reza siahmansour; Morteza akbarzadeh; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
Volume 24, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 418-428
This research was carried out at the Zagheh research station in Lorestan province. A number of 440 individuals in each year and 2200 individuals in five years were cut and weighted inside and outside the exclosure. The difference in weight between the individuals outside and inside the exclosure indicates ...
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This research was carried out at the Zagheh research station in Lorestan province. A number of 440 individuals in each year and 2200 individuals in five years were cut and weighted inside and outside the exclosure. The difference in weight between the individuals outside and inside the exclosure indicates the amount of consumption. According to the results, there is a significant difference between the mean value of forage production and consumption in months and in different species (P<0.01). For the average of four years, the highest and lowest forage production was recorded in the third and second year, respectively. On average, forage production was calculated to be about 1,177 kg per year. On average during four years, 80% of the production was used by livestock. In all years, the highest amount of forage was produced in May. Ono.melanotricha, As. Remotijogus and As.bungei are consumed up to the basal area, while the highest consumption rate for Cen.virgata was obtained in June. Perennial grasses of the study site like Hor. bulbosum, Br.tomentellus, Festuca ovina, Stipa wiesnerii are also under severe grazing pressure. Under heavy grazing over a season, some species like Picris strigosa are not able to rejuvenate and their roots are shattered with little stress. Therefore, the imbalance between production and exploitation and inappropriate distribution is a major factor in the degradation of vegetation and rangeland ecosystems.
Amir Mirzaee Mousavand; Ehsan zandi esfahan; Farshad keyvan Behjoo
Volume 23, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 606-617
This research was aimed to investigate the effects of exclosure on species diversity changes under grazing and exclosure conditions in the northeast rangelands of Delfan County, Lorestan province. For this purpose, 120 quadrates of 1*1 m2 were established in a randomized-systematic method along 12 transects ...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effects of exclosure on species diversity changes under grazing and exclosure conditions in the northeast rangelands of Delfan County, Lorestan province. For this purpose, 120 quadrates of 1*1 m2 were established in a randomized-systematic method along 12 transects of 100 m length at four altitude classes (three transects on each altitude class). In each quadrate, the list of species, density, the percentage of canopy cover, litter, stone and gravel, and bare soil were recorded. To evaluate the numerical indices of diversity, Ecological Methodology software (Ver., 6.2) was used and numerical indices of diversity and evenness were calculated. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software (Ver. 18). According to the obtained results, a number of 132 species were identified, belonging to 30 families and 104 genera, of which 124 and 108 species were recorded in the rangelands under exclosure and grazing conditions, respectively. Our results clearly showed higher numerical indices for richness, evenness, and species diversity under exclosure as compared with grazing condition. The canopy cover percentage of perennial grasses and forbs as well as litter percentage was higher inside the exclosure while the canopy cover percentage of annual grasses and shrubs as well as bare soil percentage was lower as compared with outside the exclosure. The density of perennial grasses and forbs increased, while the density of shrubs decreased inside the exclosure. In addition, a higher production was obtained from the rangeland under exclosure condition.
Alireza Eftekhari; Hosein Arzani; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; esmaiel Alizadeh
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 218-209
Given the breadth and importance of rangelands in water and soil conservation, fodder production and environmental services and evidence of the destruction of this resource, some measures must be taken to prevent damage and also improve its condition. One of the most important measures is preparation ...
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Given the breadth and importance of rangelands in water and soil conservation, fodder production and environmental services and evidence of the destruction of this resource, some measures must be taken to prevent damage and also improve its condition. One of the most important measures is preparation and implementation of Range Management Plans. Hence, it is necessary to consider implemented projects to know that how much they have contributed in preventing damage and improving rangelands. In this research winter rangelands (with and without Range Management Plans) were investigated in Zarandieh. For this purpose, 16 rangelands with Range Management plan and 14 rangelands without Range Management plan were selected so that all management types (private, collective and different areas of rangeland) were taken into consideration with same climate conditions as far as possible. Consequently all rangelands were selected from Mamoonieh-Zarandieh region with warm and dry weather. After calculating the number of plots (60) and its size (2m2) in each vegetation type, a reference area was selected in which vegetation factors including canopy cover, yield, density, litter, species richness, range condition and trend were evaluated in time of range readiness. Statistical analysis of data was performed by t-test. According to the results, there were significant differences between studied rangelands in most of factors. Overall result of the study showed a better condition for rangelands with Range Management Plans.
Farshad Keivan Behjou; Ehsan Zandi esfahan; Babak Mahboub
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 356-344
The Talesh summer rangelands is one the resorts affected by ecotourism activities at regional and national levels. This research was aimed to investigate the effects of ecotourism on soil changes. For this purpose, three recreational zones were selected in the rangelands of the study area with low, moderate, ...
