Ali Farahani; Hamidreza Mirdavoudi; Gholamreza Goudarzi
Volume 29, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 498-512
Atriplex canescens James is one of the successful non-native species in improving and rehabilitating the desert rangelands of Markazi province, which has been cultivated in a large area of saline habitats along the Meyghan playa (about 12,000 ha) since 1981. This species after a few years of growth becomes ...
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Atriplex canescens James is one of the successful non-native species in improving and rehabilitating the desert rangelands of Markazi province, which has been cultivated in a large area of saline habitats along the Meyghan playa (about 12,000 ha) since 1981. This species after a few years of growth becomes woody and the density of green aerial organs, survival and forage production decrease. Increasing forage production, vitality and viability of this plant are the requirements for the management of these habitats and pruning is one of the necessities to achieve this. In this study, pruning and census operations have been carried out in three study sites with an average area of one hectare located in the Meyghan playa for four years to determine the appropriate level or height of pruning. At each site, four levels of pruning, including pruning from the ground and pruning from heights of 20, 40, 60 cm and control (without pruning) have been applied. Each treatment was performed on 16 A.canescens stands with an average diameter of canopy and height of 160 and 115 cm, an average production of 530 g per stand and an average of 34 years of age. Pruning was done in March of the first year of study and vitality, forage yield, height, canopy diameter and survival rate factors were inventory in three years later. Data collected and analysed using two way ANOVA (Sits and treatments) based on completely randomized design. Based on the results, in two sites located in the northern and western regions of Meyghan playa with an approximate number of 400 stands per hectare and an age of 38 years of rangeland planting, pruning treatments from heights of 60, 40, 20 cm and pruning from the ground from A.canescens had more favorable effects in terms of increasing vitality and forage production. On the site located in the southern part of the Meyghan playa, with an approximate number of 350 stands per hectare and an age of 30 years of rangeland planting, pruning from ground surface and pruning treatments from heights of 20, 40, 60 cm respectively have been useful in terms of vitality and forage production. In total, after three years used of pruning from ground surface and pruning treatments from heights of 20, 40 and 60 cm, the average yield of A.canescens respectively were 690, 679, 658 and 818 g per plant rootstock. To improve the characteristics of A.canescens species in terms of positive plant factors such as vitality, survival and forage yield, in Atriplex cultivation areas of the northern and western margins of Meyghan playa with an age of 38 years of rangeland planting, pruning operations from a height of 60 cm and for southern areas of Meyghan playa with an age of 30 years of rangeland planting, pruning from the ground is determined and proposed.
Ali Farahani; alireza eftekhari; Hamidreza Mirdavoudi; Gholamreza Goudarzi
Volume 29, Issue 3 , October 2022, , Pages 201-210
Sedigheh Zare kia; Farhang Ghasriani; Mina Bayat; Hajar Nemati
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 266-274
Allowable use is one of the most important factors in determining grazing capacity. The present study was carried out to determine the allowable use of Salsola laricina in Khoshkerood site of Saveh. In this research, four treatments including 25%, 50% ,75% harvesting and no harvesting (control) ...
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Allowable use is one of the most important factors in determining grazing capacity. The present study was carried out to determine the allowable use of Salsola laricina in Khoshkerood site of Saveh. In this research, four treatments including 25%, 50% ,75% harvesting and no harvesting (control) were compared during three years. The results showed that the effect of the year and interaction of different harvesting intensities and year were statistically significant at the level of one percent. In the first year of study, there was no significant difference among treatments; however, in the subsequent years, the effects of treatments were visible. So that the treatments had the most impact on the speciesin the last year. It was clear that there was not significant difference between the 25% harvesting intensity and control treatment. These treatments had the most forage production and also, there was not a significant difference between the other two treatments. The observations showed that the vitality of species in control treatment was less than that of 25% and 50% harvesting intensities, indicating that grazing can increase the plants vitality. Based on the AMMI analysis, the first interaction principal component (IPC1) was significant at the level of 1%, so that 98.2% of the sum of squares of the interaction could be expressed by IPC1. According to the biplot of the IPC1 and mean production, the lowest production rate and stability was recorded for the harvesting intensity of 75%. According to the results, it can be stated thataharvesting intensity of 25% guarantees the survival of S.laricinain this region with no negative effect on the vitality of Salsola laricina.
Akbar Gandomkar Ghalhary; Mohammad Khosroshahi; Gholam reza Godarzi; Hojat ... ZAhedi pur; Esmaeil Azez abadi
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 149-165
Desert is a location in which life of plant and animal is hardly possible. In desert formation, different parameters including: climate, geology, vegetation, pedology, hydrology and geomorphology are special and their interaction to each other plays an important role. For desert area vegetation ...
