Mohammad ali Alizadeh; Aliashraf Jafari; Farid Normand Moaied; Saeed Davzdahemami; Karam Sepahvand; Behrooz Mohammadi
Volume 31, Issue 3 , September 2024, , Pages 219-231
AbstractBackground and objectives: Sainfoin is one of the important fodder plants that have a high value for feeding for livestock. This plant is cultivated for both irrigation and dry land farming systems. Many of local populations are sensitive to powdery mildew disease that decrease forage yields ...
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AbstractBackground and objectives: Sainfoin is one of the important fodder plants that have a high value for feeding for livestock. This plant is cultivated for both irrigation and dry land farming systems. Many of local populations are sensitive to powdery mildew disease that decrease forage yields and quality. Feeding of infected plants with powdery mildew by livestock might cause livestock abortion. Sainfoin powdery mildew disease is caused by Leveillula taurica fungus, which appears as necrosis of the leaf tissue and symptom spots on the plants. Contamination of the plant with this disease, especially in its severe condition, leads to a slowdown in the growth of the plant, the small size of the inflorescence, and decrease in the forage yield. The main stage of its damage is in the second and third cuts. This project aimed to evaluate the forage yield and tolerance to powdery mildew of two populations of 15353 and 3001 compared to the native variety in 10 trail locations in the country.Methodology: The seeds of two populations of 3001 and 15353 were sown along with the native population (susceptible to powdery mildew) as a control in 10 farms including Karaj and Taleghan (Alborz province), BostanAbad, Heris, Sarab, and Varzaghan (East Azerbaijan province), Nikpay and Saramsaghlo (Zanjan province), Dehpir (Lorestan province), and Faridan (Esfahan province) over two years (2018-2020). Data was collected for plant height and forage yield three cuts over two years, and the disease severity index of sainfoin to powdery mildew in the third cut. Since infection of sainfoin to powdery mildews happens in the third cut, so, the Disease Severity Index (DSI) of the two populations of 3001 and 15353 and (control) was evaluated in the third harvest in both years.Result: According to the evaluation of the DSI of two populations of 3001 and 15353 compared to the native population across ten locations. It was confirmed that both populations of 15353 and 3001 had a DSI below 10%, and therefore they were considered to be tolerant to powdery mildew disease. The native populations in all 10 locations had a DSI with a level of 50%, and they were considered susceptible to powdery mildew. Both 3001 and 15353 populations were tolerant to powdery mildew coupled with higher yield of 1.2 and 1 ton/ha than the control in 10 regions.Conclusion: According to the results, the two populations of 3001 and 15353 with DSI values lower than 10 % and higher yield were considered as tolerant to powdery mildew disease than to the native population (with a DSI of higher than 50%), in all locations. Then, the farms were visited by experts of the research Institute Seed and Plant Certification and Registration, Karaj, Iran. The two varieties were introduced as new cultivars known Bordbar 1 and Bordbar 2, by the authorities of the Institute. Finally, the two released varieties were suggested for cultivation in both irrigation and dryland farming systems.
Ali Farahani; Ali Tavili; Hosein Arzani; Hosein Azarnivand; Aliashraf Jafari
Volume 30, Issue 2 , September 2023, , Pages 214-229
Background and objectives The germination and establishment of plants resistant to drought is one of the most important and effective aspects of rangeland improvement. Investigating changes in rangeland species' morphological and physiological characteristics under different pretreatments under ...
