unit and canopy cover weight was studied. The results showed that the amount of soil moisture were not significant on height, canopy cover volume and number of ties in leaf length unit, but it had significant effects on crown diameter (p=0.030), leaf length (p=0.010) and canopy cover weight (p=0.004).