IJRDR Peer Review Policy

Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research (IJRDR), uses double-blind peer review to review manuscripts. So that the reviewers do not know the author's identity and vice versa. The editorial team tries to announce the first response to the coresponder author.


Ethical Considerations for Reviewers

  • Keeping the information provided in the paper as confidential, is mandatory in all stages and the review process is done in anonymous manner.
  • Reviewers are obliged to help to editor in chief and the editorial board in deciding whether or not to accept a paper.
  • Reviewers should leave comments in the comments section for the author of any work that needs correction, whether partial or comprehensive.
    Reviewers are obligated to disclose any conflicts of interest as soon as they become aware of them and should refrain from making decisions based on personal interests.
  • Reviewers' assessments of the papers' quality and content should be supported by expert and scientific knowledge.
  • A new Review or more Reviews will be appointed to consider the document, and the review procedure will continue if the Reviewer fail to do so by the deadline or if their judgement does not follow the pertinent ethical norms.


 article review process

  •  Submit

At this stage, the article is sent to the online system of the publication (http://ijrdr.areeo.ac.ir/) through the author.

  • Initial evaluation by the publication's expert

At this stage, the article is reviewed by the journal's expert in terms of composition and basic structure, in case of non-compliance, it is returned to the responsible author, and if approved, it is sent to the editor.

  • Evaluation by the editor

At this stage, the article is checked by the editor of the magazine to see if it is sufficiently innovative, original and within the scope of the magazine's topic or not, and that there are no fundamental problems in its writing. Therefore, according to the above, the article may be rejected without further review, or it may be approved, and if approved, it will be sent to the editorial board members.

  • Evaluation by editorial board

The article will be reviewed by the members of the editorial board, if it does not fit with the goals and axes of the article, it will be rejected, and if approved, at least 2 referees will be introduced to the editor to carry out the specialized refereeing process.

  •  Submit the article to the referees

At this stage, the article is sent by the editor to the referees (at least 2 referees) through the online electronic system of the publication for expert evaluation.

  •  Arbitration Article

The referees will accept or reject the referee invitation according to the title and summary of the article and their ability, experience and interests, and if they accept the referee, the full text of the article and the referee questionnaire will be provided to them.

  •  Check the opinions of the judges

The editor and, if necessary, together with the members of the editorial board of the publication, will review the opinions of the judges and if there is a significant difference of opinion, he will invite more judges.

  •  final decision (by editor/ editor in chief)

At this stage, the editor of the publication announces the final decision to the responsible author of the article through the publication's system, according to the results of the review and investigations. At this stage, the article is either rejected or sent to the author for corrections.

  • Editing the article by the author and resubmitting it

The author revises the article according to the opinions of the referees. After correcting the article, the author resubmits the article.

  • Revised article review

The revised article is reviewed by the editor and the members of the editorial board, and to reach the result, it is sent to one of the referees for re-examination.

  •  Final level

If the article is accepted by the finalizing referee, editor and members of the editorial board, the necessary measures will be taken to publish it, and along with issuing an official letter of acceptance to the authors, it will be included in the list of articles in order to be published.