Gholamreza Naseri; Ghasemali Abrsaji; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 373-381
This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found ...
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This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found for the study species in timing method, so that maximum consumption time was recorded for Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species, respectively. The results of species utilization percentage also showed that there were significant differences among the study species. The highest consumption rate was recorded for Poa bulbosa and annual species. Artemisia sieberi, Festuca ovina and Stipa barbata had an average preference value; however, Poa bulbosa and annual species were relatively palatable. Our results clearly showed that species density and abundance and access to forage species strongly affected the preference value. Generally, in bothe methods studied, Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species were more grazed as compared to other species.
Mohammad ali Dorri; Gholam reza Naseri; Habib... Ali akbar zadeh
Volume 14, Issue 4 , February 2008, , Pages 455-463
In order to investigation forage production of annual medic Cultivars, under dryland farming conditions of Gorgan, an experiment carried out in Chaleki research station in 2003-2004. The experimental design was randomized complete block with 4 replications. Cultivars were Medicago scutellata cv.Robinson ...
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In order to investigation forage production of annual medic Cultivars, under dryland farming conditions of Gorgan, an experiment carried out in Chaleki research station in 2003-2004. The experimental design was randomized complete block with 4 replications. Cultivars were Medicago scutellata cv.Robinson & sava, Medicago truncatula cv. Caliph & Mogul, M. sphaerocarpos cv. Orion sphere, Medicago polymorpha cv. Spinless, Medicago litoralis cv.Herald and an indigenous species (Medicago minima). Forage was harvested at %10 flowering and dry matter (DM) production was measured after shade drying. Results showed that, forage production of cultivars were significantly different (P<0.01) , also Interaction of cultivars and year were significantly different (P<0.05). Forage production of Medicago scutellata cv.Robinson (2006.4 kg/ha DM) was higher than other cultivars at the first year and Medicago truncatula cv. Caliph with 2230.1 kg/ha DM was produced the highest forage yield at the second year. Based on results, Mogul and Sava during two growing seasons with sustained forage production relative to experiment conditions were more adaptable than other cultivars. The mean of Crude protein amount of Caliph (37.28 gr/mˆ2) was higher than other cultivars.