Mohammad Bakhshi Tiregani; Hamid reza Moradi; Hamid reza Sadeghi
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 269-279
Land use utilization based on its capability and susceptibility is necessary for proper management of different regions. In this regard, the conversion of rangeland areas to dry farming and its consequent effects on soil erosion is a crucial problem that has to be carefully investigated. The present ...
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Land use utilization based on its capability and susceptibility is necessary for proper management of different regions. In this regard, the conversion of rangeland areas to dry farming and its consequent effects on soil erosion is a crucial problem that has to be carefully investigated. The present study therefore attempted to study the runoff and sediment rates in experimental plots located in two land uses of rangeland and dry farming lands with a slope of 5 percent by using rainfall simulator. The research was conducted during summer 2009 in Tiregan watershed located in Daregaz Township, Khorasan Razavi Province. The experiments were taken place through simulation of rainfall with intensity of 1.7 mm min-1 in two upper and lower positions, in eastern and western aspects of the slope in both the land uses. Afterwards, the runoff threshold was determined and the runoff samples were collected in small containers. The results of the study showed that the average runoff threshold in rangeland was 3.36 minutes earlier than that occurred in dry farming land. The runoff volume in rangeland plots was also 2.3 times more than dry farming land did. The sediment yield in the upper position in eastern aspect of rangeland treatment was lesser than dry farming treatment did. The difference was not significant in other treatments. The turbidity rates were also significantly more in dry farming lands compare to what recorded for rangeland areas
Majid Zaboli,; Akbar Fakhire; Ahmad ghanbari; Hamid reza Moradi; Alireza Rashaki
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 317-330
Growth of plants species in an area is affected by biological and environmental factors of that region. It is necessary to study some ecological requirements of species and also environmental characteristics of the study area in order to determine site potential and plant growth needs. this study performed ...
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Growth of plants species in an area is affected by biological and environmental factors of that region. It is necessary to study some ecological requirements of species and also environmental characteristics of the study area in order to determine site potential and plant growth needs. this study performed to determine potential habitat of Haloxylon persicum and Haloxylon aphyllum in Sistan province by using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. In this way sampling from habitats carried out for recognition of ecological requirements. Also thematic maps of area provided and digitized for attainment data layers which were needed. Then various sections of area were investigated and were compared with ecological requirements of these two species. Finally, the different layers of information were put together for every species. Base on our results, 3.18% and 3.52% of the studied area was suitable for growing H. persicum and H. aphyllum respectively. Assessment of accuracy of model was 93.3%.
Hamid reza Moradi; Khalag Mirnia; Shadi Lahur poor
Volume 15, Issue 3 , January 2008, , Pages 369-378
Rangelands have covered the majority of the continents and 43 percent of the all lands round the world cattle; so, they are very important in production and protection of water resource, soil and plant cover. The vast areas of rangelands of Kurdistan province are grazed by cattle. The main objective ...
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Rangelands have covered the majority of the continents and 43 percent of the all lands round the world cattle; so, they are very important in production and protection of water resource, soil and plant cover. The vast areas of rangelands of Kurdistan province are grazed by cattle. The main objective of this study was to determine the cattle grazing intensities effect on the soil of Charandoo rangelands which is located 23 km north of Sanandaj. Three different grazing site of: reference (light grazing) ere chosen as the study area. Forage production and physical soil factors such as bulk density, percent of porosity, water content and aggregate stability were measured by standard methods. Ten replications were used in this experiment. The statistical results show that cattle grazing have a significant effect on the plant cover and production. The soil bulk density increased significant with intensive grazing. The water content, percent of porosity and the proportion of the aggregate stability decreased as the result of intensive grazing. The final results indicate that cattle grazing may cause rather big changes on the physical properties of surface soil. As the project region enjoys suitable yearly rainfall, if the intensity of grazing is in a moderate level, the region will be ale to recompense and to make better tolerance the damages arisen from cattle trampling.
Hamid reza Mir davoodi; Hojat.. Zahedi poor; Hamid reza Moradi; Gholam reza Godarzi
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 242-255
Improper management and unsuitable exploitation of land are the two most important problems of land resources utilization in the country. Unsuitable pattern of landuse together with sever landuse changes causes different environmental crisis including: environmental pollution and deterioration, expanding ...
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Improper management and unsuitable exploitation of land are the two most important problems of land resources utilization in the country. Unsuitable pattern of landuse together with sever landuse changes causes different environmental crisis including: environmental pollution and deterioration, expanding desertification, soil erosion, natural resources depletion, reduction of biological diversity and reduction the potential of land capability. These problems significantly influence the production resources of recent and future generation and prevent sustainable development of the country. In this research, ecological land capability of Markazi Province that is the most important part of the procedure of landuse planning were determined with preparing ecological resources maps such as topography with scale of 1/25000, geology, soil, climate and related parameters, vegetation cover, faults, water resources and etc. Slop, aspect and height class maps also were established based on Digital elevation model of the area and integrated together to form landform map of the Province. Environmental units with base 1, 2 and 3 also were established with overlaying land form, soil and vegetation maps. Ecological land capability of agricultural and rangeland were put in 7 classes. The results show that from total 2921364.6h area of Markazi Province, 15000 ecological units could be determined of which 121689.5h or %4.16 were in class of 1, 191634.77 h or %6 in class of 2, 615791.5 h or %21.07 in class of 3, 569834.8 h or %19 in class of 4, 1170699.6h or %40 in class of 5, 188381.18 h or %6.44 in class of 6 and 63333.2 h or %2.16 in class of 7 of agriculture and rangeland ecological capabilities.
Hamidreza Moradi; Mansur Rajabi; Manuchehr Faraj zadeh
Volume 14, Issue 1 , January 2007, , Pages 97-109
Drought is the most complex and unknown natural disaster that affects human more than other natural disasters. Droughts occurred in Fars province in recent decades showed the importance of drought study in this region. In this research, standard precipitation index (SPI) was calculated based on monthly ...
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Drought is the most complex and unknown natural disaster that affects human more than other natural disasters. Droughts occurred in Fars province in recent decades showed the importance of drought study in this region. In this research, standard precipitation index (SPI) was calculated based on monthly rain of 26 stations in a period of 36 years (1963-1999). For investigation of spatial droughts changes in study area Kriging interpolate method were used. Then analyses were performed using linear regression model trend and Man-Kendal nonparametric test in studied stations. The results showed that the intensity of droughts in central parts of this province is more than other regions. The trends exist in all of studied stations except Chardangeh station.