Azin Sharafi; Seyed Akbar Javadi; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Mohammad Jafari; Mahshid Souri
Volume 31, Issue 3 , September 2024, , Pages 266-283
AbstractBackground and objectivesHalophyte plants grow and produce in very saline water and soil conditions; however, they do not compete with agricultural products for quality soil and water as the main sources of production. Halophytes can tolerate high salinity for various reasons such as morphological ...
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AbstractBackground and objectivesHalophyte plants grow and produce in very saline water and soil conditions; however, they do not compete with agricultural products for quality soil and water as the main sources of production. Halophytes can tolerate high salinity for various reasons such as morphological characteristics, vegetative form, physiology and mechanisms of salinity tolerance. Although there have been good studies on the growth and salinity tolerance of halophyte species, there is little information about the absorption of heavy elements and the phytoremediation ability of different halophyte species. Heavy metal pollution is a serious problem in the lands adjacent to mines, which can be remedied by methods such as phytoremediation, while more studies are needed in this field. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential of several species of saltwort in the phytoremediation of mineral-contaminated soils. MethodologyFor this purpose, the ability of five halophyte species, Haloxylon persicum, Tamarix ramossisima, and Halocnemum strobilaceum, in phytoremediation of heavy metals arsenic (As), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and nickel (Ni) was investigated at the Miduk mining site. Miduk copper mine is located 42 km northeast of Babak city in Kerman Province.The vegetation of this area includes short bushes and scattered forest trees such as Buxus hyrcana, Prunus antarctica, Pistacia atlantica, Calligonum comosum, Tamarix spp., and Astragalus spp. and bush plants such as Artemisia sieberi, Salsola richteri, Rheum ribes, Cirsium vulgare, Ferula communis and Ziziphora clinopodioides. Sampling was done from the five halophyte species at distances of 1000, 1500, 2000, and 5000 m from the Miduk copper mine, which included 4 repetitions and each repetition included 20 bases. The total number of plant and soil samples was 400 and 120, respectively. Sampling was done by harvesting the plant and then separating the shoot (aerial organs) and root (underground organ) at the flowering stage. As, Cu, Ni, and Pb elements were measured using the inductively coupled plasma ICP-OES device. ResultsThe results showed significant differences between H. strobilaceum, H. persicum, and T. ramossisima species regarding the amounts of arsenic, copper, and lead in different components of plants and soil. Ha. persicum has the highest amounts of arsenic and copper in the shoot, roots, and soil. At a distance of 1000 m, the highest concentration of arsenic is observed in the shoot, roots, and soil, as well as copper values in the shoot and soil. At a distance of 5000 m, a lower concentration of copper in the soil and a higher concentration of arsenic can be seen in the soil. In the case of Ta. ramossisima species, the highest concentration of arsenic is observed in the root and the highest amount of lead is also observed in the shoot. The results confirmed the phytoremediation potential of all five halophyte species for the remediation of contaminated soils at a distance of 1000 m from the copper mine, while the species H. strobilaceum had a higher potential for phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Furthermore, environmental pollution was not observed in the area without pollution to moderate pollution; which probably indicated the lack of transfer of heavy metals to agricultural products in lands further away from the mine. ConclusionSignificant differences in the distribution and concentration of elements have been observed between these species and at different distances, and these results can contribute to a better understanding of the environmental effects on the concentration and distribution of elements in plants. The results of this research showed the phytoremediation potential of plant species H. persicum, H. salicornica, S. rosmarinus, T. ramossisima, and H. strobilaceum, which indicated the acceptable ability of saline species to improve mineral-contaminated soils. The phytoremediation potential of H. strobilaceum species was higher than other species. Also, based on the indicators of the accumulation of elements and the low amount of contamination of the examined species in the points with a greater distance from the mine (more than 1500 m), it showed that agriculture in the area around the mine is observed with caution and periodic examination of the area in terms of concentration heavy metals are possible.
Saeedeh Nateghi; Morteza Khodagholi; Mahshid Souri
Volume 31, Issue 3 , September 2024, , Pages 301-322
Abstract Introduction Rangeland ecosystems are very important and sensitive to changes in environmental factors. Small changes in temperature and rainfall regime or other climatic events can fundamentally reduce the composition, distribution and dispersion of plant species as well as ...
