Zahra Jaberalansar; Babak Bahreininejad; Alireza Eftekhari; Masoud Borhani
Volume 30, Issue 3 , January 2024, , Pages 424-440
Background and objectivesThe study of vegetation changes under habitat protection conditions has a significant role in rangeland management. The studies confirm that permanent changes in rangelands in terms of plant composition, canopy cover, and forage production are influenced by ecological and management ...
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Background and objectivesThe study of vegetation changes under habitat protection conditions has a significant role in rangeland management. The studies confirm that permanent changes in rangelands in terms of plant composition, canopy cover, and forage production are influenced by ecological and management factors. This research was conducted to investigate and monitor the plant vegetation indices of semi-steppe rangelands of central Zagros for five years (2016-2020) at the Zayandehrud watershed management research site (Isfahan province). Methodology Vegetation sampling was performed by a systematic random method in each exclosure and grazed site during 2016-2020. Vegetation characteristics, including the percentage of canopy cover of species, the percentage of gravel, bare soil, and litter were determined in each plot. For this purpose, four 100-meter segments were used. Then, ten plots (with 1 x 1-meter dimensions) were established with the same distance. In total, vegetation cover was measured in 80 plots of one square meter in exclosure and grazed sites. To calculate rangeland production, ten samples of each plant species were collected, and their canopy cover percentage was measured. After drying and weighing the samples, by establishing regression equations between the canopy cover percentage and the weight of the dried samples, the amount of production of plant species was determined separately for growth form and palatability class. Rangeland's condition was also evaluated according to the four-factor method and by scoring the factors of soil, vegetation, plant composition and age classes, and plant vigor. After collecting the data in Microsoft Excel, the variance analysis for the vegetation traits was done as a completely random design in a factorial format. This was done through the GLM (General Linear Model) method. Tukey's test investigated vegetation traits mean comparison in MINITAB 16 software. ResultsThe analysis of variance showed a significant difference between vegetation indices, including total canopy cover and production, separately for growth form and palatability class. This was in the exclosure and grazed sites during the assessment period. The average percentage of canopy cover in exclosure sites during different years was 26.7%, 13.7%, 25.84%, 33.74%, and 13.33%. In grazed sites, it was 22.33%, 12.65%, 27.09%, 30.9%, and 11.59%, respectively. Total production at the exclosure site during different years was 624.26, 349.86, 556.79, 894.54, 664.53 kg/ha. Production at the grazed site was 456.45, 243.85, 455.6, 605.47, and 323.44 kg/ha, respectively. The highest values of canopy cover and production belonged to 2019, which was a wet year based on meteorological indices. The lowest canopy cover and production were assigned to 2017 (a drought year). The highest amount of litter was found at the exclosure site. The highest percentage of bare soil and annual plant canopy cover was obtained from the grazed site. The highest percentage of canopy cover and production in the exclosure site belonged to Stipa hohenackeriana. At the grazed site, Hedysarum criniferum and Stipa hohenackeriana accounted for the highest canopy cover and production, respectively. According to the four-factor method, the rangeland condition at the disclosure site was fair in 2016, 2018, and 2019 and poor in 2017 and 2020. At the grazed site, the rangeland condition was fair in 2018 and 2019 and poor in the rest of the years. Conclusion The comparison of vegetation parameters inside and outside the exclosure shows the good condition of vegetation inside the exclosure. It also shows the effectiveness of the exclosure in rangeland rehabilitation. Balanced livestock grazing on the vegetation caused no significant difference between vegetation characteristics, such as canopy cover in the exclosure and grazed sites. Continuous evaluation and monitoring of rangelands through creating a regular database of vegetation indicators and investigating their changes under different managements. This investigation of their relationship with climatic factors can provide the necessary background for fundamental rangeland planning and management.
