Sajad Amiri; Ghasem Khodahami
Volume 28, Issue 2 , June 2021, , Pages 296-307
Three perennial grasses Stipa arabica, Elymus pertenuis, Hordeum bulbosum, were selected under rainfed conditions in semi-steppe habitats of Fars province. Seeds of 15 populations of these three species (five species of each genus) were collected in 12 habitats and an elevation profile of 1700 to 2600 ...
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Three perennial grasses Stipa arabica, Elymus pertenuis, Hordeum bulbosum, were selected under rainfed conditions in semi-steppe habitats of Fars province. Seeds of 15 populations of these three species (five species of each genus) were collected in 12 habitats and an elevation profile of 1700 to 2600 meters above sea level located in seven cities. Each population included 120 pots (1800 pots in total) at the preparation station, and seeds (three seeds per pot) were planted in pots. In the third year, after preparing the main land, seeds were sown in three rows in each plot based on a completely randomized block design. Necessary assessments were made after species emergence based on canopy cover, plant height, forage production, seed production, and longevity. The results showed that Hordeum bulbosum with 471.67 kg seed production and 539.20 kg forage production per hectare had the highest yield, and Stipa arabica species with 1642 cm2 and 92.60% had the highest canopy cover and vigor, respectively.
Sajad Amiri; qasem khodahami
Volume 27, Issue 3 , October 2020, , Pages 504-515
Three perennial grass species, Stipaarabica, Elymus pertenuis, and Hordeum bulbosum, were selected in the semi-steppe habitats of Fars province, and seeds of 15 populations of these three species (5 species of each genus) in were collected 12 habitats. For each population, 120 pots (a total of 1800 pots) ...
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Three perennial grass species, Stipaarabica, Elymus pertenuis, and Hordeum bulbosum, were selected in the semi-steppe habitats of Fars province, and seeds of 15 populations of these three species (5 species of each genus) in were collected 12 habitats. For each population, 120 pots (a total of 1800 pots) were prepared and the seeds (three seeds per pot) were planted. In the third year, after preparing the main land, seeds were planted in three rows in each plot based on a completely randomized block design. Necessary evaluations after emergence of the species were performed based on the cover canopy area, plant height, forage production, seed production, and vigor. The results showed that Hordeum bulbosum with seed production of 471.67 kg and forage production of 539.20 kg/ha had the highest production, and Stipa arabica had the highest canopy cover (1642 cm2) and vigor (92.60%). Elymus pertenius had the highest forage production (460.93 kg/ha) and canopy cover (1447 cm2).
Ali mohebbi; Farhang Ghasriani; Mina Bayat; Gholamhosein Rahmani; qasem khodahami; ghasemali abarsaji; Mohamad ali Dehghani Tafti; Farideh Saghafi Khadem
Volume 24, Issue 3 , October 2017, , Pages 471-477
Ali Ehsani; Mamak Ahmadian; Saeed Rashvand; Mohammad Ali Dehghani Tafti; Mostafa Zare
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 13-23
Study of the phenology of range key species is important to regulate and apply proper management for sustainable utilization of rangeland forage. In this study, the phenological stages of Artemisia aucheri were examined as a key species at three sites of different semi-steppe regions during 2007-2010. ...
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Study of the phenology of range key species is important to regulate and apply proper management for sustainable utilization of rangeland forage. In this study, the phenological stages of Artemisia aucheri were examined as a key species at three sites of different semi-steppe regions during 2007-2010. For this purpose, in each site, 10 individuals were selected and different phenological stages were recorded in 15-day and 7-day intervals for vegetative stage and reproductive stage, respectively. In addition, meteorological data including temperature and precipitation were recorded from the nearest synoptic station for each site. Results indicated that the occurrence of phenological phenomena of Artimisia aucheriwas more affected by temperature and precipitation indices of the growing season. According to the obtained results, the start and end of grazing were determined as early May to late October for Shirkooh (Yazd province), late May and early June to mid-July for Anjadan (Markazi province), and second half of May to mid September for Alamoot (Ghazvin province). Consequently, a complete understanding on the phenological stages of Ar. aucheri enables us to plan grazing management in order to determine the time of livestock entry into and exit from rangelands, optimal number of livestock for grazing and proper grazing systems.
mahmood Goudarzi; Mahdi Farahpour
Volume 14, Issue 3 , January 2007, , Pages 432-446
According to reports, the problem range managers face is impossibility of distinguish between dry land farming and the rangeland, as the reflectance between dry land farming and rangeland are the same. One solution is usage of temporal images, i.e. times that reflectance between these two features is ...
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According to reports, the problem range managers face is impossibility of distinguish between dry land farming and the rangeland, as the reflectance between dry land farming and rangeland are the same. One solution is usage of temporal images, i.e. times that reflectance between these two features is high. For the experiment rainfed cereal farms and rangelands in Taham region of Zanjan province, characterized as a semi arid area, was selected. Crop calendar (seeding, sowing, harvesting) of rainfed crop was drawn. Outstanding dates, over which differences between natural vegetation and crops was high, were distinguished. Corresponding Landsat ETM images, 8 August 2002, and IRS images (multi-spectral and panchromatic), 16 October 2002, were used. Images were georeferenced using available topographic map to a Universal Transverse Mercator projection using control points. For preparation of base map (ground true) IRS panchromatic images were interpreted and land use map was made through digit screen checking boundaries of the map lead to preparation of the final map. Via Image Classification Techniques, supervised (maximum likelihood and Box classification), unsupervised and principal components analysis were used to create a map. The maps were overlaid on base map (ground true) and accuracy of classified map was assessed. The result showed that it is not possible to distinguish between dry land farms and rangeland with the assistance of image classification technique, in panchromatic images however dry lands could be easily distinguished through the pattern, shape and texture found on images.