Mehdi Farahpour; fatholah Ghayour; Hosein Sharbaf; Ali Yousefizadeh
Volume 12, Issue 2 , September 2019, , Pages 121-134
Hosein Arzani; Jalal Abdollahi; Mehdi farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; ali Ashraf Jafari; Mahmoud Moalemi
Volume 12, Issue 3 , August 2019, , Pages 263-286
Hosein Arzani; Hamidreza Mirdavodi; Mehdi Farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; Seyed Hasan Kaboli; Abasali Sanadgol; Morteza Akbarzadeh; Valiollah Mozafarian
Volume 12, Issue 4 , August 2019, , Pages 409-436
Mozhgan sadat Azimi; Gholam Ali Heshmati; Mehdi Farahpour; Abdolreza Bahremand
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 336-346
Sagebrush rangelands in Iran with 39.71 million hectares include more than 46% of the total rangelands, and are recognized as an important and dominant rangeland species in Iran-Turan flora. These lands are often associated with grazing of livestock and wildlife. To determine how to better manage ...
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Sagebrush rangelands in Iran with 39.71 million hectares include more than 46% of the total rangelands, and are recognized as an important and dominant rangeland species in Iran-Turan flora. These lands are often associated with grazing of livestock and wildlife. To determine how to better manage this important resource, a rangeland-livestock model was tested in the Hablerud river basin located in Tehran and Semnan Provinces of Iran using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). With regard to climate variation, this watershed consists of three ecological zones: semi-steppe, steppe, and desert. Calibration and validation of model were tested with the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Program (SUFI-2). Results showed that observed data of forage production were inside or quite close to the predicted bands in three zones. Also, based on the model results, simulated forage production varied from 0.35 to 0.5, 0.15 to 0.26, and 0.033 and 0.1 ton ha-1 in semi-steppe, steppe, and desert, respectively. Sensitive analysis showed that whatever we move from semi steppe to desert, the number of sensitive parameters increases and water and soil parameters becomes more sensitive in forage production.
Hesamaddin Khalesi; Mehdi Farahpour; Hosein Arzani; Babak Naiemi
Volume 20, Issue 3 , November 2013, , Pages 471-485
Hassan Ghelichnia; Hosein Arzani; Mohammad Akbarzadeh; Mahdi Farahpour; Mojgan sadat Azimi
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 203-220
Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting ...
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Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting statistical data. Vegetative factors (vegetation cover and yield) were measured in 10 sites along six transects of 200 meter length in sixty plots of one square meter. According to the results, maximum average percentage of vegetation cover (50.22) and maximum yield (417.87) were recorded for 2003. Minimum average percentage of vegetation cover (47.38) was obtained in 2001 and average yields of 391.46 and 391.63 were obtained in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Consequently, a relationship was found between vegetation cover percentage and yield with precipitation. Most of the sites in which average rainfall especially in late winter and spring of 2003 was more than that of the other years, higher average of canopy cover percentage and yield were recorded in the mentioned year. Also, livestock grazing management was effective on amount of yield and vegetation cover. The sites located in highlands showed a better condition due to the cool Mediterranean climate and higher precipitation and proper grazing management in rangelands. The condition of class I and class II species of these sites was better than that of downstream rangelands. In the sites located in lower regions with a cold semi-arid climate especially in sagebrush lands, range condition was lower than that of the highlands due to semi-arid climatic conditions and the use of rangeland in Spring and Autumn. Class III species were dominant in these sites. Precipitation affected all vegetative forms and for perennial grasses vegetation cover percentage and yield were affected. Since cushion plants were not considered in yield calculation, the increment of vegetation cover percentage had no effect on yield. Annual plants also affected the yield due to increased spring rainfall in some sites.
Ali Ehsani; Hosein Arzani; Mahdi Farahpur; Hassan Ahmadi; Mohammad Jafari; Mortezah Akbarzadeh
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 1-16
In this study, potential and actual evapotranspiration were estimated by Penman- Matis using climatic data of Saveh Station, and plant and soil characteristics were estimated by Cropwat 8.0 software. Our results showed that potential evapotranspiration in growing season was 6.16 times greater than the ...
