Sayed Naeim Emami; Hamzeh-ali Shirmardi
Volume 29, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 579-595
The establishment and growth of vegetation on marly lands is usually difficult because of mineralogical properties of marls especially clay minerals aggregation as impermeable fraction in these rocks and sediments. This research aims to systematically investigate relatively densely grown plant species ...
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The establishment and growth of vegetation on marly lands is usually difficult because of mineralogical properties of marls especially clay minerals aggregation as impermeable fraction in these rocks and sediments. This research aims to systematically investigate relatively densely grown plant species and determine their habitat needs as well as their protective role in the soils resulting from the erosion of the Gurpi marly belonging to the Cretaceous period with a thickness of more than 100 meters in two regions as Vastegan and Dorahan areas in Borujen Township, Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari province. For this purpose, 65 marl soil samples were taken and physical and chemical tests were performed on 31 samples. Botanical surveys performed using repeated field visits and plat made up on the 180 plots and plant samples were identified after moving to plant museum (Herbarium) of agricultural and natural resources research and education center. In general, more than 400 plant species growing in the region and on different formations. A collection of rangeland species Astragalusbrachycalyx-Daphnemucronata- Cirsiumbracteosum with a density of more than 50% can be present in the lands resulting from the erosion of neutral marl lands(PH =7-8) with moderate lime amount and without Na+ and Cl- presence can established and go through its growth stages. In addition, a collection and colony of rangeland species with the combination of Astragalus susianus-Daphne mucronata-Amygdalus elaeagnifolia) can be established in alkaline marl (pH>8) with high amount of lime fraction and cl- and should be presented as a biological solution to control the erosion of the soils affected by the erosion of alkaline marls.
Mahshid Souri; Mohammad Fayaz; Nadia Kamali; Saeedeh Nateghi
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 911-922
The main objective of this research was to evaluate vegetation changes and soil indicators in the Kalat Sadat Sabzevar area under rangeland management practices. Vegetation factors including plant species production, vegetation cover, cover percentage, litter percentage, plant ...
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The main objective of this research was to evaluate vegetation changes and soil indicators in the Kalat Sadat Sabzevar area under rangeland management practices. Vegetation factors including plant species production, vegetation cover, cover percentage, litter percentage, plant species density, and rangeland condition and trend were measured at the exclosure site and adjacent control site. The assessment was conducted using a random-systematic method with a sufficient number of samples and appropriate distribution of samples at the time of rangeland readiness. The rangeland trend was determined on the basis of two methods, and rangeland condition was determined based on the four-factor method. Soil sampling was carried out at a depth of 20 cm. A total of 12 soil samples were taken from the first, second and third transects (exclosure site), as well as fourth, fifth and sixth (control site). Data were analyzed by the independent t-test using SPSS software. According to the obtained results, the highest canopy cover percentage in terms of palatability belonged to class II plants (19.37), and in terms of vegetative form belonged to the perennial plants (16.2). Also, the largest share of production in the exclosure site and grazing site was related to shrubs and perennial grasses, respectively. The results showed that clay, silt, lime, organic carbon, nitrogen and electrical conductivity were significantly different at 5% level between the exclosure and grazing sites, but there was no significant difference between acidity and phosphorous. Therefore, exclosure could be recommended as an improvement practice to be carried out in more areas of the region.
Mina Ghamemi RaeiniNejad; Hosein Sadeghi
Volume 24, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 699-707
The present study was conducted to evaluate the potential of carbon sequestration in plant organs (root, stem and leaf) of Zygophyllum atriplicoides and Gymnocarpus decander and soil at two depths (0-15 and 15-30cm). The experiment was conducted in the Saleh-Abad region, 41km north of Haji-Abad, Bandar-Abbas ...
