Mohammadamin Soltanipour; Abolhamid Hajebi
Volume 28, Issue 3 , October 2021, , Pages 435-449
In order to investigate the preference value of plants, this study was conducted in a rangeland in Hormozgan province. To determine the preference value in this region, two methods of timing, production and consumption of plant species were used using Tali goats during the months of grazing season (January ...
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In order to investigate the preference value of plants, this study was conducted in a rangeland in Hormozgan province. To determine the preference value in this region, two methods of timing, production and consumption of plant species were used using Tali goats during the months of grazing season (January to May) for 4 years (2007-2009). The results of analysis of variance for the preference value in the timing method (using a video camera) showed that there is a significant difference in terms of forage consumption time between species. So that Alhagi persarum with the highest mean (43.9%) along with Aeluropus lagopoides with an average (31.5%) were in a class statistically, followed by Desmostachya bipinnata, Atriplex leucoclada, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Suaeda fruticosa, Tamarix mascatensis and annuals are 6.6%, 5.4%, 3.6%, 2.8%, 2.3% and 3.7%, respectively. Finally, Lycium shawii plant with the average of 0.2% has the lowest class. There was also a significant difference in the interaction factor of year and species, so that Alhagi persarum in the second year (2008) was ranked first with 68.7%. The results of analysis of variance for species exploitation percentage also showed a significant difference between the study years. The first, third and fourth years were in one group and the second year with the lowest percentage of exploitation (36.4%) was in the second group. The highest percentage of exploitation belonged to Aeluropus lagopoides with 54.3% in 2009. According to the preference value index classification, Aeluropus lagopoides, Atriplex leucoclada and Alhagi persarum were among the moderately palatable species (class II) and Halocnemum strobilaceum and Desmostachya bipinnata were among the almost non-palatable species (class III).
Mohammad Zadbar; Somayyeh Naseri; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 23, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 744-759
Environmental factors including rainfall are the factors affecting palatability of plants and consequently the preference value for animals. In this study, the preference value of plants was determined in Sarakhs (winter rangeland at North-East of Khorassan province) by timing method during 2007 to 2010 ...
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Environmental factors including rainfall are the factors affecting palatability of plants and consequently the preference value for animals. In this study, the preference value of plants was determined in Sarakhs (winter rangeland at North-East of Khorassan province) by timing method during 2007 to 2010 for the two first months of growing season (March and April).The results showed that Artemisia diffiusa, Carex physioides and Poa bulbosa were grazed in all four years by livestock, indicating that these species were more palatable. The preference value of the species differed between drought and normal years.According to the obtained results,a high correlation was found between the grazing time of Poa bulbosa and pervious rainfalls.Also, a significant relationship was found between the grazing time of Carex physioides in March and the rainfall of autumn, January and total rainfall of February and March.A significant correlation was also found between the grazing time of Artemisia diffusa in March, and the rainfall of January, total rainfall of autumn and December, and total rainfall of autumn, January, and February. This research was aimed to determine the seasonal and annual forage preference value with regard to the rainfall fluctuations in Sarakhs rangelands.
Gholamreza Naseri; Ghasemali Abrsaji; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 373-381
This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found ...
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This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found for the study species in timing method, so that maximum consumption time was recorded for Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species, respectively. The results of species utilization percentage also showed that there were significant differences among the study species. The highest consumption rate was recorded for Poa bulbosa and annual species. Artemisia sieberi, Festuca ovina and Stipa barbata had an average preference value; however, Poa bulbosa and annual species were relatively palatable. Our results clearly showed that species density and abundance and access to forage species strongly affected the preference value. Generally, in bothe methods studied, Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species were more grazed as compared to other species.
Mohammad Fayaz; Seyed Hamid Habibian; Hasan Yeganeh; Avar Sanaie
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 1-11
In this research, the preference value of range species for sheep and goat was studied in the Cheshme-Anjir rangelands of Fars province during four years (2007-2010). Direct observation (timing) method was used during the grazing months (June, July, August and September). In each month, around one to ...
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In this research, the preference value of range species for sheep and goat was studied in the Cheshme-Anjir rangelands of Fars province during four years (2007-2010). Direct observation (timing) method was used during the grazing months (June, July, August and September). In each month, around one to two hours after entering livestock to the rangeland, livestock grazing was filmed for 30 minutes and was transferred to the computer to determine the time of grazing for each species. In addition, the frequency and duration of the use of each species in the mentioned months was examined. Afterward, data were analyzed by SAS software in a completely randomized block design. Results showed that there was significant difference (p<0.01) among the species studied in terms of time percentage and grazing frequency. However, the effect of month and month*species for time percentage and grazing frequency treatments was not significant. The results of preference value of species showed that maximum time percentage and grazing frequency for sheep and goat was on annual grasses+ forbs, and in general, results showed that goat was a browser livestock and sheep was a grazer livestock.