Mohammadamin Soltanipoor; Saeedeh Nateghi; Abolhamid Hajebi; Mahshid Souri
Volume 29, Issue 2 , July 2022, , Pages 145-155
Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water ...
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Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water resources can be prevented. Suitable grazing intensity causes continuous and economic use in the rangeland. Therefore, a study was conducted on the effects of different harvest intensities on forage production of three species Halocnemum strobilaceum, Desmostachya bipinnata, and Aeluropus lagopoides Hormozgan province three years from 2008 to determine the most appropriate level of exploitation. Experimental treatments included four harvesting intensities of 25, 50, and 75% and control (without harvest). In each treatment, ten rootstocks of the species were considered replicates and evaluated on each of the dependent variables. The results were analyzed in SAS software. The results showed that harvest intensity affected the forage production and all treatments were significantly different from the control. Therefore, up to 50% of the allowable use for Aeluropus lagopoides and Desmostachya bipinnata, and up to 75% for Halocnemum strobilaceum is suggested to maintain the health and vigor of these species during the harvest years. According to the above findings, this allowable use can be considered for similar areas in terms of climate together with information about other plants.
Ayad Aazami; Morteza Akberzadeh; Mashaallah Mohmadpour
Volume 27, Issue 1 , April 2020, , Pages 1-12
Rangeland capacity depends on forage produced in the rangeland, the permitted range of plant species, forage quality and rangeland health. Range species have a certain production in months and years. Without recognize properties production plants and the rate consumption forage rangeland cannot programming ...
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Rangeland capacity depends on forage produced in the rangeland, the permitted range of plant species, forage quality and rangeland health. Range species have a certain production in months and years. Without recognize properties production plants and the rate consumption forage rangeland cannot programming and management at during a period of grazing. This study was conducted at 2009-2013 years, and rate forage production and utilization was measured. The rate of precipitation annual at 3 years were 138, 200 and 330 millimeter respectively. The results showed that total forage production was significantly different between years (p<0.01). Forage production were 485.7, 1372 and 1844.4 Kg per hectare respectively. The amount of production in the months of growing season (March to August) were significantly different, so 94.7 of pasture growth in the first 2 months (March and April) and three fifths% by feed-in last 4 months. The annual consumption of respectively 400 and 751 and 490 kg per hectare. Although not statistically significant, But in the dry year of 2008, 83% and in the wet year of 1389, 26.6% were used of pasture production. Therefore, in drought, at the same time as the reduction in forage production, the livestock utilization rate increased by 83%, which is not proportional to the rangeland capacity. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable production, proper management of rangeland and the use of indigenous species such as Onosma bulbotrichum, Ankyropetalum gypsophiloides, Convolvulus reticulatus and Salvia compressa are recommended.
Mir Taher Ghaemi
Volume 10, Issue 2 , September 2019, , Pages 153-168
ardavan ghorbani; ardashir pournemati; mohsen panahande
Volume 24, Issue 1 , May 2017, , Pages 165-180
The aim of this study was to estimate and map the plant group and total aboveground phytomass using Landsat 8 images in the rangelands of Sabalan Mountain. Images were selected on the 19th of July 2013 and field data were collected in April and July based on maximum matching with the phenology of the ...
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The aim of this study was to estimate and map the plant group and total aboveground phytomass using Landsat 8 images in the rangelands of Sabalan Mountain. Images were selected on the 19th of July 2013 and field data were collected in April and July based on maximum matching with the phenology of the study area and in the closest date to the time of image acquisition. Twenty-four sampling sites on six vegetation types were determined. In each site, 9 sampling plots, based on previous studies, which are required for minimum sample number according to the variance of vegetation distribution, were determined in a systematic-random method, and the aboveground phytomass of vegetation groups, such as grasses, forbs, shrubs and total, were determined using the harvesting method. Initially, to calculate vegetation indices, the averages of 16 pixel values of the location of sample units from the corrected images were derived and transferred to the software environment. The correlation matrices between the derived pixel values and field collected data for the 24 selected vegetation indices were calculated and used for the estimation of grasses, forbs, shrubs and total aboveground phytomass. The results showed that indices such as RVI, TNDVI and GNDVI had the highest correlation with the aboveground phytomass of grasses, PD312, IO and PD311 with the aboveground phytomass of forbs, RDVI, DVI and RVI with the shrubs, and PD311, PD321 and PD312 with the total aboveground phytomass (P <0.01). In the second stage, three of the indices, having the highest correlation with the aboveground phytomass of each group and entire previous stage, were selected, and Landsat8 images were used to calculate the aboveground phytomass of each vegetation group and the total aboveground phytomass was calculated. The aboveground phytomass maps of each group and the total aboveground phytomass were controlled with sampling points to assess the accuracy. The results of this study showed that the best maps were obtained using the TNDVI index for grasses aboveground phytomass, PD312 for forbs, RVI for shrubs groups and PD311 for the total aboveground phytomass. Moreover, some indices, such as PD311 and RVI, could be used for all growth forms and estimation of total aboveground phytomass (P<0.01) and (P<0.01). In general, Landsat 8 data could be used to estimate and map the aboveground phytomass of vegetation groups and to determine the carrying capacity of the total aboveground phytomass in Sabalan rangelands, having advantages based on cost, time and the ability to monitor large areas with repeatability potential in comparison with the ground-based methods.