massoud Borhani; Zahra Jaberolansar
Volume 25, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 191-200
Plant species diversity always implies ecosystem stability against environmental and biological disturbances. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of grazing management on diversity indices of plant species in grazed and exclosed rangeland sites of Hanna station- Semirom. ...
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Plant species diversity always implies ecosystem stability against environmental and biological disturbances. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of grazing management on diversity indices of plant species in grazed and exclosed rangeland sites of Hanna station- Semirom. Sampling was performed using 30 plots (1 m2) along four transects. Canopy area and density of species were recorded in sampling units, and the floristic list was provided in the whole area. Species richness, heterogeneity and evenness indices were calculated from density data and parametric diversity indices including log normal, geometric, and broken stick were fited in both exclosed and grazed areas. The Chi-Square test was used to examine the significance of measured traits. The results of numerical indices showed a higher species richness, evenness and species diversity indices in grazed than in the ungrazed site. The logarithmic diagram in the exclosed and grazed areas followed the broken stick model, indicating the presence of dominant species. The floristic lists of the study sites showed that the number of specific plant species in the grazed site was higher than that of exclosed site. Overall, the results showed that moderate grazing conditions in Hanna station improved plant species diversity indices and increased climax plant species.
massoud Borhani; Hosein Arzani; zahra jabeolansar
Volume 24, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 249-258
Range management method (RMM) is an important element of range management especially in the case of revegetation and rehabilitation of vegetation. This study aimed to investigate proper RMM and grazing systems for paddocks of Semirom in Esfahan province and comparing them with programs proposed by the ...
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Range management method (RMM) is an important element of range management especially in the case of revegetation and rehabilitation of vegetation. This study aimed to investigate proper RMM and grazing systems for paddocks of Semirom in Esfahan province and comparing them with programs proposed by the offices of natural resources. For this purpose, 29 paddocks under range management plan were selected and proposed RMM and grazing systems were defined. According to range condition and trend in the mentioned paddocks, RMM and grazing system maps were prepared using standards the defined theoretically. The results showed that in most cases, the proposed range management method in rangelands was consistent with the correct method based on rangeland condition. On the other hand, for 20 range management plans, despite artificial RMM, grazing system was predicted, which was not based on correct range management. Our results clearly showed that the proposed grazing systems were not implemented practically in range management plans of the study area due to technical difficulties in range parceling and controlling. In addition, in these areas, grazing schedule in accordance with grazing system does not have considerable advantages.