Mohabbat ali naderi shahab; maryam jebelli; amrali shahmoradi; abbas ghamari zare; aliashraf jafari
Volume 22, Issue 3 , November 2015, , Pages 546-557
Sadeq pourmoradi; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 121-130
In order to study on the variation of forage yield and quality traits among seven accessions of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), an experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications in rangelands of Mazandaran province, Iran, in three consecutive years (2003-2005). ...
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In order to study on the variation of forage yield and quality traits among seven accessions of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), an experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications in rangelands of Mazandaran province, Iran, in three consecutive years (2003-2005). The data were collected for persistency, growth type and dry matter yield. Seven quality traits including crude protein (CP), dry matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude fiber (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash were estimated using NIR methods. DMD-yield, WSC-yield and CP-yield were also estimated. Data were analyzed for each year and were combined over years. The means of treatments were comprised using Duncan¢s multiple range test. Results showed that the forage production of accessions 618, 1753 and 324 in each year and the mean of two years were higher as compared to other accessions. As a result, these accessions had higher forage yield, quality and persistency and they were suggested for cultivation in northern Alborz rangelands. Among them, the accession 1753, originated from Urmia, with prostrate growth habit was recognized as the best one for pasture regeneration in northern Alborz rangelands.
Bahram Amiri; Mohammad hasan Assareh; Mohammad Jafari; Behruz Rasuli; Ali ashraf Jafari
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 233-243
Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated ...
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Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated with salt tolerance of plants. In this research, germination and seedling growth of two native species of Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum were evaluated under different salinity levels. Seeds of these species were treated by different concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4 in a growth chamber for 45 days. According to the results, germination and seedling growth of both species showed significant differences at in different salinity levels. Up to 200 mM and 150 mM NaCl, no significant differences were recorded for Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum, respectively. In contrast, increment of sodium sulphate up to 100-150 m M, increased seedling growth and germination of Salicornia herbacea. While, a drastic decrease of germination was recorded for Alhagi persarum at 50 mM sodium sulphate. In general, it could be stated that Salicornia herbacea was more resistant to salinity.
Mojtabah Akhavan Armaki; Hosein Azarnivand; Mohammad hasan Asareh; Ali ashraf Jafari; Ali Tavili
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 558-568
Environmental stress especially water deficiency (drought) is of the most important factors in arid and semi arid regions of Iran that hugely affects plant growth especially in germination and emergence stages. To find the effects of water stress on germination properties and early growth characteristics ...
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Environmental stress especially water deficiency (drought) is of the most important factors in arid and semi arid regions of Iran that hugely affects plant growth especially in germination and emergence stages. To find the effects of water stress on germination properties and early growth characteristics of three Bromus species (B. tomentellus, B. inermis, B. persicu), a Factorial experiment based on Completely Randomized Design with four replications was conducted. Water stress treatments included -3, -6 and -9 bars, also distilled water was considered as control. Germination percentage, root length, shoot length, seedling length, root to shoot ratio, seedling dry weight, seedling fresh weight, dry to fresh weight ratio, germination rate and seed vigor were examined as germination and early growth properties of understudied species. The results showed that increase of drought stress, especially when changing from -3 to -6 bars, significantly reduced all attributes. Seedling length and seed vigor showed more decrease. Among the species, B. tomentellus showed higher germination compared to the other species. It was cleared that -6 and -9 bars potentials could be considered as favorable water stress levels to evaluate the ability of the mentioned species for germinating under drought conditions.
Sadegh pourmoradi; Aliashraf Jafari
Volume 17, Issue 4 , November 2011, , Pages 615-623
7 accessions of white clover (Trifolium repense L.) were evaluated in view of forage yield and quality traits in rangelands of Mazandaran province. A randomized complete blocks design with three replications was applied in three consecutive years (2003-2005). The data were collected for persistency (based ...