Ali Farahani; alireza eftekhari; Hamidreza Mirdavoudi; Gholamreza Goudarzi
Volume 29, Issue 3 , October 2022, , Pages 201-210
Mohammad Abolghasemi; Hannaneh Mohammadi Kangarani; Hosein Azarnivand; Mohammadali Emami Meybodi
Volume 28, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 118-128
Rangelands are composed of different plant species with different vegetative characteristics that have a certain grazing value. Hence, the grazing livestock also shows a special grazing behavior according to it. Without knowing these behaviors, planning and managing rangelands and livestock ...
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Rangelands are composed of different plant species with different vegetative characteristics that have a certain grazing value. Hence, the grazing livestock also shows a special grazing behavior according to it. Without knowing these behaviors, planning and managing rangelands and livestock is not possible. This research was carried out on camel herds in the rangelands of the Tabas desert from 2015 to 2017. Parameters such as grazing time, rest time, livestock movement time, distance traveled, and livestock movement speed were examined by GPS. The results showed that in spring, summer, fall, and winter, grazing time, livestock movement time, distance traveled, livestock movement speed at (p < /em><0.01), and rest time at (p < /em><0.05) were significantly different. The highest grazing time (342 minutes), rest time (119 minutes), and distance traveled (21.66 km) by camels in the studied rangelands were in summer and the lowest in winter. The highest speed (2.12 km/h) and travel time (359 minutes) were in spring and the lowest in winter. Therefore, knowing the mentioned parameters will help the rangeland management in determining the appropriate time for the camel to move in the rangeland and will increase the livestock performance.
Hosein Arzani; Hamidreza Mirdavodi; Mehdi Farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; Seyed Hasan Kaboli; Abasali Sanadgol; Morteza Akbarzadeh; Valiollah Mozafarian
Volume 12, Issue 4 , August 2019, , Pages 409-436
Moharam Ashrafzadeh; hamid niknahad; fazlolllah ahmadi mir ghaed; somayeh jafari
Volume 23, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 636-644
The use of nature in a way that is least harmful to the environment and the best efficiency is achieved for humans is possible when all factors and phenomena involved in environment are considered in the planning of land.For this purpose, this research was aimed to assess the ecological capability for ...
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The use of nature in a way that is least harmful to the environment and the best efficiency is achieved for humans is possible when all factors and phenomena involved in environment are considered in the planning of land.For this purpose, this research was aimed to assess the ecological capability for the rangelands of Lar city in the Baluch region using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the principles of land use planning. Initially, the information layers including vegetation, climate, geology, landform, soil, and erosion were prepared in Arc GIS. Then, the weighting of evaluation criteria was performed in the Expert Choice software based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the next step, the weights of evaluation criteria were extended to the layers and analysis was performed in Idrisi. According to the obtained results, the ecological capability of the study rangelands for range management development was classified into five classes, namely high suitable (78.5 ha), suitable (321ha), moderately suitable (71.25 ha), low suitable (172 ha), and not suitable (1445.4 ha), respectively. In addition, our results showed that attention to climatic and edaphic conditions as well as socio-economic issues are important and necessary for the implementation of any range management plan in this region.
Hosein Tavakoli; Hosein Yoshti; Alireza Khodashenas
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 416-423
Study on plant vegetation changes has many applications for range improvement and range management. Plant vegetation percentage, production and composition were studied over four years in a17-year exclusion area and a grazing area in Golestan Research Station in Mashhad City. Soil organic matter content ...
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Study on plant vegetation changes has many applications for range improvement and range management. Plant vegetation percentage, production and composition were studied over four years in a17-year exclusion area and a grazing area in Golestan Research Station in Mashhad City. Soil organic matter content of both areas was measured at 0-30 cm soil depth. Plant composition was determined by identifying the perennial species. Vegetation percentage and plant production were estimated using quadrate and clipping method, respectively. In general, plant vegetation percentage and plant production were higher in exclusion area as compared with grazing area; however, this increase was not statistically significant in some years. Plant vegetation composition also showed some differences, but the changes seemed to be low during the exclusion period. Organic matter percentage was calculated to be 0.57 and 0.54 for exclusion and grazing areas, respectively. In conclusion, in the areas with similar climatic condition, range exclusion will not result in large changes in plant composition and vegetation percentage for fodder production or creating green space.
