ali ehsani; Mohammad fayaz; Hamze Ali Shirmardi; seyd ali hoseini; Kazem saedi; Mohammadreza shooshtari; jamal hasani
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 558-569
Jamal Hasani; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 357-367
This study was performed in the Qorveh rangeland of Kurdistan for five years (2006-2010) to determine the preference value of range species and grazing behavior. The preference value of range species was measured with two methods (time study and preference index). According to the obtained results, significant ...
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This study was performed in the Qorveh rangeland of Kurdistan for five years (2006-2010) to determine the preference value of range species and grazing behavior. The preference value of range species was measured with two methods (time study and preference index). According to the obtained results, significant differences were found for the years and plant species in terms of grazing time percentage, at 1% level of probability. Mean comparison of grazing time percentage showed that Bromus tomentellus with an average of 12.31% together with annuals was classified in one class, and Galium verum, Thymus daenensis, Pterocephalus canus, Poa bulbosa and other species were classified in another class. The lowest grazing time percentage (0.33%) was recorded for Prangos ferulacea. Our results clearly showed that Stipa bromoiedes and Festuca ovina were much less grazed by livestock.
Jamal Hasani; Amrali Shahmoradi
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 171-184
Autecology's studies on plant are conducted to investigate about the relationships between a particular plant and other components of ecosystem. Ecological knowledge about range plant species are essential for rehabilitation, and management of rangelands. This study was accomplished to provide information ...
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Autecology's studies on plant are conducted to investigate about the relationships between a particular plant and other components of ecosystem. Ecological knowledge about range plant species are essential for rehabilitation, and management of rangelands. This study was accomplished to provide information about ecological characteristics of range plant of prangos ferulacea from 2001-2004 in Kurdistan Province. In the survey, some topographic, climatic and edaphically aspects, as well as boundaries of the ecological habitats of this species were delineated. Phonological stages, root system, crown cover, density, reproduction, adequate depth for seed planting, preference value of this plant were evaluated. The results showed habitats from view point of crown cover not significant difference at ά ≤ 0.05, but from aspect of density and regeneration were significant difference between of them at ά ≤ 0.05 & 0.01. The highest average of plant density achieved in Daraki 16.7 in 4 square meter and lowest density in Ariz 6.5 plant in 4 square meters. The Daraki habitat’s from aspect of plant regeneration with 13.3 plants in 4 square meters was better than the other, and Shian has the lowest regeneration (3.1 plant). Phonological stages showed that this plant has a short period of growth and starts in April and continues still early August. Soil texture and soil depth were affected on root grow and development. In Khan and Ariz habitats, penetration of root were 140 & 177.5 centimeters, whereas this parameter measured in Shian and Daraki 146.7 & 77.75 centimeters, sufficient depth for seeding Prangos ferulacea was 4 centimeter. Average of thousand Seed weight 212 gram was measured. Plant mostly grows at 500 mm. rainfall, 1700-2300m.above sea level and northern slopes in Kurdistan. Test of soil texture indicates that this plant grows in different soils, especially clay soil texture .Finally this plant has an important role in rangelands by having forage production and soil conservation.