Ghasemali Abarsaji; Seyed Ali Hoseini
Volume 11, Issue 1 , September 2019, , Pages 32-44
Ali mohebbi; Farhang Ghasriani; Mina Bayat; Gholamhosein Rahmani; qasem khodahami; ghasemali abarsaji; Mohamad ali Dehghani Tafti; Farideh Saghafi Khadem
Volume 24, Issue 3 , October 2017, , Pages 471-477
Ghasem Ali Abrsaji; Mohammad Mahdavi; Mohmmad Hasan Jouri
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 308-318
This research was aimed to investigate some ecological characteristics of Frankenia hirsuta in saline rangelands of Golestan Province. This region has saline soil with high underground water table, and halophytes usually grow naturally in this area. For this purpose, some factors such as soil characteristics, ...
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This research was aimed to investigate some ecological characteristics of Frankenia hirsuta in saline rangelands of Golestan Province. This region has saline soil with high underground water table, and halophytes usually grow naturally in this area. For this purpose, some factors such as soil characteristics, vegetative cover, phenology, forage quality, preference value and so forth were determined. According to the results, this species is usually distributed on silt-loam soils with an acidity of 7.7 to 7.8 and EC (Electrical Conductivity) ranged between 28.2 to 30.2 dS/m. The autumn regrowth of this species starts in October but, active vegetative growth begins at the middle of February, flowering occurs in June and seed ripening occurs in August. At vegetative growth stage, this species consists of 10.3% crude protein, which is decreased to 8.7% at flowering stage and 7.1% at seed ripening stage. In addition to the main root, this species has also lateral roots. The main root length is usually short around 5 cm but the lateral root length is about 50 cm, moving horizontally at first and then penetrates deeply. Overall, in saline rangelands of Golestan Province, this species has been distributed as patches in low lands and the places with suitable moisture and relatively less salinity. In order to protection and sustainable utilization of this species, it is suggested that the seeds of this plant be sown every few years in the prone areas. In addition, the time of enter and exit of livestock have to be chosen carefully.
Gholamreza Naseri; Ghasemali Abrsaji; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 373-381
This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found ...
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This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found for the study species in timing method, so that maximum consumption time was recorded for Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species, respectively. The results of species utilization percentage also showed that there were significant differences among the study species. The highest consumption rate was recorded for Poa bulbosa and annual species. Artemisia sieberi, Festuca ovina and Stipa barbata had an average preference value; however, Poa bulbosa and annual species were relatively palatable. Our results clearly showed that species density and abundance and access to forage species strongly affected the preference value. Generally, in bothe methods studied, Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species were more grazed as compared to other species.
Ali Hoseini; Amrali Shahmoradi; Ghasemali Abarsaji
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 110-123
One of the halophyte plant species in the rangelands of Golestan Province is Halocnemum strobilaceum which grows in areas of saline and alkaline soils with shallow water table. It belongs to Chenopodiaceae family. It is named Cheraton by local people and covers 167,000 hectare of the province area. ...
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One of the halophyte plant species in the rangelands of Golestan Province is Halocnemum strobilaceum which grows in areas of saline and alkaline soils with shallow water table. It belongs to Chenopodiaceae family. It is named Cheraton by local people and covers 167,000 hectare of the province area. Five study sites which are named Gomishan, Sangar-tapeh, Soficom, Incheh-shoreh-zar, and Incheh-boroon were selected to conduct the study. A formula of L = 2D + d was used to calculate a proper size of measuring plots. Letter D represents the diameter of plant and letter d represents the distance between individual plants. For each site, three transects and thirty plots were used to measure canopy cover, density, frequency, and the proportion of this species in plant composition. Also the weight of above-ground production and roots were measured. The size of plots in Gomishan, Sangar-tapeh, Soficom, Incheh-shoreh-zar, and Incheh-boroon were 1, 2, 2, 2, 4 square meters, respectively. The results showed that, in terms of canopy cover, density, regeneration, above-ground production, and root production of this range plant, there are significant differences among different sites. This plant showed the most (%26) and the list (%6.46) canopy cover in Gomishan and Incheh-boroon study sites, respectively. It also showed the most (59300/ha) and the list (5250/ha) density in Gomishan and Incheh-boroon study sites, respectively. The frequency of plant was %86.6 to %96.6 in different sites. The plant formed %50.93 to %65.53 of the plant composition in different study sites. The most above-ground and root production were found in Incheh-boroon area.