Zainab Jafarian jelodar; Hosein Arzani
Volume 16, Issue 3 , December 2009, , Pages 317-328
Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds ...
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Plant species have important role in other organisms life circle. High diversity of plant species cause equilibrium and stability of this circle, so conservation of plant species is essential for continuity and survival of ecosystems. In this study vegetation species diversity and flora in four sub watersheds of Armoot, Kash, Zidasht and kalanak in Taleghan region with 16320 hectares area were studied. Thirteen vegetation types were recognized in the study area. One key area was selected in each vegetation types (in some of the vegetation types because of vast area and non –homogeneity vegetation, two key areas were selected). Two 100 meter transects were located in each key area, along each transect, 10, one meter square quadrates were located. List of species and number of species were recorded for each quadrates. Then diversity indices, species richness and evenness indices were calculated. Simpson diversity index and Shanon– Wiener diversity index were obtained 0.114 and 2.81 respectively which indicate relatively high species diversity in the study area. Species evenness based on studied indices was estimated. Richness of species was 116 with 18 families and 63 genus in rangelands of the study area.