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Abstract Introduction Rangeland ecosystems are very important and sensitive to changes in environmental factors. Small changes in temperature and rainfall regime or other climatic events can fundamentally reduce the composition, distribution and dispersion of plant species as well as their production. To better understand future climate change, it is essential to determine the current and future distribution of species. Species distribution modeling is currently the only tool that can be used to assess the number of changes in the distribution of multiple species in response to climate change. Therefore, considering the importance of climate in the distribution of plant species, this research examines the distribution of plant species in the future, taking into account the relationship between the important pasture species in Alborz province and the climate factor. Materials and methods In this research, four plant species including Stipa arabica, Ferula ovina, Bromus tomentellus and Artemisia aucheri were investigated in Alborz province. In order to determine the amount of precipitation and temperature, the data of the synoptic stations, which were analyzed by the Man-Kendall method, were used. Using the maps of the Ecological Zones Recognition Plan of the Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute and ArcGIS, the vegetation cover map of the province and the current distribution of species, the presence and absence of species were drawn and recorded. In order to prepare the environmental information layer, 19 bio-climates for the present were calculated and downloaded from the site for 2050 with an accuracy of 30 seconds. These data were obtained for two scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for the future period. Then, the values of environmental variables were entered as independent variables and species presence and absence information as dependent variables in SPSS software, and the logistic regression statistical model was obtained from the presence of selected species. This statistical model was defined in the ArcGIS software environment and the potential species map was prepared. Kappa statistical coefficient was used to validate the resulting potential habitat maps model using 22 independent variables and with the help of error matrix. Results The results showed the rising temperature trends in all stations, and 65.76% of the trends were significant. In the northern and eastern heights of Alborz province, the increase in average temperature, especially in the early spring, late autumn and winter seasons, will cause early snow melting in the region, and due to the decrease in precipitation in the mountainous regions, it will cause many problems in water storage. According to the predictions of the logistic regression model, Stipa arabica species, 68626 hectares equivalent to 13% of the province, Bromus tomentellus, 298842 hectares equivalent to 58% of the province, Ferula ovina, 195465 hectares equivalent to 38% of the province, and Artemisia aucheri, 232539 hectares equivalent to 45% of the province have the probability of occurrence of class 75-100 The percentage is for the presence of these species. The evaluation of regression model using Kappa coefficient for Stipa arabica, Bromus tomentellus, Ferula ovina and Artemisia aucheri species was equal to 86, 85, 82 and 79 respectively, which are models with good accuracy according to Koch and Smith classification. 19 bio-climatic maps were prepared under two scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 for the year 2050. The current situation is similar to the 4.5 scenario, but in both models, we will see a decrease in the probability of the floor occurring by 75-100 percent in 2050. Also, the average of all temperature parameters in Karaj station will increase by 1.9 degrees Celsius by 2050 and the amount of precipitation will decrease by 1.33 mm. Discussion and conclusion The researchers reported that although there have been no significant changes in rainfall over the past 50 years, the decrease in rainfall in April and the increase in rainfall in December and July can indicate possible climate change in these areas in the future, and the climate in Iran, especially in spring is warming, which confirms the results of the present study. The minimum and maximum height in which the Stipa Arabica species is present is 1400 and 2400 meters, respectively, and the modeling results in 2050 show this minimum and maximum height in the 4.5 scenario, 2400-2100 meters and in the 8.5 scenario, respectively. It shows 2900 meters. The minimum and maximum altitude where the Ferula ovina species is present is 1850 and 2600 meters, respectively. If the modeling results in 2050 show this minimum and maximum height unchanged in the 4.5 scenario and 2800-3000 meters in the 8.5 scenario, respectively. The Bromus tomentellus species is currently located at an altitude of 1600-2700 m, while in scenario 4.5 (equilibrium conditions) and scenario 8.5 (pessimistic scenario) it is at an altitude above 2500 m, which indicates that this species of There is not much difference in altitude opinion. The minimum and maximum altitudes where Artemisia aucheri is present are 1600 and 2800 meters, respectively. Slope and temperature are the two main parameters affecting the distribution of this species and so that the slope affects the depth of the soil and thus has an effect on the establishment of the roots. Due to heat compensation in pessimistic conditions, this species has moved to higher altitudes, i.e. around 3000 meters, which confirms the results of other researchers. With the increase in temperature due to climate change, the extent of habitat of the species under investigation will decrease and they will move to areas that are higher and therefore have lower temperature.
Mohammadamin Soltanipoor; Saeedeh Nateghi; Abolhamid Hajebi; Mahshid Souri
Volume 29, Issue 2 , July 2022, , Pages 145-155
Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water ...
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Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water resources can be prevented. Suitable grazing intensity causes continuous and economic use in the rangeland. Therefore, a study was conducted on the effects of different harvest intensities on forage production of three species Halocnemum strobilaceum, Desmostachya bipinnata, and Aeluropus lagopoides Hormozgan province three years from 2008 to determine the most appropriate level of exploitation. Experimental treatments included four harvesting intensities of 25, 50, and 75% and control (without harvest). In each treatment, ten rootstocks of the species were considered replicates and evaluated on each of the dependent variables. The results were analyzed in SAS software. The results showed that harvest intensity affected the forage production and all treatments were significantly different from the control. Therefore, up to 50% of the allowable use for Aeluropus lagopoides and Desmostachya bipinnata, and up to 75% for Halocnemum strobilaceum is suggested to maintain the health and vigor of these species during the harvest years. According to the above findings, this allowable use can be considered for similar areas in terms of climate together with information about other plants.
zhila ghorbani; Kiumars Sefidi; Mahshid Souri; Mehdi Moameri
Volume 28, Issue 3 , October 2021, , Pages 395-409
Awareness of the extent and impact of vegetation from livestock grazing disorders can be a solution to develop rangeland ecosystem management strategies to achieve sustainability and continuous production in these ecosystems. In this study, the production of aerial and underground organs of grazable ...
