Naser Baghestani Meybodi; Hosein Arzani; Mohammad Taghi Zare; Jalal Abdollahi
Volume 11, Issue 2 , August 2019, , Pages 137-162
Hosein Arzani; Jalal Abdollahi; Mehdi farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; ali Ashraf Jafari; Mahmoud Moalemi
Volume 12, Issue 3 , August 2019, , Pages 263-286
Jalag Abdollahi; Hossein Naderi; Alireza Khavanin Zadeh; Mohammad Sadegh Farmahini
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 251-265
In this research, the effects of important environmental variables on vegetation diversity were determined in Nodoushan-Yazd. For this purpose, 46 various land unit tracts (LUT) were studied. To collect vegetation data, the number and optimum size of sampling plots were determined using the statistical ...
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In this research, the effects of important environmental variables on vegetation diversity were determined in Nodoushan-Yazd. For this purpose, 46 various land unit tracts (LUT) were studied. To collect vegetation data, the number and optimum size of sampling plots were determined using the statistical and minimal area methods, respectively. For each sampled unit, one composite soil sample was collected according to plant root depth. Soil properties included: gravel, texture, saturation percentage (S.P), calcium carbonate, pH, EC, soluble ions (Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) and S.A.R.The study of diversity indices was performed based on species canopy cover, the presence or absence of species and the use of three diversity indices (richness, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson). Then, the relationship between environmental variables and biodiversity indices was investigated using RDA ordination. According to the obtained results, altitude had the most impact on vegetation diversity. The species diversity indices were also significantly correlated with some of the soil variables, including Na, T.N.V, saturation percentage (S.P) and soil texture. The trend of changes in species diversity in the study area had significant correlation with the type of geological formation.
Jalal Abdollahi; Hossein Arzani; Hossein Naderi
Volume 20, Issue 2 , June 2013, , Pages 240-249
Jalal Abdollahi; Hossein Naderi; Mohammad Reza Mirjalili; Monireh sadat Tabatabaeezadeh
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 130-144
Understanding the behavior and action of plant species and their ecological relationships with environmental variables is essential as an important part of the information required in range improvement, rehabilitation and proper utilization of rangelands. In this research, the effects of environmental ...
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Understanding the behavior and action of plant species and their ecological relationships with environmental variables is essential as an important part of the information required in range improvement, rehabilitation and proper utilization of rangelands. In this research, the effects of environmental factors on quantitative growth characteristics of Stipa barbata were investigated by ordination method in rangelands of Nodoushan –Yazd. For this purpose, twenty five sites were identified using the vegetation map and field visits, and in each reference area 30 plots were established along 3 transects of 500 m with random-systematic sampling. Inside the plots, a list of existing species, canopy cover, number of species and production were recorded. Three soil samples were taken from 0–30 cm depth. Soil samples were pooled together to obtain a composite sample. Clay, silt, sand, organic matter, lime, pH, electrical conductivity, sodium, calcium and magnesium were measured. Topographic features such as slope, altitude and aspect, were also recorded, and the type of formation was determined using geological maps. The relationships between growth parameters of stipa barbata and environmental factors were determined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) method. Results showed that there were significant correlations among canopy cover, density and yield with soil factors. According to the results, among soil factors, soil texture, pH, SAR, Ca+2/Na+, calcium carbonate (T.N.V) and gravel had the most influence on canopy cover, density and yield. The effect of topography variables on growth characteristics was not significant. A significant relationship was found between growth characteristics of S. barbata and the type of geological formation.
Jallal Abdolahi; Hossean Arzani; Mohammad hosein Savaghebi; Mojgan Azimi; Hosein Naderi
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 45-59
Our country’s rangelands are mainly located in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the low amount of precipitation and high rate of evapotranspiration, water stress is considered as the most crucial environmental stress for vegetation in this region. This study was conducted at Khud-e-sofla ...
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Our country’s rangelands are mainly located in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the low amount of precipitation and high rate of evapotranspiration, water stress is considered as the most crucial environmental stress for vegetation in this region. This study was conducted at Khud-e-sofla rangelands for nine years (1378- 1386) to investigate the effect of precipitation fluctuation on canopy cover and production of important plant species. For this purpose, four dominant species were selected and their canopy cover and production were monitored every year in permanent and random plots, respectively. Precipitation data were collected from the nearest synoptic station. According to the data of precipitation, cumulative rain amount was calculated at various periods. The relationship between variables of plant parameters and cumulative rain amount was analyzed by step wise regression method in SPSS 13. The results showed that plant species often reacted to the precipitation fluctuations. However, various species reacted differently to the precipitation fluctuation in terms of cover and production. The total vegetation cover as well as canopy cover of Artemisia aucheri hada negative and significant correlation with winter precipitation.Whereas, precipitation of January to April and the past year precipitation exhibited a high correlation with canopy cover of Iris songarica and Stipa barbata. The forage production was also influenced by seasonal precipitation. According to the results, total yeild and the yield of Artemisia aucheri, Lactuca orientalis, Stipa barbata could be estimated by precipitation data While, estimation of forage production through the precipitation data was not enough accurate for Iris songarica.