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Background and objectives The germination and establishment of plants resistant to drought is one of the most important and effective aspects of rangeland improvement. Investigating changes in rangeland species' morphological and physiological characteristics under different pretreatments under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions is necessary. As a result, elite and promising species can be selected, and improvement efforts can be evaluated favorably. Methodology This study investigated the effect of different pretreatments on the germination and establishment of Sanguisorba minor and Elymus hispidus under drought stress. In this regard, the effect of priming treatments with distilled water, polyethylene glycol, potassium nitrate, and silver nanoparticles was studied to improve germination characteristics and establishment of species under agricultural capacity. The experiment was conducted as a factorial in a randomized complete block design in four replications. To conduct the research, 168 pots were used, and ten seeds were planted in each pot. The measured attributes included the percentage and velocity of seedling appearance from the soil, establishment and survival, length and weight of root and stem, vigor, proline, carotenoid, soluble sugar, total chlorophyll, catalase, and superoxide dismutase enzymes. After sampling the studied traits in the greenhouse and obtaining the results in the laboratory, variance and data analysis in SPSS software. A comparison of mean data with Duncan's multiple range tests at a 5% level for the studied traits was performed on both species. Results The results showed that drought stress significantly differs in characteristics, such as the dry weight of aerial parts or the length of plant roots. The mutual effects of priming and stress were significant on the traits of emergence from the soil, speed of emergence, establishment, survival, and dry weight of aerial parts. Still, it affected several other traits as well. The application of silver nanoparticles had positive or negative effects on seeds' vegetative characteristics, and seedlings grown from the seeds of the studied plants did not show significant changes to characteristics such as plant root length under different priming treatments at a specific moisture level. Some characteristics, including ability, had significant changes due to humidity levels varying up to 20 percent. The positive effects of polyethylene treatment and the negative effects of high nanoparticle concentration were evident. Applying polyethylene glycol and potassium nitrate in E. hispidus and polyethylene glycol and silver nanoparticles at a concentration of 30 mg/l in S. minor showed the highest positive effects on plant resistance under drought stress. Application of silver nanoparticles at concentrations of 60 and 90 mg/L showed negative effects on the vegetative and physiological characteristics of the two studied species. Conclusion drought stress caused negative effects on the structural characteristics of the studied species, and using hydropriming treatments, potassium nitrate, polyethylene glycol, and silver nanoparticles (with a concentration of 30 mg/liter) reduced stress adverse effects. The reason for this is mainly the changes in the physiological factors, such as the amount of proline, catalase, and superoxide dismutase enzymes, and the application of various pretreatments causes positive changes in pretreatment factors and increases the species' drought resistance. The results related to the effect of different pretreatments on the germination of the mentioned species under laboratory and field conditions also confirm this issue.
Majid Dashti; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 28, Issue 3 , October 2021, , Pages 493-506
In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design ...
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In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design with three replications in Khorasan-e-razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center. The seeds of the above accessions were sown in greenhouse conditions at a temperature of 20 ±2 ° C and 5 of them were planted in each plastic pot and after full establishment, the seedlings were transferred to the main soil. In order to, fully establish the seedlings in the main field and ensure the purity of the accessions, the first year of the project was considered as the year of establishment. The results of comparison between the varieties of E. hispidus showed that the villosus variety had higher forage yield, number of spikes and spike length compared to hispidus. In contrast, the percentage of plant establishment was higher in hispidus variety. In terms of forage quality, there are no difference between the E. hispidus accessions. In villosus variety, Chahar-Tagh accession due to high total dry matter (DM) yield (7732 kg ha-1), high dry matter digestibility (DMD) (43.6%), high soluble carbohydrates (8.8%) and consequently low acid detergent fiber (43.7%) was superior to other accession. In species A.cristatum 1727 accession had the lowest height, the lowest forage yield and the highest number of spikes. Among the accessions of A. cristatum, the highest and lowest annual dry matter yield of 12974 and 5692 kg ha-1 per year was achieved in 208 and 1727 accessions, respectively. Accessions 208 originating in Isfahan also had a significant percentage of digestibility and protein. In general, the results of this study showed that the accessions of the villosus variety as well as the 208 accession were superior to other accessions.
Shahram Banedjschafie; Mohammad Khosroshahi; Leila Kashi Zenouzi; Aliashraf Jafari
Volume 28, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 106-117
To replace oil mulches, this study examined the effect of degradable non-oil mulch under the brand name Nucleus (MA-19). This research assumed that the application of the mentioned mulch in biological stabilization projects has no adverse effects on seed germination and seedling growth. ...