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The Talesh summer rangelands is one the resorts affected by ecotourism activities at regional and national levels. This research was aimed to investigate the effects of ecotourism on soil changes. For this purpose, three recreational zones were selected in the rangelands of the study area with low, moderate, and high tourism pressure. Sampling was performed in a random systematic manner. In each zone, six transects of 10 m length were established randomly and on each transect, five quadrates of 25 cm2 were selected at a distance of two meters apart. To study soil physical and chemical properties, five soil samples were taken on each transect at a depth of 0-30 cm. The soil moisture content, volumetric moisture content, soil texture, pH, EC, bulk density, and phosphorus and potassium content were measured in the laboratory. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software and Duncan's test was applied to compare the means. According to the obtained results, significant differences were found for soil moisture content, volumetric moisture content, organic matter, pH, EC, bulk density, and soil saturation percentage among the three study zones.
Daryoush Ghorbanian; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Mohamad Amirjan
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 177-187
Aellenia subaphylla is a perennial plant species and resistant to drought and salinity, distributed in the winter rangelands and at the margins of the interior deserts such as Damghan desert. In early autumn that available forage is reduced in rangelands, this species produces a considerable forage in ...
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Aellenia subaphylla is a perennial plant species and resistant to drought and salinity, distributed in the winter rangelands and at the margins of the interior deserts such as Damghan desert. In early autumn that available forage is reduced in rangelands, this species produces a considerable forage in addition to a good annual growth. To study the forage quality of Aellenia subaphylla at three growth stages of vegetative, flowering and seeding stages, the branches of 10 species were randomly sampled with three replications. Then the samples were dried and milled. Six forage quality traits including DMD, WSC, CP, CF, ME and ADF were measured. The average of DMD, CP, CF, WSC, Ash, ME, and ADF were estimated to be 35.14%, 17.35%, 40.93%, 13.9%, 6.58%, 3.97 MJ kg-1 dry matter, and 60.45%, respectively. The results of ANOVA and mean comparisons of the traits studied indicated that the forage quality of Aellenia subaphylla was affected by phenological stages. The highest and the lowest CP content were observed at flowering and seeding stages, respectively. The minimum amount of CP for most domestic or wild herbivores for maintenance is reported to be 7.5%. Therefore, this species could supply the CP requirements of livestock. In the flowering stage, ADF and CP increased significantly while a significant reduction was observed in CF, indicating that flowering stage could be recommended for forage utilization. In addition, the average values of DMD, WSC and ME at seeding stage were significantly higher than those of vegetative and flowering stages. Therefore, seeding stage could also be recommended for livestock nutrition. Our results clearly showed that the best time for forage utilization of Aellenia subaphylla, distributed widely in the winter rangelands, was consistent with flowering and seeding stages. On the other hand, this species produces a large amount of seeds, increasing the forage quality at seeding stage. Given that the forage quality of the species studied here was acceptable during flowering and seeding stages, a proper use of this species could be taken into consideration for livestock feed through a sound range management.
Maryam Dadgar; Masoud aleyha; Ehsan zandi Esfahan
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 447-454
mahmood Goudarzi; Mozhgan azimi; Ehsan zandi esfahan; ghader karimi; Amrali shahmoradi
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 552-562
Ghasem Khodahami; Ehsan Zandi Isfahan; Mohammad Hasan Assareh
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 274-282
In the current study, the salinity tolerance of Atriplex leucoclada, a native species to Iran with appropriate nutritional value for livestock, was investigated under greenhouse condition and natural habitats of Fars province. For this purpose, NaCl treatments at different concentrations of 0, 100, ...
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In the current study, the salinity tolerance of Atriplex leucoclada, a native species to Iran with appropriate nutritional value for livestock, was investigated under greenhouse condition and natural habitats of Fars province. For this purpose, NaCl treatments at different concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mM were applied on pots in a growth chamber at 20°C and a photoperiod of 8/16 h (light: dark), and growth characteristics were measured. Soil and plant sampling was conducted in natural ecotypes of Atriplex leucoclada in Darab region. Plant samples were collected randomly from the roots and shoots in vegetative growth stage, and soil samples were taken from two soil depths of 0-10 and 10-45 cm. The results of NaCl effects on growth characteristics of Atriplex leucoclada in vegetative growth stage showed that significant differences were found among the studied concentrations of NaCl as compared to the control group. Our results clearly showed that all studied growth characteristics including shoot fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weight, LWR, LAR, SLA, plant height and LA increased at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, and 300 mM in comparison with control. However, increasing salinity stress more than 300 mM caused to the reduction of growth characteristics significantly. As a result, salinity stress up to 300 mm NaCl not only limited the growth of Atriplex leucoclada but also increased the growth characteristics, indicating that this species is an obligatory halophyte in vegetative growth stage.