Bayazid Yousefi; Jamal Hassani; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 27, Issue 3 , October 2020, , Pages 410-420
This study was aimed at investigating the effects of planting time and method on the establishment and production of Onobrychis subnitens (sainfoin) in rainfed conditions of Saral research station (365 mm annual rainfall) in Sanandaj (Kurdistan-Iran) during 2013 -2016. ...
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This study was aimed at investigating the effects of planting time and method on the establishment and production of Onobrychis subnitens (sainfoin) in rainfed conditions of Saral research station (365 mm annual rainfall) in Sanandaj (Kurdistan-Iran) during 2013 -2016. Two planting times (spring and fall) and methods (line sowing and seeding) were studied in a split-plot design based on the randomized complete block design in three replications. The results showed that in the third year of cultivation, the average percentage of plant establishment in the plot was 53%, the average canopy cover of the plot was 45.4%, and the average fresh and dry forage yield of the plot (8 m2) were 5268.5 (6585.6 kg ha-1) and 2831.5 g (3539.4 kg ha-1), respectively. Traits of plant establishment percentage, plant density, average canopy cover, dry and fresh forage yield showed a significant difference (p < /em>≤0.05) between fall and spring sowing; however, the difference between line sowing and seeding methods and the interaction effects of time and planting method was not significant for the traits studied. The forage yield showed a significant positive correlation with plant height, plant weight, main stem number per plant, plot green cover percentage, plant vigor rate, and dry to fresh weight ratio of forage (p≤0.01), and also a significant positive correlation with plant density in plot and average plant canopy diameter (p≤0.05). Based on the results of the regression of forage yield as an independent variable on other traits, the plant fresh weight, plant height, and established plants percentage in the plot showed the highest contributions in the forage yield. This result indicates the high and direct impact of these traits as the main components of forage yield. In general, considering the relative superiority of plant establishment percentage and average forage yield in fall planting and line sowing method compared to spring sowing and seeding method, as the final result, fall seeding of this species in Sanandaj and similar areas is recommended.
Mohammad Phayaz; Hasan Yeganeh; Houshmand Safari; Hamzeh Ali Shirmardi; Rasoul Mirakhorli; Seyed Hamid Habibian; parvaneh Ashouri Sanjabi
Volume 20, Issue 4 , March 2014, , Pages 686-694
Mohammad Fayyaz
Volume 19, Issue 3 , December 2012, , Pages 432-442
This research was performed in Isfahan and Tehran Provinces. The races considered inTehran province were Zandi Sheep and native goat. Naeini Sheep and native goat were alsostudied in Isfahan province. To feed livestock, rangelands (winter range and summer range),aftermath of farms and handy hay were ...
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This research was performed in Isfahan and Tehran Provinces. The races considered inTehran province were Zandi Sheep and native goat. Naeini Sheep and native goat were alsostudied in Isfahan province. To feed livestock, rangelands (winter range and summer range),aftermath of farms and handy hay were used. Using of aftermath and handy hay was done in allflocks. The usage duration of hay, aftermath and rangelands in Tehran province was differentamong the flocks considered in this study due to different flocks and different years as theydiffered from 65 to 120, 100 to 180 and 90 to 245 days respectively. The usage duration of hay,aftermath and rangelands in Isfahan province also differed from 85 to 100, 30 to 240 and 90 to245 days respectively. In both provinces, the forage of rangelands and hay were usedsimultaneously to compensate the shortage of forage in rangelands. Livestock products in theflocks were milk, cheese, curd, butter, wool and fuzz. The amount of Per capita production wasdifferent per head. In Tehran province, sheep suck differed from 25 to 120 days in the flocksconsidered here. In Isfahan province the milk of sheep was used by lambs hence there was nosheep suck. Curd production was just done in one flock which approximately produced 0.5kgcurd per a head of sheep annually. Wool harvest was performed in all flocks. Per capitaproduction of wool differed from 800 to 900gr per a head of sheep. Cheese production was donethrough the milk of sheep and goat and its amount for sheep and goat differed from 2 to 7.7 and4.5 to 12kg respectively. The average of wool and fuzz production in Isfahan province differedfrom 500 to 800 and 200 to 250gr in different flocks respectively. In this province, cheeseproduced from the milk of goat and differed from 90 to 1200gr related to the duration of suck indifferent flocks. The amount of curd production also differed from 150 to 1500gr per a head ofgoat. The amount of milk production in goat differed from 3 to 10kg related to the duration ofsuck. The sale of lamb and goat was the main source of ranchers' income. The sale weight oflamb and goat differed in various ages. Average weight of lamb and goat were different asbelow: The average weight in 3, 3 to 6 and more than 6-year-old lambs of Naeini and Zandiraces was 28.8, 34.8 and 32.6kg respectively. Average weight in less than 3, 3 to 6 and morethan 6-year-old goats of native races in Isfahan and Tehran was 23.8, 23.8 and 24.7 kgrespectively. There was a significant difference between the weight of lambs and goats. Therewas a significant difference between the weight of Naeini and Zandi sheep. The results showedthat the most economic age of livestock in both Naeini and Zandi races were 3 to 6- year-old.Weights of 3 to 6-year-old lambs in Naeini and Zandi races were 29.6 and 39.8 kg respectively.The weight of 3 to 6-year-old goats in native races of Isfahan and Varamin were 20.8 and 30.4kg, respectively.