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To replace oil mulches, this study examined the effect of degradable non-oil mulch under the brand name Nucleus (MA-19). This research assumed that the application of the mentioned mulch in biological stabilization projects has no adverse effects on seed germination and seedling growth. The effect of mulch was studied on the establishment of Haloxylon persicum and Nitraria schoberii in a pot experiment in weather conditions of Research Institute of Forests and Rangeland in Tehran, Iran in 2017-2019. Before the experiment, the seed germination test was made to ensure seeds which having standard germination. After determining the germination percentage of seeds (85-90%), seeds were planted in the greenhouse. Then, the soil surface of the pots was sprayed with mulch for comparison with the control. On the other hand, in potting experiments, which were in the form of planting seedlings, after placing the seedlings in the pot, the soil surface was sprayed with the mentioned mulch. The irrigation of the pots was uniform and equal to the field capacity of the soil and based on the soil moisture curve, which was done only once a month, depending on the weather conditions and temperature. Statistical test and comparison of means according to t-test results showed that mulch treatment did not have any negative effects on germination, viability, height, and diameter of seedlings, and in this regard, used mulch behaves as a control treatment (without mulch).
Taghi Mirhaji; Abbas Ali Sanadgol; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 11-22
The evaluation of Festuca ovina L. with 16 accessions was carried out at Homand-Abesard Rangeland Research Station in order to select the best accession in terms of measured variables. The experiment started in 2003 and continued to 2007. After soil preparation, all accessions were planted on lines with ...
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The evaluation of Festuca ovina L. with 16 accessions was carried out at Homand-Abesard Rangeland Research Station in order to select the best accession in terms of measured variables. The experiment started in 2003 and continued to 2007. After soil preparation, all accessions were planted on lines with 13 m length with 75 cm intervals. The measured traits for plant selection were as follows: forage production, canopy cover, height, seed yield, number of flowering stems, leaf density, plant freshness and basal area. All data were statistically analyzed by SPSS annually and averages were compared using Duncan method. Results showed that there were significant differences among the measured traits and accessions (P≤0.05) in all studied years (2003-2007). In terms of seed yield and forage production, accession 10661 showed superiority to other accessions. This value was 1015 and 8.792 kg per hectare, respectively and the lowest amounts (307 and 6.133) were allocated to accession 10,679. Also, comparison of averages in different years showed that the highest amounts of pure seed in the fourth year were 1066 and 120.76 Kg per hectare, respectively. In addition, mean value comparison of canopy cover and basal area showed that accession 10671 with 2075 cm2 canopy cover and 731 cm2 basal area had superiority to other accessions recorded in 2006 and 2007. Among 8 studied traits in the nursery, 4 traits had effective and similar influence in accessions grouping. Therefore, similar accessions may be separated using fewer traits which are easily measurable and common in range management.
Sedigheh Zarekia; Ali Ashrar Jafari; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Leila Fallah Hosseini
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 88-100
To investigate the germination of perennial herbaceous Astragalus, six species in different accessions were selected to be studied in a randomized complete block design in which three treatments including control, scarification and chilling were applied for one week with three replications. The study ...
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To investigate the germination of perennial herbaceous Astragalus, six species in different accessions were selected to be studied in a randomized complete block design in which three treatments including control, scarification and chilling were applied for one week with three replications. The study was carried out in the laboratory of Gene Bank at RIFR. Germination percentage, germination rate, plumule and radicle lengths, vigor index and ratio of radicle to plumule length were measured. All data were analyzed and the studied species showed significant differences in terms of the mentioned germination parameters except radicle length and ratio of radicle to plumule while differences among treatments were significant for all traits except radicle length. Interaction effects of species*treatment were also significant except radicle length and vigor index. Maximum and minimum values of germination traits were recorded for A. vegetus and A. lilacinus, respectively and other species were classified as average. The values of germination traits in chilling treatment were less than that in control treatment and it can be concluded that the cultivation of these species in autumn and winter may cause unsuccessful establishment. According to the results, A. vegetus was identified as a suitable species for range improvement in terms of most germination traits.
Mohsen Farshadfar; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Iraj Rezaie; Ezzat allah Farshadfar; Farzad Moradi; Hooshmand Safari
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 182-198
Drought resistance of forage yield for 36 accessions of Festuca arundinacea were examined in randomized complete block design with three replications in both irrigated and rainfed environments. Significant variation (P<0.01) for forage dry matter yield was observed between the environments and genotypes. ...
