Hashem Keneshlou; Mohammad Yousef Achak
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 86-99
Management, conservation, utilization and rehabitation of species habitats require identifying the characteristics of the habitat and effective ecological factors. In the current research, after specifying the habitats of Salvadora oleiodes, six sites were selected to investigate silvicultural characteristics, ...
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Management, conservation, utilization and rehabitation of species habitats require identifying the characteristics of the habitat and effective ecological factors. In the current research, after specifying the habitats of Salvadora oleiodes, six sites were selected to investigate silvicultural characteristics, geological structure and soil properties. Three elderlyandmiddle-aged trees were selected in each site to record the phonological stages. Salvadora oleiodes is native to Asia (arid and semi-arid regions of north-west India, Pakistan, warm humid areas of Arabian Peninsula and South East of Iran) and tropical parts of Africa. It has been planted in Egypt and China. According to the obtained results, Salvadora oleiodes is distributed in warm regions of southern Balochistan from sea level (40-50 m a.s.l) to 1400 m a.s.l with an annual rainfall of 92-141mm and annual daily temperature of 24.6- 28.3ْC. The soil texture of the habitats was light to moderate with a mean pH and EC of 8.19 and 7.27dS/m, respectively, mainly on the sediments of Quaternary (52%) and Tertiary (48%). An average density of 6-40 trees per hectar, a mean total height of 4m, an average collar diameter of 10-35 cm, a mean crown cover of 54 m2 and a coverage percentage of 0.5 to 50 % were recorded at different habitats. Flowering period is from November to April and fruit ripening starts in June and July in different habitats. The species regenerates naturally by seed, sprout and root sucker. Young seedlings, out of reach of livestock, are able to establish under the shelter of mother trees and other species.