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7 accessions of white clover (Trifolium repense L.) were evaluated in view of forage yield and quality traits in rangelands of Mazandaran province. A randomized complete blocks design with three replications was applied in three consecutive years (2003-2005). The data were collected for persistency (based on gerund cover) and dry matter yield. Six quality Traits as: crude protein (CP), dry matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude fiber (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash were measured using Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) technology. DMD-yield, WSC-yield and CP- yield were also calculated based on the equations. In the first year (establishment), no harvest was made, but in the second year the forage yield was harvested. In the third year, the varieties had not enough growth and therefore no harvest was made. Data were analyzed and the means of treatments were compared using Duncan¢s multiple range test. According to the results the most vegetation cover persistency was recorded for Chiftan and Tahora, Aran, Avoca, and Tara were placed in next orders respectively. The highest CP-Yield, DMD-Yield and WSC-yield, were also recorded for the varieties of Aran, Grassland, Tara and Chiftan respectively. Mean comparison of dry matter yield also showed that the varieties of Aran, Grassland, and Tara with an average of 2324, 2005 and 1909 kg ha-1 were classified in similar group and had the highest forage yield. Considering all studied factors together (persistency and forage dry matter, CP, DMD and WSC yield), Aran and Tara were identified as the superior accessions for forage production in summer rangelands of Mazandaran province.
Abbas Kazempour; Ali ashraf Jafari; Mehrnaz Riasat
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 307-321
The genus of Elymus is of important grasses for forage production and soil and water conservation in Iran's rangelands.It has high preference value for livestock grazing because of the high production and high acceptability. Important species of this genus show different tolerances to drought.In order ...
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The genus of Elymus is of important grasses for forage production and soil and water conservation in Iran's rangelands.It has high preference value for livestock grazing because of the high production and high acceptability. Important species of this genus show different tolerances to drought.In order to determine the reactions of 14 accessions of Elymus hispidus and Elymus pertenuis to drought stress, a factorial experiment was conducted using completely randomized design with three replications in a standard germination test in 2008, Shiraz, Iran.Polyethylene glycol 6000 was used at 4 levels (0, -8/0, -9/0- and -1 MPa) as different osmotic potentials.Data were collected and analyzed for germination percentage, speed of germination, root length, shoot length, seedling length, root / shoot length ratio, seedling weight and seed vigor index.The results showed significant differences among accessions, drought effects and interaction effects of accessions* drought for all the traits.However, there were no significant differences between means of two species for all traits except seedling weight.In both species, all traits except root / shoot length ratio were decreased by increasing osmotic potential. In contrast, means of root / shoot length ratio was increased by drought stress.The effect of drought stress was higher on shoot length than those for root length, indicating that the sensitivity to drought stress of shoot length was more than root length.The results showed that some accessions within E. hispidus species as (Yasoj , Eghlid and Brojen) showed the maximum drought resistance in most of the seedling attributes. According to the results of Probit analysis, LD50 were estimated as -0.72 and -0.81 MP for E. hispidus and E. pertenuis, respectively.
Farhad Azhir; Ali-ashraf Jafari; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 139-150
In order to determine the best genotype for range improvement in Tehran province, Iran, 19 ecotypes of Agropyron cristatum were sown using randomized complete block design with three replications under irrigation and dry land farming system during 2006- 2007. Data were collected and analyzed for ...
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In order to determine the best genotype for range improvement in Tehran province, Iran, 19 ecotypes of Agropyron cristatum were sown using randomized complete block design with three replications under irrigation and dry land farming system during 2006- 2007. Data were collected and analyzed for dry matter (DM) yield, flowering and pollinating date, plant height and 5 quality traits as: dry matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude protean (CP), total ash, and acid detergent fiber (ADF).The results showed significant difference at 1% level of confidence for yield and morphological traits while no significant differences were observed for forage quality under two different cultivation conditions. The difference between ecotypes and environment-ecotype interaction effecets were significant for all traits of the species.Ecotypes 208P8 and 4056P4 with average values of 1240 and 1336 Kg/ha had higher forage yield in irrigation condition while in dry land condition, forage yield of ecotypes 619M and 4056P4 with average values of 791 and 901 Kg/ha were maximum.According to the results, ecotypes 1722M (Gorgan), 208P8 (Esfahan)and 4056P4 (Gorgan) with average yield value were identified as the best ones for both yield and quality traits in studied cultivation conditions to be introduced for cultivation in dry land faming in Tehran province.DM yield had positive correlation with plant establishment.WSC had positive and negative correlation with DMD and CP, respectively. The relationship between DMD and ADF was negatively significant.