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Drought resistance of forage yield for 36 accessions of Festuca arundinacea were examined in randomized complete block design with three replications in both irrigated and rainfed environments. Significant variation (P<0.01) for forage dry matter yield was observed between the environments and genotypes. The results of mean comparisons showed that accessions 6 (Isfehan), 7 (Isfehan), 15 (Tavankesh), 25 (Australia), 26 (America) and 31 (Australia) had higher values for forage dry matter yield, in both environment conditions. Drought resistance indices of genotypes were measured for forage dry matter yield of two environment conditions including sensitivity to stress index (SSI), tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), drought tolerant index (DTI), harmonic mean (MH) and geometrical mean of productivity (GMP). Variance analysis of drought resistance indices showed that accessions had significant variation (P<0.01). The first and second components from principal component analysis were accounted for 61.5 and 37.7 percent of variation among accessions for drought resistance indices, respectively. The indices of MP, DTI, MH and GMP as well as forage dry matter yield of stress and non-stress environments had the greatest share in first component. Also, these indices showed significant and positive correlation with forage dry matter yield of stress and non-stress environments, and based on these indices, the accession 6 (Esfahan), 7 (Esfahan), 31 (Australia) and 26 (America), showed the most resistance to drought stress. Our results were confirmed by cluster analysis.
Hooshmand Safari; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 19, Issue 4 , March 2013, , Pages 640-654
Drought resistance of 24 accessions of Agropyron trichophorum was examined based on forage yield in a complete block design with three replications under normal and dry land farming system. Drought resistance indices of genotypes were measured for forage dry matter yield of two environment conditions ...
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Drought resistance of 24 accessions of Agropyron trichophorum was examined based on forage yield in a complete block design with three replications under normal and dry land farming system. Drought resistance indices of genotypes were measured for forage dry matter yield of two environment conditions including sensitivity to stress index (SSI), tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), drought tolerant index (DTI), mean harmonic (MH) and geometrical mean of productivity (GMP). According to the results of variance analysis of drought resistance indices, significant variation was observed among accessions. Results of mean comparisons showed that genotypes 10 (Semirom), 23 (Mazandaran), 24 (Gorgan), 5 (Chaharmahal), 17 (Yasuj) and 9 (Eghlid) had higher values for forage dry matter yield in both environment conditions. With regard to the drought resistance indices, genotypes 10 (Semirom), 23 (Mazandaran) and 24 (Gorgan), showed the most resistance to drought stress. Obtained results were confirmed by results of cluster analysis and principle component analysis.
Mojtaba Akhavan Armaki; Hossein Azarnivand; Mohammad Hasan Asareh; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Ali Tavili
Volume 19, Issue 4 , March 2013, , Pages 669-678
Drought has a major influence on morphological and physiological characteristics of plant species. Drought stress has a direct relationship with germination characteristics including germination percentage, seedling length (mm/plant), root to shoot ratio, seedling weight (g), ratio of dry weight to fresh ...
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Drought has a major influence on morphological and physiological characteristics of plant species. Drought stress has a direct relationship with germination characteristics including germination percentage, seedling length (mm/plant), root to shoot ratio, seedling weight (g), ratio of dry weight to fresh weight of seedlings (g.dfw-1) and seed vigor index (V). In this research, effects of drought stress on these characteristics were examined in four genotypes of Bromus inermis (Alborz 303, Mazandaran 3151, Firozkuh 3966 and Esfahan 200060) under laboratory and greenhouse condition. In greenhouse experiment, three physiological traits including chlorophyll, carbohydrates and proline contents were measured. Drought treatments included four levels of osmotic potential (0, -0.3, -0.6 and -0.9 MPa) in germinator and four levels of osmotic potential (FC, 25% FC, 50% FC and 75% FC) in greenhouse, made by Poly-Ethylene-Glycol (PEG 6000) solution in laboratory and weighting method in greenhouses, respectively. Results showed that Esfahan (200060) genotype was better than two other genotypes in terms of germination percentage under two conditions. Increasing drought stress increased proline and carbohydrate and decreased the chlorophyll content.