Zahra Zamani; Reza Tamartash; Qodratolah Heidari; Zeynab Jafarian Jelodar
Volume 30, Issue 4 , February 2024, , Pages 489-504
Abstract Background and objectives According to the studies, environmental factors can affect the secondary metabolites in plants, including the essential oil and its chemical composition. therefore, it is essential to understand the effect of these factors and which of the environmental factors ...
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Abstract Background and objectives According to the studies, environmental factors can affect the secondary metabolites in plants, including the essential oil and its chemical composition. therefore, it is essential to understand the effect of these factors and which of the environmental factors have a more effective role on the quantity and quality of secondary compounds extracted from plants. the purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the effect of physical and chemical properties of soil and climate factors including temperature and rainfall on the chemical composition of the essential oil of the medicinal species of Stachys lavandulifolia in the northern and southern aspects of Bagh tilak rangeland of Sari. MethodologyThe present research was conducted in Baghtilak rangeland, which is one of the summer pastures of Mazandaran province. in order to take samples, plant samples were taken according to the patchy distribution of the plant in the region, the aerial branches of the plant were randomly collected in three selected spots with three repetitions from the northern and southern aspects in late June.then the soil samples were also collected at the base of the plant from a depth of 0-30 cm. after the samples were transferred to the laboratory, the essential oils of the plants were extracted by clevenger and their composition was determined by GC and GC/MS. Soil samples were also measured and evaluated based on existing guidelines. also, the required meteorological information was obtained from the Kiyasar meteorological station. in order to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data of soil and essential oil, the normality of the data was first checked using the Kolmograph-Smirnov test. after confirming the normality of the data, using the independent T-student test, the comparison of plant chemical compositions and soil quality indicators in the two northern and southern spects was performed by SPSS version 22 software, and the relationship between the plant chemical composition data was analyzed. It was done with soil quality indicators and climatic data by PCA principal component analysis method in PC ord5 space. Results The results showed that the yield of essential oil in the southern aspect is significantly higher (P≤0.05) than the northern aspect. Also, among the compounds obtained from the essential oil, the compounds α-Pinene, α-Fenchene, p-cymene, Sabinene, Thymol, α-Thujene, Limonene, GermacreneD, bicyclogermacrene, cis-sabinene hydrate with the highest amount have a significant difference from they showed themselves in two aspects. the data obtained from principal component analysis into main components in relation to soil and climatic factors with essential oil compounds indicate that soil chemical factors including EC, OM, Mg, MWD, bulk density, sand and silt have a stronger relationship compared to other factors. also, in this analysis, soil factors such as apparent specific gravity, pH, Ca, sand, and the climatic factor of temperature have a positive and direct relationship with Sabinene, β-Pinene, Myrcene, α-phellandrene, p-cymene, Limonene, cis-sabinene hydrate compounds, thymol, Germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene and Phytol. also, soil factors such as EC, OM, bulk density, silt, Cao, P, Na, SAR and precipitation climatic factor have a negative and inverse relationship with Cyclofenchene, 1-8-Cineole, cis-ocimene, α- Terpineol, Terpinene-4-acetate, Bicyclo, Caryophyllene and Hexadecanoic acid were established. Conclusion The result of this research shows that the quantitative and qualitative performance of medicinal plants is affected by factors such as the type of species, climatic characteristics, soil characteristics and topographical conditions, and the effect of environmental factors on the components of secondary metabolites can be due to the different effects of these factors on The biosynthetic pathways of these compounds in the plant. also, the present study showed that the yield of essential oil obtained from the Stachys lavandulifolia plant in the southern aspect of Baghtilak rangeland is significantly higher than the northern aspect, so it is recommended to consider more for the exploitation of this aspect.
Farzad Ahmadi; Ghodratollah Heydari; Omid Zamani; Zeinab Jafarian Jeloudar
Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2021, , Pages 804-817
Rangeland's development will not be possible without the participation of Ranchers. Today, network social capital can control the participatory behavior of users in the protection of rangelands and their customary boundaries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social capital of the network among ...
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Rangeland's development will not be possible without the participation of Ranchers. Today, network social capital can control the participatory behavior of users in the protection of rangelands and their customary boundaries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social capital of the network among ranchers with different levels of participation in conservation projects (biological projects including seeding and enclosure; and biomechanics or banking projects) of the customary rangelands of Dehgolan city. The research method is descriptive-analytical based on a questionnaire, and its statistical population includes 275 users of rangelands in 10 conventional areas of the region based on the audit list. The samples were selected randomly, and 160 rangeland operators were selected using Cochran's formula. To determine the validity of the questionnaire, a panel of experts was used, which included professors and technical experts of the General Administration of Kurdistan Province. Cronbach's alpha values for "common goals of rangers with local networks" and "common goals of rangers with government networks" were calculated as 0.80 and 0.82, respectively. The results of the Helmert contrast approach showed that beneficiaries who were permanently involved in rangeland conservation projects had more common goals with local and government networks than beneficiaries who were temporarily involved in rangeland conservation projects. The results showed that using the social capital capacity of the network can change the participatory approach of users to implement rangeland conservation projects by strengthening the cohesion of local communities.
Zainab Jafarian jelodar; Hosein Arzani
Volume 16, Issue 3 , December 2009, , Pages 317-328
Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds ...
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Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds of Armoot, Kash, Zidasht and kalanak in Taleghan region with 16320 hectares area were studied. Thirteen vegetation types were recognized in the study area. One key area was selected in each vegetation types (in some of the vegetation types because of vast area and non –homogeneity vegetation, two key areas were selected). Two 100 meter transects were located in each key area, along each transect, 10, one meter square quadrates were located. List of species and number of species were recorded for each quadrates. Then diversity indices, species richness and evenness indices were calculated. Simpson diversity index and Shanon– Wiener diversity index were obtained 0.114 and 2.81 respectively which indicate relatively high species diversity in the study area. Species evenness based on studied indices was estimated. Richness of species was 116 with 18 families and 63 genus in rangelands of the study area.