Dear Colleagues and Reviewers,


 The password is the same as your full email address. If you encounter any issues logging in or receiving the password, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the login page of the site ( and click on the "Forgot Password" option. Enter your email address.
  2. You will receive a message indicating that a new password has been assigned to you, and an email will be sent to you. Copy the link provided and paste it into your browser's address bar. A message confirming the new password allocation will appear. This password will be sent to your email. After checking your email, you will have your new password.

Please pay attention to the following points regarding the refereed manuscripts:

  1. Log into the journal system using your username and password, then select the "Referee" option from the top right corner.
  2. You will see a table listing the posted manuscripts. To begin the review process, click on the link for the article to access the comments page.
  3. Download the manuscript to your computer by selecting the available file on this page.
  4. To make corrections in the manuscript text, use the "Track Changes" feature available in Word. To enable it, open the document in Word 2003, then click on "Track Changes" in the Tools menu.
  5. After editing the manuscript, save your changes. You can add questions and notes in the text using the comment option.
  6. To submit your review, click on your folder in the reference system and comment on the manuscript. On the opened page, select the appropriate options to indicate your final opinion regarding the acceptance of the manuscript or any necessary partial or general corrections. Please also attach the edited manuscript file and mention the completion of the items.

Note: To maintain the confidentiality of your personal details, please take the following steps:

  1. Open the manuscript and click on Tools → Options → Security → Privacy Options, then check the box for "Remove Personal Information from file."
  2. Save the file. Make any desired changes using "Track Changes" for internal actions and save the file.

Dear Reviewer, as long as the manuscript is available in your system, you are able to review it. Please complete your review as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Feel free to make any additional adjustments as needed!