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The present study was conducted to evaluate the potential of carbon sequestration in plant organs (root, stem and leaf) of Zygophyllum atriplicoides and Gymnocarpus decander and soil at two depths (0-15 and 15-30cm). The experiment was conducted in the Saleh-Abad region, 41km north of Haji-Abad, Bandar-Abbas Hormozgan, Iran, during 2012. Sampling of plant organs was performed by separating the leaf, stem and root. After determining the average dry weight of the study species, the content of organic carbon was calculated for both plant and soil. This study was carried out in two separate factorial experiments arranged using a randomized complete design. The first factor was the type of plant species in both experiments. The second factor was the plant organs in experiment I and different soil depths in experiment II. The results showed that the highest carbon sequestration was obtained at 0-15 cm soil depth. The effects of plant species and plant organs on the content of carbon stored in plant tissues was significant (P ≤0.05) and (P ≤0.01), respectively, while the interaction of those two factors had no significant effect on stored carbon. A significant difference was found between plant organs in terms of stored carbon. In both plants, the highest and lowest content of stored carbon was observed in stem and root, respectively. According to the results, the carbon content stored in Z. atriplicoides (45.09 Kg) was 10.7% more than that of G. decander (40.74 Kg). Overall, the results of this study indicated that the highest carbon sequestration was obtained with Z. atriplicoides in the Saleh-Abad region.
reza Hasanpouri; Ali Tavili; seyed akbar javadi
Volume 23, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 800-809
Identification of effective environmental factors in distribution and establishment of plant species plays an important role in rangeland ecosystems management. The purpose of this study was investigation of reasons for plant species distribution and relationship between index species in Khorramabad ...
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Identification of effective environmental factors in distribution and establishment of plant species plays an important role in rangeland ecosystems management. The purpose of this study was investigation of reasons for plant species distribution and relationship between index species in Khorramabad rangelands and physical and chemical properties of soil. At preliminary inspection, vegetation types were separated and the key area of each type was recognized. Four vegetation types were identified as follows: Agropyron libanoticum-Acantholimon bromifolium ،Hordeum glaucum-Taeniatherum crinitum، Astragalus adscendens-Agropyron trichophorum andAstragalus adscendens-Daphne mucronata. The size and number of sampling plots were calculated to be 4 square meters with minimal area method, and 160 based on the statistical formula, respectively. Sampling method in each vegetation type was randomize-systematic, so that, in each plot, vegetation factors were measured, then at the beginning and end of each transect a profile was dug and some physical and chemical properties of soil were measured. Vegetation ordination was done by CCA method and results showed that organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and pH were the most important factors affecting Daphne mucronata distribution. The distribution of Agropyron libanoticum and Acantholimon bromifolium were affected by potassium, soil texture, and EC. As well, soil texture and lime had a decisive role in distribution of Taeniatherum crinitum, Hordeum glaucum, Astragalus adscendens and Agropyron trichophorum.
Esmaiel Sheydaye Karkaj; Seyedeh Zohreh Mirdeilami; Mousa Akbarlou
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 31-46
In this study, in order to take appropriate measures in accordance with the principles of ecological management, the relationship between distribution of ecological species groups of Chahar Bagh summer rangelands with soil factors and various grazing management practices was investigated. Five dominant ...
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In this study, in order to take appropriate measures in accordance with the principles of ecological management, the relationship between distribution of ecological species groups of Chahar Bagh summer rangelands with soil factors and various grazing management practices was investigated. Five dominant vegetation units including reference area (exclosure), key and critical areas (pen, vicinity of village and watering point) were identified in the region, upon the range management and utilization types. Vegetation parameters including density and canopy cover percentage as well as soil properties of two depths were investigated by a random-systematic method. Clustering analysis and principle component analysis were applied to determine the ecological groups of the region as well as the effects of soil physicochemical properties on the distribution of ecological species groups using PC-ORD5 and Canoco 4.0 software. The results led to the separation of five ecological species groups from each other. In this region, the distribution of ecological species groups was affected by soil physicochemical properties (90.48%), management parameters (0.008%), and the interaction effects of these factors (10%). Among the soil physicochemical properties, clay percentage in the first depth (0.999), P content in the second depth (0.991), bulk density (-0.989), porosity (0.985), saturation percentage in the first depth (0.982), and K content in the second depth (0.996) had the highest impact on the distribution of ecological species groups, respectively.
Amir Hosein Parsamehr; Mohammadreza Vahabi; zahra Khorovani
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 194-203
Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters ...