Mohammad ali Alizadeh; Ali ashraf Jafari
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 115-126
The effect of pre-cool temperature was studied on seed characteristics including: percent and speed of germination, seedling height, root/shoot length ratio, seedling weight, seedling dry/fresh weight ratio and vigour index in five ecotypes of Dactylis glomerata in laboratory and greenhouse condition. ...
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The effect of pre-cool temperature was studied on seed characteristics including: percent and speed of germination, seedling height, root/shoot length ratio, seedling weight, seedling dry/fresh weight ratio and vigour index in five ecotypes of Dactylis glomerata in laboratory and greenhouse condition. Beside of seed germination characteristics, some vegetative growth properties such as tiller number and leaf area were measured in greenhouse experiment. In laboratory condition, pre-cool germination temperature (4 °C) was applied by two weeks on seeds of ecotypes before standard germination test. In greenhouse, the seeds of five ecotypes were sownon pots with fluctuation temperatures 20±5°C during day and (5-12 °C) during night time. The 4 °C was used as base temperature for cold treatment on 15 and 35 days of seedling growth stage compared control. Data were collected and analyzed using factorial experiment method. Results showed, some ecotype like Gene bank had higher values for percent and speed of germination and vigour index than other ecotypes in both experimental conditions. The same ecotype had higher values for tiller number and leaf area than others in both control and cold treatment. It follows by two ecotypes of Hamadan and Karaj with high level of tiller number and leaf area in reaction by cold treatment compare with control in greenhouse. With regard to results, for all seed characteristics, tiller number and leaf area, Gene bank and then Karaj and Hamadan ecotypes were superior compared with other ecotypes.
Aliakbar Emani; Aliashraf Jafari; Rajab Chokan; Ali Asgari; Farokh Darvish
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 493-507
In order to determine the best populations for both yield and quality traits, 36 populations of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were evaluated using a triple lattice design in Ardabil, Iran during 2005-2006. The data were collected for heading date, plant height, dry matter yield and five quality ...
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In order to determine the best populations for both yield and quality traits, 36 populations of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were evaluated using a triple lattice design in Ardabil, Iran during 2005-2006. The data were collected for heading date, plant height, dry matter yield and five quality traits dry Matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash over two years. Near infrared spectroscopy was used for estimation of the quality traits. Result showed significant difference among populations for all of traits except the ash, in the first year. The populations VIII (Russia), 782026 (Shahrekord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with average values 5.76, 5.32 and 5.5 ton/ha had the highest total dry matter production, respectively. They were suggested as the promising populations for produce synthetic varieties. The populations of 60075 (Tavankesh), 60066 (Borojen), had higher and lower values for plant heights, respectively. For heading date, 418 (Australia) and 1317 (Iranian Gene bank), were recognized as latest and earliest populstions, respectively. The populations of 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) had the higher values for DMD. Results of correlation analysis showed that DMD was positively correlated with WSC, while the correlation among ADF with both DMD and WSC was negative. Heading date was negatively correlated with both DM yield and plant height. The relationships among DM yield with both DMD and WSC were weak and non significant. It was concluded that the population VIII (Russia), 782026 ( Shahre kord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with higher forage production and 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) with higher quality were suggested as the best populations for cultivation in semi steppe area of northwest of Iran.
Ali ashraf Jafari; Alireza Seydemohammadi; Noor alah Abdi; Hasan Madah arefi
Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2008, , Pages 114-128
Desert wheatgrass, Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult, is one of important perennial grass species that naturally grows in Zagrous and Alborz mountains rangelands in the west and north of Iran. In order to identification of superior genotypes for both seed and dry matter (DM) yield, 31 genotypes ...
