Reza Siahmansour; Mohammad Fayaz; Saeedeh Nateghi; Rostam Khalifehzadeh; Ali Mohammadian
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 887-903
Knowledge of preference value of plant species is one of the essential requirements for determining forage available and consequently, calculation of grazing capacity for rangeland habitats. This project was investigated in 36 species including of 21 perennials and 15 annuals species. For this purpose, ...
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Knowledge of preference value of plant species is one of the essential requirements for determining forage available and consequently, calculation of grazing capacity for rangeland habitats. This project was investigated in 36 species including of 21 perennials and 15 annuals species. For this purpose, during four-years period (2007-2010) in each month of the growing season (spring and summer) film was taken from a non-pregnant and non -lactating unit adult ewes (Lori)for at least 1800 seconds with an average weight of 50 kg inside the flock which were grazing in rangeland. Results indicated that annual grasses such as Boissiera squarrosa, Bromus danthonia, Bromus tectorum, Heteranthelium piliferum had the highest grazing time with a total duration of 3083 seconds compared to other species. Subsequent species including of Agropyron trichophorum with 2594 seconds, Bromus tomentellus with 1232 seconds, Onobrychis melanotricha with 681 seconds, broadleaf herbaceous annual such as Helianthemum ledifolhum, Viciea peregerina, Diplotaxis erucoides, talaspi perfoliatum, Minuartia obtusiloba with 670 second and Hordeum bulbosum with 565 second were ranked in the next. Finally, it was found that annual grasses and shrubs in May, perennial grasses in June, and broadleaf herbaceous annual in July have quite palatable and located in Class I. Also, total grasses and perennial forbs in July, annual forbs and shrubs in May and June have fairly palatable respectively which have located in class (II) and vegetative forms have palatable class III in other months.
Farhad Azhir; Moham,mad Fayaz
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 932-940
In program of increasing forage production in rangelands of the country, gathering and deepening knowledge of forage plants establishment is necessary. So seeds of Trifolium pratense species prepared from Sari city market and cultivated. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal season and ...
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In program of increasing forage production in rangelands of the country, gathering and deepening knowledge of forage plants establishment is necessary. So seeds of Trifolium pratense species prepared from Sari city market and cultivated. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal season and efficient method of species establishment for rangeland breeding in steppe rangelands. Experiment was performed in Posht-kooh water spreading station with 350 mm precipitation and semi-arid-cold climate. For this purpose, two sowing treatments including of seeding and seed spacing in two cultivation season of fall and spring, in split plot based on completely randomize block design in three repetitions were performed. Results indicated that there was a significant difference at (p<0.01) between the cultivation season and two cultivation methods. Germination and viability in fall season (39.11% germination, 13.83% viability) were more preferable to spring cultivation (30.06% germination, 11.83% viability). Seed cultivation in seeding (germination 39.22%, 14.78% viability) was also superior to seed spacing (29.94% germination, 10.89% viability). According to the obtained results, fall cultivation and seeding method were better than spring cultivation and seed spacing method. There is possibility of breeding rangelands in similar climatic and physical properties of the rangelands at the test site as well as fall cultivation and seeding method to increase forage production and direct grazing.
Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 10, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 289-300
Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 12, Issue 1 , August 2019, , Pages 41-62
Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 11, Issue 2 , August 2019, , Pages 191-212
Mohammad Fayaz; Seyed Hamid Habibian; Hasan Yeganeh; Anvar Sanaie; Mohammadjavad Mahdavi
Volume 26, Issue 1 , June 2019, , Pages 174-186
The knowledge of livestock grazing behavior is one of the effective factors in rangeland management. This research was carried out in order to recognize the sheep grazing behavior in the rangelands of Cheshmeh Anjir, Fars province, during the years 2007-2010.The indicators assessed ...