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Vegetation cover is one of the most important factors for ecosystem sustainability; thus, recognizing and understanding factors affecting the establishment and distribution of vegetation communities are necessary. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil parameters of Ardestan rangelands, Isfahan Province. Primarily, the vegetation types were distinguished in the field using physiognomic method. Plot size was determined applying minimal area method. The number of plots was determined using statistical method. Systematic randomized sampling was used and performed along three transects of 100 m length. Ten plots of 6m2 were established along each transect at 10-meter intervals. Three soil profiles were dug in each area and soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-150 cm to study 21 soil factors. The results of factor analysis showed that among variables studied, 17 variables were the most effective factors on vegetation types of the study area. To determine the effect of environmental factors on the establishment of vegetation, canonical correspondence analysis was used applying CANOCO software. Ordination results showed that environmental factors such as soil texture, lime, potassium and electrical conductivity had the most important role in the establishment and expansion of plant communities in the study area.
Zeinab Jafarian; Mansoureh Kargar; Jamshid Ghorbani
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 234-236
Spatial variability and heterogeneous geographical distribution of soil physical and chemical properties in rangeland ecosystems are affected by physical and biological factors including different managements, soil microclimate and topography, leading to the vegetation changes. Therefore, this research ...
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Spatial variability and heterogeneous geographical distribution of soil physical and chemical properties in rangeland ecosystems are affected by physical and biological factors including different managements, soil microclimate and topography, leading to the vegetation changes. Therefore, this research was aimed to study the spatial variability of production, density and canopy cover of Artemisia aucheri in the line with some soil properties variability in Vavsar rangelands of Kiasar. The sampling method was random-systematic. A total of five transects of 100m length were selected in the study area with a distance of 100m on which 10 plots of 2m2 were established with a distance of 10m. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-15 in each plot. In addition, production, density and canopy cover of Artemisia aucheri were measured in each plot. According to the results of geostatistical analysis in GS+ software, the percentage of clay and the density of Artemisia aucheri, showed the highest variation coefficients with the values of 82% and 53%, respectively. The variograms' amplitude varied from 196.2m for production to 910m for the percentage of moisture, lime, EC, and canopy cover. According to the results of cross validation, the models of lime percentage, density and production of Artemisia aucheri showed spatial correlation, and, consequently, had higher accuracy to be used in Kiriging interpolation.
Mohsen Farahi; Morteza Mofidi Chalan; Firoozeh Moghimi Nejad; Rasoul Khatibi; Esfandiar Jahantab
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 307-316
In order to management of rangeland ecosystems, understanding its components and the effect of their interactions on each other including soil and vegetation is essential. For this purpose, present study was conducted to investigate the effects of Haloxylon spp and Tamarix spp species on soil properties ...
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In order to management of rangeland ecosystems, understanding its components and the effect of their interactions on each other including soil and vegetation is essential. For this purpose, present study was conducted to investigate the effects of Haloxylon spp and Tamarix spp species on soil properties in Niatak region of Sistan. After identifying the cultivation sites of these species, soil sampling was conducted for each species in representative areas at the end of the growing season based on randomized systematic method. Soil sampling was carried out at beginning and the end of each transects from 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil depths. Soil sampling was also conducted in the control site and then soil properties including pH, EC,N, P, OM, HCO3, Na, Mgand K were measured. All data were analyzed by independent t-test. Results showed that soil properties significantly decreased at both depths excluding acidity. Other soil properties under Haloxylon spp and Tamarix spp species significantly increased compared to control sites. Potassium content at both depths under Haloxylon spp significantly decreased compared to control site. According to the obtained results, a significant increase in soil fertility indices was recorded for Haloxylon spp plantation, while soil destructive properties increased significantly in Tamarix spp plantation. Therefore, although soil properties were improved by the cultivation of bothstudied species, Haloxylon spp is recommended for this region considering more positive effects of this species on soil properties as well as some negative effects of Tamarix spp.
