Due to the difficult field operations in desert regions, in order to measure wind erosion, the use of devices with a high-performance, resistant to environmental conditions and need less maintenance is required. The main objective of this research was to design, manufacture, and evaluation of EDST (Eight ...
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Due to the difficult field operations in desert regions, in order to measure wind erosion, the use of devices with a high-performance, resistant to environmental conditions and need less maintenance is required. The main objective of this research was to design, manufacture, and evaluation of EDST (Eight Directional Sand Trap)", so that it could be used in areas exposed to wind erosion and sedimentation. The device is made of two parts including the sediment catch from the soil surface to a height of 60 cm and sediment holding tanks for the eight geographical directions. According to the obtained results, the catching efficiency of this sand trap varied in different examined wind speeds (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ms-1);so that the most efficiency was equal to 47.3% at 4 ms-1. In addition, the device efficiency in determining the direction of sediment transport increased by increasing tunnel’s wind speed and reached to the highest value (61.8%) at 5 ms-1. The comparison of cumulative curve of sediment grading inside the sand trap and sediment source in the wind tunnel showed that the device was selective to diameter, so that the trapping of particles whose diameter was more 1 mm was done with an efficiency of 86%. However, it was inefficient in tapping the particles smaller than 1 mm.