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The knowledge of livestock grazing behavior is one of the effective factors in rangeland management. This research was carried out in order to recognize the sheep grazing behavior in the rangelands of Cheshmeh Anjir, Fars province, during the years 2007-2010.The indicators assessed in this research included the daily distance traveled by livestock, average livestock movement, speed, and the time spent grazing. To determine these parameters, a GPS device was used and attached on the back of a 4- year old ewe using a special belt. Thus, after the start of grazing in the rangeland, the GPS was activated and then its data were extracted using mode track in ILWIS software at the end of the day. Data analysis was done in a completely randomized block design method using SAS software. The results of the study years showed that the average livestock movement speed and the daily distance traveled by livestock were significant at 1% and 5% levels, respectively; however, the time spent grazing did not show significant differences. Also, the results of study months showed that the average livestock movement speed was significant at 5% level and the daily distance traveled by livestock and the time spent grazing were not significant. According to the results, August 2008 with the mean value of 4 m/s and June 2009 with the mean value of 29 m/s had the lowest and highest average livestock movement speed, respectively; however, June 2009 with the mean value of 4.2 m/s and August 2008 with the mean value of 15.4 m/s had the lowest and highest distance traveled by livestock, respectively. The knowledge of mentioned factors will help rangeland management to determine the appropriate time for livestock moving and will increase livestock performance.
Reza Siahmansour; Mohammad fayaz
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 853-862
Unfortunately, due to the improper use of natural resources, tremendous changes on the Earth happened which are harmful to human beings. The multidimensional nature of sustainable development has caused to pay more attention to the use of compatible, resistant, productive, high quality and palatable ...
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Unfortunately, due to the improper use of natural resources, tremendous changes on the Earth happened which are harmful to human beings. The multidimensional nature of sustainable development has caused to pay more attention to the use of compatible, resistant, productive, high quality and palatable species. One of these species is Astragalus curvirostris as a permanent species, which one of its habitats is in Beluman rangelands with an average height of 1960 meters above sea level and an average annual rainfall of 593.3 mm. In two times and two methods of planting, split plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications during four years (from 2013 to 2016). The main plot included two treatments of planting season consisted of autumn and spring, and the subplots included two methods of seed cultivation and seeding. Analysis of variance was used to compare significant differences between treatments, and distribution of mean treatments was analyzed by Duncan test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the average number of available plant stands in different treatments including autumn seed sowing, autumn seed spreading, spring seed sowing and spring seed spreading at 1% level (P≤0.01). It means that its cultivation type and season have different performance on plant coverage. In addition, there was a significant difference between the plots at 1% level, which in fact can depend on the implementation of the treatments in each plot. Finally, it was found that Astragalus curvirostris achieved the best level of success in autumn and the seed sowing method.
Mahshid Souri; Mohammad Fayaz; Nadia Kamali; Saeedeh Nateghi
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 911-922
The main objective of this research was to evaluate vegetation changes and soil indicators in the Kalat Sadat Sabzevar area under rangeland management practices. Vegetation factors including plant species production, vegetation cover, cover percentage, litter percentage, plant ...
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The main objective of this research was to evaluate vegetation changes and soil indicators in the Kalat Sadat Sabzevar area under rangeland management practices. Vegetation factors including plant species production, vegetation cover, cover percentage, litter percentage, plant species density, and rangeland condition and trend were measured at the exclosure site and adjacent control site. The assessment was conducted using a random-systematic method with a sufficient number of samples and appropriate distribution of samples at the time of rangeland readiness. The rangeland trend was determined on the basis of two methods, and rangeland condition was determined based on the four-factor method. Soil sampling was carried out at a depth of 20 cm. A total of 12 soil samples were taken from the first, second and third transects (exclosure site), as well as fourth, fifth and sixth (control site). Data were analyzed by the independent t-test using SPSS software. According to the obtained results, the highest canopy cover percentage in terms of palatability belonged to class II plants (19.37), and in terms of vegetative form belonged to the perennial plants (16.2). Also, the largest share of production in the exclosure site and grazing site was related to shrubs and perennial grasses, respectively. The results showed that clay, silt, lime, organic carbon, nitrogen and electrical conductivity were significantly different at 5% level between the exclosure and grazing sites, but there was no significant difference between acidity and phosphorous. Therefore, exclosure could be recommended as an improvement practice to be carried out in more areas of the region.