Razieh Mohammadi; Kamaladdin Naseri; Gholamali Heshmati
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 119-127
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Haloxylon aphyllum plantation on natural plant communities and soil properties of Abbas-Abad area in Khorasan Razavi Province. For this purpose, Haloxylon plantation and control areas were selected to compare with each other. In each area, fifty- ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Haloxylon aphyllum plantation on natural plant communities and soil properties of Abbas-Abad area in Khorasan Razavi Province. For this purpose, Haloxylon plantation and control areas were selected to compare with each other. In each area, fifty- meter transects were located by random-systematic method. Measurements were done by point sampling method. Eighteen soil samples were collected from Haloxylon plantation and control areas to determine EC and pH values in the laboratory. Data were analyzed by t-test. According to the results, although higher species diversity was significant in Haloxylon plantation area (P<0/05), Haloxylon caused the replacement of non-native communities, so that only 64.28% of species composition in Haloxylon plantation area was similar to the control area. On the other hand, higher soil pH and EC in Haloxylon plantation area was significant (P<0/01) and probably in the long term, Haloxylon causes the salinity and alkalinity of the soil surface.
Adel Jalili; Kian Najafi Tireh Shabankareh
Volume 19, Issue 3 , December 2012, , Pages 406-420
Due to uncontrollable natural regeneration of invasive and non-native species of Prosopis juliflora in the coastal areas in south of the country, effects of the species on soil properties under canopy cover were investigated. This study was conducted in Hormozgan province, in different sites including ...
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Due to uncontrollable natural regeneration of invasive and non-native species of Prosopis juliflora in the coastal areas in south of the country, effects of the species on soil properties under canopy cover were investigated. This study was conducted in Hormozgan province, in different sites including Bandar Abbas, Ghaleghazi, Minab and Sirik. In each region, the species were randomly selected in one hectare of land and then the soil under and outside the canopy cover were sampled from two depths, 0-15 and 15-30 cm. pH, EC, saturation percentage, soluble calcium and magnesium, chlorine, HCO3-, SO42-, potassium, organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus phosphorus were measured in laboratory. Results of this research showed that there were significant differences in some soil properties such as pH, EC, and organic carbon in depth of 0-15 centimeter. It is worth noting that changes in soil properties under canopy cover were not similar in all regions. This may be due to the establishment period of the species in different regions, habitat conditions, the occurrence of rainy and drought periods and the density and diversity of native species. Some soil properties did not differ statistically beneath and outside the canopy of this species but it seems that the trend of these changes has not been stable. It is emphasized that the role of Prosopis juliflora in connection with the change in density and diversity of natural vegetation beneath the canopy cover could not conclusively be attributed only to changes in soil.
Syed Ata Rezaei; Hosein Arzani
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 232-248
In this research, to identify the functioning of the soil-landscape system and its effects on plant growth for native rangeland, we investigated the relationships between soil properties and Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) indices and between plant growth characteristics and LFA indices. The results ...
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In this research, to identify the functioning of the soil-landscape system and its effects on plant growth for native rangeland, we investigated the relationships between soil properties and Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) indices and between plant growth characteristics and LFA indices. The results interpreted based on statistical analysis and expert knowledge. This research was carried out for a semi-arid rangeland in the Lar aquifer in Iran. Land stratification allowed the study area to be subdivided into Land Units, according to specified criteria including landform attributes (slope, aspect, and altitude), and vegetation type. A factorial model on the basis of a completely randomized design was used to analyze the data collected from 236 land units. The landscape function indices including nutrient cycling index, Infiltration index, Stability index, and Landscape organization index were derived by various integrations of soil surface attributes. Landscape attributes differed from one another in their effects on the different landscape function indices. Increasing slope gradient significantly reduced all landscape function indices as well as soil organic carbon and total nitrogen percentages. Slope class exhibited highly significant interaction effects with vegetation type factors for stability, nutrient cycling, and landscape organization indices. Aspect did not significantly affect stability, infiltration, and landscape organization indices, but significantly affected the nutrient cycling index. The Duncan test indicated that north aspect (shady side) had the highest mean value (28.42) and south aspect the lowest mean value (25.57) for nutrient cycling index. These results are consistent with the effects of aspect on total soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon percentage for which the north aspect had the highest values. The values declined in the sequence east, west, and south aspects respectively. This research indicates that the nature of native rangeland plant communities and their measures of production are closely related to nutrient cycling index.