Mohammad Ghaitori; Yahya Parvizi; Mosayeb Heshmati; Mohammad Ahmadi
Volume 25, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 44-53
Due to the vast area and biodiversity, rangelands contribute to carbon sequestration, depending on grazing management and utilization. This research was conducted on six rangeland sites including Paveh, Ravansar, Javanrood, Einelcosh, Siahkamar, Varmenjeh, and Koohsefid in Kermanshah Province. There ...
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Due to the vast area and biodiversity, rangelands contribute to carbon sequestration, depending on grazing management and utilization. This research was conducted on six rangeland sites including Paveh, Ravansar, Javanrood, Einelcosh, Siahkamar, Varmenjeh, and Koohsefid in Kermanshah Province. There utilization types were included as exclosure, heavy grazing, and land use change from rangeland to rainfed orchard. The objective was to evaluate carbon sequestration capacity through different rangeland utilization. The plant biomass sampling including canopy cover and plant root as well as plant litter were carried out in the field along three transects of 50 m using plots. Soil sampling was also done in 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil depths. Plant organic carbon was determined by flame method and SOC was measured by the Walkley and Black method. The results explored that plant biomass variation through different land-use practices and utilization is significantly attributed to carbon sequestration, so that the highest level of carbon stock for plant biomass (4.7 tha-1) and soil (114.5 tha-1) was obtained in the exclosure site, while heavy grazing caused the lowest value of organic carbon in both plant biomass (1.3 tha-1) and soil (53.4 tha-1). In addition, the land use change from rangeland to rain-fed orchard led to 86.8 tha-1 organic carbon storage in both soil and plant biomass.
Abdolhamid Papzan; Nashmil Afshazadeh
Volume 17, Issue 3 , October 2010, , Pages 476-488
Human being, now and in future, absolutely requires natural resources to continue his life especially rangelands as the most vital bed for sustainable development of environment and ecological phenomena, main feed supply for livestock in traditional animal husbandry system and so forth. Rangelands with ...
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Human being, now and in future, absolutely requires natural resources to continue his life especially rangelands as the most vital bed for sustainable development of environment and ecological phenomena, main feed supply for livestock in traditional animal husbandry system and so forth. Rangelands with an area of 90 million ha, about 60% of the country area, have undeniable role in socioeconomic calculations of the country. Despite several plans designed for range improvement and management, rangelands are exposed to serious threats. It seems that recognition of beneficiaries' indigenous knowledge including nomads as the most main utilizer in rangelands is utmost important for range improvement. This current qualitative study was carried out to identify and document the indigenous knowledge of Kalhor tribe's nomads for native mechanisms of range management. Gilan e gharb city of Kermanshah province was selected in this research. Data collection was performed through techniques like PRA and RRA were used. According to the nature of qualitative research, targeted sampling was applied and collected data were analyzed using content analysis. Findings refers to issues such as rangeland classification based upon slope, animal unit, rangeland segmentation, some native strategies in range management like migration, range analysis and so forth.