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In this study, potential and actual evapotranspiration were estimated by Penman- Matis using climatic data of Saveh Station, and plant and soil characteristics were estimated by Cropwat 8.0 software. Our results showed that potential evapotranspiration in growing season was 6.16 times greater than the average of actual evapotranspiration. Actual evapotranspiration was 1.18 times greater than the average precipitation of growing season. It means that plant species have used the stored moisture for actual evapotranspiration. According to the estimation of actual evapotranspiration in a ten-year period, a model was provided for forage production as Ya= 74.30+ 2.698 (ETact). Accordingly, average forage production of the studied site was estimated as 257 kg/hec. It could be said that actual evapotranspiration as an index for climate yield is one of the fundamental factors in improving water use efficiency. Application of the mentioned climate index in different estimation models of long term forage production could be considered in order to determine the rangeland grazing capacity and developing rangeland insurance as a replacement for the usual methods of production.
Masoud Borhani; Hossein Arzani; Zahra Jaberolansar; Mojgan Azimi; Mahdi Farahpor
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 1-20
Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected ...
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Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected community, an area was chosen as key area, and a total of eight sites were selected in the key areas. Soil erosion, canopy cover, plant composition, and plant vigor were monitored for each site. The results revealed a significant difference between the sites in terms of the above mentioned parameters, as well as their rainfall (p<0.01). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between annual precipitation and range condition score. The correlation showed different patterns within years in each site, where the difference between years was significant in terms of plant vigor and canopy cover, but non-significant in terms of soil erosion and plant composition. There was also a positive correlation between the trend of individual parameters and the overall condition score. Cluster analysis grouped Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites in one branch, Mooteh, Shoorabad, and Golpayegan in another, and finally Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza in a third branch. The lowest rank for canopy cover, canopy production and soil erosion belonged to Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza sites. Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites were in better condition than the previous group, yet in poor conditions, and the rest of the sites showed the best conditions among study sites. Generally speaking, Isfahan's stepic rangelands are ranked as poor to very poor, while their condition showed a constant trend.
Akbar Javadi; Hosein Arzani; Ali Salajeghe; Mahdi Farahpor; GHavam ... Zahedi
Volume 14, Issue 4 , February 2008, , Pages 513-523
Proper use from water resources, especially in arid and semi arid rangeland are very important. Water is one of a valuable ecosystem component in rangeland management. In this study for surveying of water suitability, tree models including quality model, quantity and distance model made final model. ...
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Proper use from water resources, especially in arid and semi arid rangeland are very important. Water is one of a valuable ecosystem component in rangeland management. In this study for surveying of water suitability, tree models including quality model, quantity and distance model made final model. FAO (1991) method (recommended for land capability evaluation) was used for suitability classification. The study was conducted in Halvan region is located in Yazd province. According to the results, water resources distance and accessibility to water is the most declining factor for suitability. Quality factor is a limiting factor in part of the study area, too. Based up on, areas more than 15km far from water point are not suitable, but less than 6km are very suitable. Proper distribution of water resources increases water suitability and cause better and monotonous utilization of rageland.
Hosein Arzani; Hasan Kaboli; Hamid reza Mirdavoodi; Mahdi Farahpoor
Volume 15, Issue 3 , January 2008, , Pages 320-347
Importance of permanent range assessment is advice, because of continuous change, ecological aspects and economy of rangelands. The wide area of rangelands and facilities limitation for regular monitoring cause the requirement of the remote sensing application. The objective of present study was investigation ...
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Importance of permanent range assessment is advice, because of continuous change, ecological aspects and economy of rangelands. The wide area of rangelands and facilities limitation for regular monitoring cause the requirement of the remote sensing application. The objective of present study was investigation on reliability of ETM+ data for vegetation estimation. The study was carried out in Markazi province for five years. Satellite data of same time of grand truth data was obtained for each year. Vegetation indices were calculated after radiometric and geometric correction of images. Canopy cover of annual species, herbaceous species, grasses, shrub and total cover in five sites during five years were measured. Measurements were carried out in 60 plots two square meters rectangular quadrates along four 400 meter parallel transects. Before processing of the information, 15 random selected quadrates were kept for test of equation. In other case all data of four years was applied to calculate equation between vegetation indices and ground data and data of fifth years was used for test of model. Considering small area of quadrates against 30*30 meter pixel and probability of error involved with coordinate measurement by GPS correlation between mean data of each transect and indices also was studied. The results obtained from equation were compared with actual cover data using student t-test. Most indices have significant correlation with cover data, however sometimes equation did not gave correct estimation of cover compared with actual data. This was happened for life form that did not make considerable percent of vegetation composition. Generally application of transect data and calculation of equation based on four years data to estimate of fifth years canopy cover was more suitable way of using satellites data. Certainly using satellite system with more bands and better resolution and doing soil background correlation in arid regions would give better results.