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Desert wheatgrass, Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult, is one of important perennial grass species that naturally grows in Zagrous and Alborz mountains rangelands in the west and north of Iran. In order to identification of superior genotypes for both seed and dry matter (DM) yield, 31 genotypes were sown in two separate experiments under optimum and drought stress condition using randomized complete block designs with three replications in Arak, Iran, during 2004-2006. Seeds and DM yield in optimum (Yp) and stress (Ys) condition for each genotypes were used to estimate the five drought resistance indices as: tolerance index (TOL), stress susceptibility index (SSI), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP) and stress tolerance index (STI). The data subsequently used in principal components analysis. Based on bi-plot of the first two principal component scores, genotypes were distributed into four groups. For seed yield 631P5, 747M, 747P11 and 213P11 with average values 430 to 503 kg/h and for DM yield, 3477PM, 3477PM, 3965P11 and 341P11 with average values 2060 to 2260 Kg/h were recognized as the best varieties for dry condition. The 742P5, 1369P6, 3477P4, 287P8 and 341M for seed yield and 3477M, 3965P15, 631P2, 4036M and 341P11 for DM yield were introduced as the best genotypes for cultivation in semi arid regions. In simultaneous selection for both seed and DM yield, 631P5 (Ghazvin), 747M (Ghazvin), 341M were introduced for arid regions and 3477P4, 341P11, 287P8 (Hamadan), 1369P6 (Hamadan) and 3477M for semi arid regions of central province of Iran.
Ebrahim Rahmani; Ali ashraf Jafari; Pooya Hedayati
Volume 13, Issue 3 , February 2006, , Pages 172-185
Mountain rye (Secal montanum) is one of the most important forage grasses for pasture establishments. It grows for grazing and hay production in the north and west mountains of Iran. In order to determine the best population for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 10 ecotypes of mountain ...
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Mountain rye (Secal montanum) is one of the most important forage grasses for pasture establishments. It grows for grazing and hay production in the north and west mountains of Iran. In order to determine the best population for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 10 ecotypes of mountain rye, were evaluated for seed yield, and its components. Two separate experiments were conducted under optimum and drought stress conditions using complete block design with three replications in Brojerd Agriculture Research Station, during 2003-2004. The data were collected and analyzed for flag leaf length, stem height, spike length, spike number per plant, peduncle length, seeds number per spike, forage dry matter yield, seed yield, 1000 seeds weight, harvest index, date of spike emergence and date of pollination for each environment and combined over 2 environments. Results of analysis of variance showed that ecotypes 2382M with average values of 394 Kg/h had higher seed production over both environment. The ecotypes of 2382-6 and 2382-13 with average values 3.93 and 4 ton/h had higher forage dry matter production over two environments. In general, ecotype 2382-13 with an average values of 4 ton/h forage production and 382 kg/h seed production was introduced as the best varieties for pasture establishment in areas of northern Lorestan province.
Ebrahim Rahmani; Ali ashraf Jafari; Mojtabah Torkaman
Volume 13, Issue 1 , February 2006, , Pages 53-61
In order to determine the best ecotype for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 18 ecotypes of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), were evaluated for yield and quality traits. Two experiments were conducted under optimum and drought stress conditions using complete block design ...
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In order to determine the best ecotype for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 18 ecotypes of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), were evaluated for yield and quality traits. Two experiments were conducted under optimum and drought stress conditions using complete block design with three replications in Brojerd, Iran during 2003-2004. The data were collected and analyzed for yield and quality triats. The results of combined analyses over two environments showed that genotypes 208S, 1727P12, 2087P10, 4056P4, 1727P7 and 619S produced highest forage dry matter yield with average values of 1451 to 1774 kg/h under drought stress conditions. The latter ecotype had a good quality. In normal condition 208P10, 208S, 1227P7, 208P8, 1727P10 produced higher dry matter yield than others. It was concluded that genotypes, 208P8, 1227P7, 208S and 208P10 with average values of 1765 kg/h forage production were the best varities for sowing under both irrigation and non irrigation areas. The genotypes 208P13 had both good quality and forage production under irrigation condition and the genotype 529M had good quality but its forage production was poor.