Volume 30 (2023)
Volume 29 (2022)
Volume 28 (2021)
Volume 27 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 26 (2019)
Volume 12 (2019)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 25 (2018)
Volume 24 (2017)
Volume 23 (2016)
Volume 22 (2015)
Volume 21 (2014)
Volume 20 (2013)
Volume 19 (2013)
Volume 18 (2011)
Volume 17 (2010)
Volume 16 (2009)
Volume 15 (2008)
Volume 14 (2007)
Volume 13 (2006)
Volume 7 (2000)
Volume 6 (1999)
Volume 11 ()

"Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research (IJRDR)" has been published by the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands since 1999 and in Persian language, quarterly publication and print-electronic format with open access. In this publication, all articles are reviewed by double blind peer review, open access journal and in the final review process, the plagiarism diagnostic software of the similarity finder is used to identify the originality of the articles (Hamiyab). The Journal of "IJRDR" follows principles of International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE). IJRDR publishes The latest findings and results of research conducted in the field  Range and Desert(see scope). Regarding the publication of specialized publications with the topics of protection and protection of pastures and deserts of the country, the articles that are sent to this publication with the above topics will be reviewed only if approved by the editorial board. Research conducted at the laboratory and greenhouse level will also be considered only if approved by the editorial board.


The impact factor in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) (2020): 0.181 - (Q2)

Rank in the Ministry of Science Research and Technology (in 2021): B

Publisher: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

Frequency: Quarterly

Type of articles: original research- review article

Type of refereeing: double-blind peer-reviewer

publishing fee: The manuscript processing charge is 1000000 IRR, followed by an additional  1500000 IRR publication charge in case of acceptance

Release Policy: CC-BY

plagiarism diagnostic software: Hamiyab


Iranian Range and Desert Research Journal has a cooperation agreement with the Iranian Scientific Association of Management and Conrol of Deserts



Identification and investigation of ethnobotanical plants of rangeland wild edible plants in Shahrud (Stakeholders of Rangelands of Bastam district in northeast of Semnan province)

Majid Jalali; Mehdi Abedi; Abolbased Ghorbani; Farshid Memariani

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 107-128

  Wild edible plants is an important part of the human diet throughout history and are still affordable and widely accepted in food security. Based on the results of the research, these plants are valuable for survival during times of food shortage, a supplement to the daily diet, providing a source of ...  Read More

Exploring flora, life forms, and geographic distribution of species at the margins of the Gavkhuni International Wetland

Mahnaz Amini; Hosein Bashari; Mohammad Taghi Feizi

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 129-148

  Background and objectivesVarious environmental and managerial stresses are severely threatening wetland ecosystems in Iran. The Gavkhouni Wetland, one of the largest and most strategically significant wetlands in the central plateau of Iran, faces numerous challenges. Given its unique ecological importance ...  Read More

Investigating Adaptation Strategies of Turkmen Pastoralists in the Face of Climate Change (Case Study: Qaradong Watershed of Golestan Province)

Maryam Kavianpour; Seyedeh Khadije Mahdavi; Mohammadreza Shahraki; Yaser GHasemi Arian

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 149-168

  Background and purpose:Due to the occurrence of climate changes in recent decades, traditional animal husbandry systems based on rangelands have faced serious challenges. In this regard, the use of adaptation strategies is necessary as a solution to reduce the vulnerability of rangeland users. The present ...  Read More

Investigating the effect of flood spreading on plant species vegetative properties in desert areas (Case study: Abbarik Bam Flood Spreading Station)

Shahin Aghamirzadeh; Hamzeh Saeedian; Peyman Madanchi; Alijan Abkar

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 169-185

   Background and ObjectivesFlood spreading has emerged as one of the most important management strategies for soil and water resources in arid and semi-arid areas, gaining attention from researchers worldwide in recent decades. This technique has been implemented in various watersheds globally to ...  Read More

Effects of fire on some vegetation characteristics in Khelichian, Hasan abad and Haft asiab rangelands of Sanandaj‌

Kambiz Tavakoli; Parviz Karami; Hamed Joneidi Jafari; Bahram Gholinejad bodag

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 186-203

  Background and ObjectiveFire is a significant ecological factor that influences rangeland ecosystems, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, where it plays a crucial role in the growth, development, and evolution of plant species. Historically, controlled burning of vegetation in natural ecosystems ...  Read More

Distribution of Ferula assafoetida L. and economic estimation of its industrial production (Case study: Hormozgan Pardi habitat)

Saeed Abdollahzadeh; Marzieh Rezaie; Rasoul Mahdavi

Volume 31, Issue 2 , August 2024, Pages 204-218

  IntroductionThe distribution of plants in different habitats is influenced by environmental and edaphic conditions. Identifying the relationship between soil factors and vegetation, as well as the specific soil characteristics in which these species are found, is one of the important goals of this research. ...  Read More

Investigation of utilizers view on the livestock grazing frequency and intensity in the rangeland (Case Study: Summer rangelands of Kuhdasht)

Samira Hajipour; Hosein Barani; Hasan Yeganeh; Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani

Volume 26, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 531-542

       Livestock grazing is one of the most important factors effective on soil and vegetation structure and function. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the grazing frequency and intensity in the rangeland in autumn 2015. The statistical population was the heads ...  Read More

The Study of Drought and Wet Year Assessment models for Stations in Mazandaran province

Shahram Khalighi Sigaroudi; Ali Sadeghi Sangdehi; Khaled Awsati; Usef GHavidel Rahimi

Volume 16, Issue 1 , December 2009, , Pages 44-54

  Annual rainfall data related to a 26 year period from a number of Mazandaran climatological stations were employed to analyze and model the precipitation toward a determination of drought as well as wet years. Results indicate the occurrence of different intensity drought phenomenon in all stations. ...  Read More

Effect of soil chemical properties on forage quality in dry rangeland in south of Fars province

Moharam Ashraf Zadeh; Reza Erfanzadeh; seyed hamzeh Hoseini Kahnooj

Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 381-391

  This study was carried out to compare the forage quality parameters (CP, DMD and ADF) in two phenological stages between two regions in south of Fars province. The two regions were located close together, and with the exception of soil characteristics, were similar in terms of other environmental factors. ...  Read More

Effective factors on ranges insurance acceptance by exploitations in Golestan province-Kalaleh district

Hasan Yeganeh; Leila Khakipour; Mehdi Fouladi Zadeh; Sajad Ahmad Yousefi

Volume 24, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 829-840

  Rangeland insurance can be one of the mechanisms to deal with inevitable risks of natural resources and may be the most appropriate strategy to reduce financial losses. Rangeland insurance in rural and tribal communities could be considered as a new phenomenon. In this research, the factors affecting ...  Read More

Vegetation changes under exclosure and livestock grazing in Chahar Bagh rangelands in Golestan province

Fatemeh Salarian; Jamshid Ghorbani; Nosrat Allah Safaeian

Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 115-129

  Grazing animals affect rangeland vegetation structure and function directly and indirectly. These effects can be assessed in exclosures. In this study, the vegetation composition and some vegetation indices (functional groups, biomass, species diversity and richness) were compared in an exclosure (livestock ...  Read More

A Spatial-Ecological Model of Management of Mountainous Rangelands of Imam Kandi, Urmia

Javad Motamedi (Torkan); Esmaeil Sheidai Karkaj; Yaser Ghasemi Aryan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 April 2023

  The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating ...  Read More

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