Ali Ehsani; Hosein Arzani; Mahdi Farahpoor; Hasan Ahmadi; Mohammad Jafari; Adel Jalili; Hamid Reza Mirdavodi; Hamid reza Abbasi; Mojgan Azimi
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 249-260
The effects of climatic factors on four dominant range land species of Markazi province, Iran, were studied. Species were Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida, Noaea mucronata, Stipa barbata and were monitored from 1998 to 2005. Site is located in steppe lands and called Nemati range, Akhtarabad of Saveh. ...
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The effects of climatic factors on four dominant range land species of Markazi province, Iran, were studied. Species were Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida, Noaea mucronata, Stipa barbata and were monitored from 1998 to 2005. Site is located in steppe lands and called Nemati range, Akhtarabad of Saveh. Climatic factors were annual rainfall, rainfall of grazing season plus rainfall of previous year, temperature, solar radiation and wind velocity. Among the main indicators, as results shows, growing season plus previous rainfalls is the most effective indicator on forage production with high and significant correlation. Total yield have positive and significant correlation with growing season rainfall and previous rainfall as well as production of Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida. Soil and water regime in dry and semi-dry areas, in growing season, is in a way that plants are dependent on stored moisture. Shrubs, with their deep roots, are more capable of using this moisture. Therefore stored moisture could be known as an indicator of rain quantity. Result of this research showed that rainfall indicator in growing season and previous season is a variable that plays fundamental rule in production, showing a linear relationship. Negative correlation was shown between number of sunny days, total yield and yield of two species, Salsola rigida and Artemisia sieberi.
Ali Akbar Jamali; Jamal Ghodousi; Mahdi Farahpour
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 261-270
Composing multi criteria and factors and do right decision making in rangelands for Biological soil Erosion Control is very complicate and strongly need to apply computer and spatial decision support systems. With these and experience a decision maker can show the best solution fast. Hable Roud ...
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Composing multi criteria and factors and do right decision making in rangelands for Biological soil Erosion Control is very complicate and strongly need to apply computer and spatial decision support systems. With these and experience a decision maker can show the best solution fast. Hable Roud watershed had many spatial data that provided by companies and organizations. Rangelands in this watershed were selected. A model for compositing the natural suitable spatial factors (sediment discharge, slope, rainfall, Range Factors: animal unit month, range trend, range condition), economic (proximity to road, proximity to villages, proximity to rivers, proximity to wells, proximity to spring) and constraints (slope, land use, village, roads, rivers, and rainfall shortage) was designed for suitable biological soil erosion control planning. Then they were standardized in value range between 0 & 1. they were weighted by analytical hierarchical processing (AHP). Of course some cases were weighted by direct method. Compositing of these layers were done by spatial multi criteria evaluation (SMCE). Output was composite index map. This map was classified by its histogram, and identified in each class which measure should be done. Biological soil erosion control plan was recommended (manure spreading, seeding with manure spreading, seedling and enclosure).
Mir mansur Khalighi; Nemat Khalighi; Mahdi Farahpoor
Volume 13, Issue 2 , February 2006, , Pages 82-93
According to influences of different exploitation methods of Rangelands on welfare or demolition of rangelands and existing of different methods in Iran, identification, assessment and comparison of different exploitation methods was taken action from condition, trend, production, extra animal unit on ...
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According to influences of different exploitation methods of Rangelands on welfare or demolition of rangelands and existing of different methods in Iran, identification, assessment and comparison of different exploitation methods was taken action from condition, trend, production, extra animal unit on the area unit and minimum area for each user on each units of exploitation of Amirkabir dam watershed. For reaching to these results, Individual ranching, group ranching and Shoraee method with range plans and group ranching and Shoraee method without Range plans had been chosen and assessed. At the end with the comparison of these methods and comparison of rangelands with range plans and without range plans was proved that Range managements projects in this zone have not been succeeded and Individual ranching method with range plans , with emphasis on individual part was chosen as the best exploitation method of this zone for welfare and keeping safe of Range lands.