Mozhgan sadat Azimi; Gholam Ali Heshmati; Mehdi Farahpour; Abdolreza Bahremand
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 336-346
Sagebrush rangelands in Iran with 39.71 million hectares include more than 46% of the total rangelands, and are recognized as an important and dominant rangeland species in Iran-Turan flora. These lands are often associated with grazing of livestock and wildlife. To determine how to better manage ...
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Sagebrush rangelands in Iran with 39.71 million hectares include more than 46% of the total rangelands, and are recognized as an important and dominant rangeland species in Iran-Turan flora. These lands are often associated with grazing of livestock and wildlife. To determine how to better manage this important resource, a rangeland-livestock model was tested in the Hablerud river basin located in Tehran and Semnan Provinces of Iran using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). With regard to climate variation, this watershed consists of three ecological zones: semi-steppe, steppe, and desert. Calibration and validation of model were tested with the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Program (SUFI-2). Results showed that observed data of forage production were inside or quite close to the predicted bands in three zones. Also, based on the model results, simulated forage production varied from 0.35 to 0.5, 0.15 to 0.26, and 0.033 and 0.1 ton ha-1 in semi-steppe, steppe, and desert, respectively. Sensitive analysis showed that whatever we move from semi steppe to desert, the number of sensitive parameters increases and water and soil parameters becomes more sensitive in forage production.
Omid Karami; Seyed Mohammad Hosseini Nasr
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 101-114
Determination of land capability for optimal use of land and prevention from land degradation due to improper use is an effective step towards sustainable development strategy. Due to the importance of the issue, in this study, ecological capability of Babolrood basin-Mazandaran for range management ...
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Determination of land capability for optimal use of land and prevention from land degradation due to improper use is an effective step towards sustainable development strategy. Due to the importance of the issue, in this study, ecological capability of Babolrood basin-Mazandaran for range management was evaluated using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS). Thus, the hierarchy of evaluation process was created and the weights of criteria and indicators were computed using expert's judgments and indicators were mapped in GIS environment. In final step, ecological capability map of range management was generated using GIS-based Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) technique. Results showed that 78.94% of the study area had no capability and 1.21, 13.02, 6.7 and 0.13% of the study area had the class capability of first, second, third and fourth, respectively.
Abdolhamid Papzan; Nashmil Afshazadeh
Volume 17, Issue 3 , October 2010, , Pages 476-488
Human being, now and in future, absolutely requires natural resources to continue his life especially rangelands as the most vital bed for sustainable development of environment and ecological phenomena, main feed supply for livestock in traditional animal husbandry system and so forth. Rangelands with ...
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Human being, now and in future, absolutely requires natural resources to continue his life especially rangelands as the most vital bed for sustainable development of environment and ecological phenomena, main feed supply for livestock in traditional animal husbandry system and so forth. Rangelands with an area of 90 million ha, about 60% of the country area, have undeniable role in socioeconomic calculations of the country. Despite several plans designed for range improvement and management, rangelands are exposed to serious threats. It seems that recognition of beneficiaries' indigenous knowledge including nomads as the most main utilizer in rangelands is utmost important for range improvement. This current qualitative study was carried out to identify and document the indigenous knowledge of Kalhor tribe's nomads for native mechanisms of range management. Gilan e gharb city of Kermanshah province was selected in this research. Data collection was performed through techniques like PRA and RRA were used. According to the nature of qualitative research, targeted sampling was applied and collected data were analyzed using content analysis. Findings refers to issues such as rangeland classification based upon slope, animal unit, rangeland segmentation, some native strategies in range management like migration, range analysis and so forth.