Saeedeh Sadadt Mirzadeh; Adel Jalili; soheila Ashrafi
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 562-569
Scarification is one of the most effective treatments in improving seed germination. The seed germination percentage of some species is increased by scarification treatment. In the current study, the seeds were collected from different regions of the country and the effects of scarification on seed germination ...
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Scarification is one of the most effective treatments in improving seed germination. The seed germination percentage of some species is increased by scarification treatment. In the current study, the seeds were collected from different regions of the country and the effects of scarification on seed germination percentage and germination speed of Hedysarum formosum, Sesbania punicea, Vicia lathyroides, Ononis spinosa from Papilionaceae family, Althea wilhelminae from Malvaceae family, Bryonia aspera from Cucurbitaceae family,and Vaccaria grandiflora from Caryophyllaceae family were studied. According to the obtained results, scarification had a significant positive effect on seed germination percentage and germination speed of all species except Bryonia aspera. However, scarification treatment had no significant effect on seed germination percentage of Hedysarum formosum, but increased the speed of seed germination. Our results clearly showed that scarification could enhance the speed of germination in the species of papilionaceae family, as compared to other families.
Kian Nadjafi–Tireh–Shabankareh; Adel Jalili; Nemat.. Khorasani; Ziba Jam zad; Uones Asri
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 179-199
The Genu Protected Area encompasses Kuh–e–Genu, a single and isolated mountain rising above the Persian Gulf Coastal plain. The Genu Protected Area is located in Hormozgan province, 30 km north west of BandarAbbas between latitudes (27°18′50″-27°29′16″ ...
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The Genu Protected Area encompasses Kuh–e–Genu, a single and isolated mountain rising above the Persian Gulf Coastal plain. The Genu Protected Area is located in Hormozgan province, 30 km north west of BandarAbbas between latitudes (27°18′50″-27°29′16″ N) and longitudes (55° 57′30″-56°18′4″E), at about 70 to 2347m above sea level. It covers an area of about43000 hectares. The main aim of this research is to identify relationship between plant associations and environmental factors. In this investigation the relationship between environmental factors and establishment and expansion of plant associations was carried out. The each plant association, 38 ecological factors including different soil characteristics such as soil texture, lime, saturation moisture, gypsum, acidity, electrical conductivity, soluble ions (Na+, K+, N, P, Mg2+, Ca2+, CL-, CO32-, HCO3- , SO42-) in two depth, elevation and slope of habitat were determined too. Multivariate method (Principal component analysis) was used to analyze the collected data. A matrix of vegetation and environmental factors was prepared and the ordination was done by the PCA using PC-ORD software. The results show that the measured environmental variables affected the plant association distribution pattern. The most important factors that have influenced plant associations separation are as follows: electrical conductivity, elevation, moisture saturation, organic matter, lime, K+, Na+, SO42-, Ca2+, CL-, Mg2+ and slope of habitat, respectively. The multivariate analysis expression, the effects of the complicated environmental variables on the plants in a simpler way and introduce the most important factors. As a general, each plant association depends on habitat conditions, ecological needs and tolerance shows a significant relation with environmental factors especially some soil properties.
Ali Ehsani; Hosein Arzani; Mahdi Farahpoor; Hasan Ahmadi; Mohammad Jafari; Adel Jalili; Hamid Reza Mirdavodi; Hamid reza Abbasi; Mojgan Azimi
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 249-260
The effects of climatic factors on four dominant range land species of Markazi province, Iran, were studied. Species were Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida, Noaea mucronata, Stipa barbata and were monitored from 1998 to 2005. Site is located in steppe lands and called Nemati range, Akhtarabad of Saveh. ...
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The effects of climatic factors on four dominant range land species of Markazi province, Iran, were studied. Species were Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida, Noaea mucronata, Stipa barbata and were monitored from 1998 to 2005. Site is located in steppe lands and called Nemati range, Akhtarabad of Saveh. Climatic factors were annual rainfall, rainfall of grazing season plus rainfall of previous year, temperature, solar radiation and wind velocity. Among the main indicators, as results shows, growing season plus previous rainfalls is the most effective indicator on forage production with high and significant correlation. Total yield have positive and significant correlation with growing season rainfall and previous rainfall as well as production of Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida. Soil and water regime in dry and semi-dry areas, in growing season, is in a way that plants are dependent on stored moisture. Shrubs, with their deep roots, are more capable of using this moisture. Therefore stored moisture could be known as an indicator of rain quantity. Result of this research showed that rainfall indicator in growing season and previous season is a variable that plays fundamental rule in production, showing a linear relationship. Negative correlation was shown between number of sunny days, total yield and yield of two species, Salsola rigida and Artemisia sieberi.