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Awareness of the extent and impact of vegetation from livestock grazing disorders can be a solution to develop rangeland ecosystem management strategies to achieve sustainability and continuous production in these ecosystems. In this study, the production of aerial and underground organs of grazable livestock species in the southeastern rangelands of Sabalan under the influence of different grazing intensities and distance from the village as the focus of the crisis was investigated. In addition, the development and evaluation of ANFIS model was presented in order to predict the production of aerial and underground organs of food species and compare the results with the regression model. For evaluation of regression and ANFIS models the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (R2) were used. The results showed that different grazing intensities, distance from village and interaction between them were significant effect on the production of aerial and underground organs of palatability species at (p≤0.01). Also, with increasing grazing intensity, the production of aerial and underground organs of these species decreased. The results of ANFIS section showed that in low grazing intensity and distance of about 400 meters, the highest amount of production of palatable species is observed. The lowest production of these species is predicted to be close to the village (200 meters). Moreover, the highest amount of underground biomass at farther distances (600 meter) and lowest amount of that was observed at 200 meter. In addition, ANFIS model with higher accuracy (R2 = 0.98 and R2 = 0.95) and lower error (RMSE = 0.9792 and RMSE = 1.168) than less accurate regression model (R2 = 0.92 and R2 0.77) which also had more errors (RMSE = 2.2835 and RMSE = 3.8954), predicted the production of aerial and underground organs, respectively.
Mahshid Souri; Tayebeh Alibeygy; Mehdi Erfanian; Javad Motamedi; Rostam Khalifezadeh
Volume 28, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 21-33
Gross primary production is one of the key factors for understanding growing grassland conditions and rangeland monitoring. The present study aims to introduce an improved index based on the primary GDP and NDVI vegetation index of MODIS. In this regard, field operations were carried out ...
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Gross primary production is one of the key factors for understanding growing grassland conditions and rangeland monitoring. The present study aims to introduce an improved index based on the primary GDP and NDVI vegetation index of MODIS. In this regard, field operations were carried out in May, simultaneously with the growth of vegetation in the Rasin basin of Kermanshah province. In each of the types, reference areas were determined, and six (100-meter) transects were deployed in each of the representative points. Along each transect, five plots were placed at a distance of 20 meters, and a total of 84 transects and 420 plots were used in the field. Information such as rangeland type and actual fresh forage (AFY, kg/ha) were determined in the Rasin basin. In general, three types were identified in the field. Modified primary GDP data were calculated and validated with the measured data in the Rasin basin of Kermanshah province. The results showed that, in type 1, with R2 equal to 0.77 Ss index of gross primary production of NDVI as an improved index, in type 2, Ss index of primary production of NDVI with R2 0.73, in type 3, Ss index of gross primary production NDVI with R2 equal to 0.71, and finally, for the whole rangeland type, Ss index of gross primary production of NDVI with R2 equal to 0.51 was determined as the improved index. The results also showed that the modified primary GDP data is an acceptable indicator for monitoring grasslands. The accuracy of estimating rangeland production based on the Ss index of gross primary production of NDVI was 80%. The statistical results of comparing the estimated values with field observations indicate the acceptable accuracy of statistical models in estimating production. Also, since MODIS data is available twice a day, the improved index can supply the real need for rangeland monitoring on a regional scale.
Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor; Rahman Asadpour; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 27, Issue 2 , June 2020, , Pages 224-237
Helianthemum lippii and Tavernieracuneifoliais are the most important broadleaf plants of Hormozgan province, Iran. To investigate the establishment of these species, this study was conducted at the Watershed Management and Natural Resources Station of Dehgin (Hormozgan province) from November ...
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Helianthemum lippii and Tavernieracuneifoliais are the most important broadleaf plants of Hormozgan province, Iran. To investigate the establishment of these species, this study was conducted at the Watershed Management and Natural Resources Station of Dehgin (Hormozgan province) from November 2014 for three years. The three methods of seeding in farrow, pitting, and crescent catchment were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications in SAS software. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between experimental structures, plant species used, and also the interaction of structure and species. A statistically significant difference was recorded for Helianthemum lippii and Taverniera cuneifolia at the level of 5%, for the crescent catchment structures, pitting, and contour-furrow at the level of 1%, and also for the interaction of structure and species at the level of 1%. The highest percentage of species establishment was in the crescent catchment structure with 27.1% and the lowest was related to the pitting structure with 3.2%. Investigation of the interaction of structure and species in the rate of species establishement in different structures showed that the highest percentage of establishement was related to Taverniera cuneifolia with 31.2% in the crescent-shaped structure, after that, the highest percentage of establishment was related to Helianthemum lippii with 22.9% in the same structure. The lowest establishment was related to the contour-furrow structure with 2.1% for Taverniera cuneifolia and pitting structure with 2.1% for Helianthemum lippii. Based on the results of the present study, it is suggested that to successfully implement rangeland cultivation projects with Lippii Helianthemum and Taverniera cuneifolia in similar climates of Hormozgan province, the mentioned species should be planted in crescent-shaped structures.