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Desert is a location in which life of plant and animal is hardly possible. In desert formation, different parameters including: climate, geology, vegetation, pedology, hydrology and geomorphology are special and their interaction to each other plays an important role. For desert area vegetation and their boundaries, detailed investigation on such parameters and their interaction to each other is necessary. In this research, desert area of Markazi province was studied from the view point of vegetation. With determination of desert area boundary and gathering detailed data on such an area, the combating desertification and proper use and planning of desert area is possible. For this reason, first of all, the dominant vegetation types were determined and digitized using GIS with Ilwis academic program software. Then the dominant vegetation types were divided to different groups. The map of desert area and their boundaries were determined with taking into consideration the existing data and information and vegetation types characteristics. The result shows that the total desert vegetation types are 276074 ha with 21 special desert vegetation types and their potential capacity were determined. The result also show that the widest desert vegetation types are Hultemia persica – Scariola orientalis with 77833.8 ha which are distributed in Saveh, Arak, Delijan and Khomain townships and smallest desert vegetation type is Nitraria schoberri with 299.5 ha in marginal salty land of Mayghan playa. Finaly, vegetation map with boundaries of 21 desert vegetation types produced for this study area. ation types
Hosein Arzani; Hasan Kaboli; Hamid reza Mirdavoodi; Mahdi Farahpoor
Volume 15, Issue 3 , January 2008, , Pages 320-347
Importance of permanent range assessment is advice, because of continuous change, ecological aspects and economy of rangelands. The wide area of rangelands and facilities limitation for regular monitoring cause the requirement of the remote sensing application. The objective of present study was investigation ...
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Importance of permanent range assessment is advice, because of continuous change, ecological aspects and economy of rangelands. The wide area of rangelands and facilities limitation for regular monitoring cause the requirement of the remote sensing application. The objective of present study was investigation on reliability of ETM+ data for vegetation estimation. The study was carried out in Markazi province for five years. Satellite data of same time of grand truth data was obtained for each year. Vegetation indices were calculated after radiometric and geometric correction of images. Canopy cover of annual species, herbaceous species, grasses, shrub and total cover in five sites during five years were measured. Measurements were carried out in 60 plots two square meters rectangular quadrates along four 400 meter parallel transects. Before processing of the information, 15 random selected quadrates were kept for test of equation. In other case all data of four years was applied to calculate equation between vegetation indices and ground data and data of fifth years was used for test of model. Considering small area of quadrates against 30*30 meter pixel and probability of error involved with coordinate measurement by GPS correlation between mean data of each transect and indices also was studied. The results obtained from equation were compared with actual cover data using student t-test. Most indices have significant correlation with cover data, however sometimes equation did not gave correct estimation of cover compared with actual data. This was happened for life form that did not make considerable percent of vegetation composition. Generally application of transect data and calculation of equation based on four years data to estimate of fifth years canopy cover was more suitable way of using satellites data. Certainly using satellite system with more bands and better resolution and doing soil background correlation in arid regions would give better results.
Hamid reza Mir davoodi; Hojat.. Zahedi poor; Hamid reza Moradi; Gholam reza Godarzi
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 242-255
Improper management and unsuitable exploitation of land are the two most important problems of land resources utilization in the country. Unsuitable pattern of landuse together with sever landuse changes causes different environmental crisis including: environmental pollution and deterioration, expanding ...
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Improper management and unsuitable exploitation of land are the two most important problems of land resources utilization in the country. Unsuitable pattern of landuse together with sever landuse changes causes different environmental crisis including: environmental pollution and deterioration, expanding desertification, soil erosion, natural resources depletion, reduction of biological diversity and reduction the potential of land capability. These problems significantly influence the production resources of recent and future generation and prevent sustainable development of the country. In this research, ecological land capability of Markazi Province that is the most important part of the procedure of landuse planning were determined with preparing ecological resources maps such as topography with scale of 1/25000, geology, soil, climate and related parameters, vegetation cover, faults, water resources and etc. Slop, aspect and height class maps also were established based on Digital elevation model of the area and integrated together to form landform map of the Province. Environmental units with base 1, 2 and 3 also were established with overlaying land form, soil and vegetation maps. Ecological land capability of agricultural and rangeland were put in 7 classes. The results show that from total 2921364.6h area of Markazi Province, 15000 ecological units could be determined of which 121689.5h or %4.16 were in class of 1, 191634.77 h or %6 in class of 2, 615791.5 h or %21.07 in class of 3, 569834.8 h or %19 in class of 4, 1170699.6h or %40 in class of 5, 188381.18 h or %6.44 in class of 6 and 63333.2 h or %2.16 in class of 7 of agriculture and rangeland ecological capabilities.
Noor ... Abdi; Hasan Madah arefi; Ghava din Zahedi amiri
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 269-282
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have substantially increased in recent decades. Land management practices, however, offer opportunities to mitigate the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration through sequestration of this additional carbon via storage in plant biomass and soil organic matter ...
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Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have substantially increased in recent decades. Land management practices, however, offer opportunities to mitigate the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration through sequestration of this additional carbon via storage in plant biomass and soil organic matter in a process termed terrestrial C sequestration. Rangelands ecosystems have a large potential to sequester C because they occupy about half of the world's land area. In Iran, the Astragalus rangelands with about 17 million hectare area have 10% of the country land area and have the important role in carbon sequestration. In order to investigation the role and potential of Astragalus rangelands in carbon sequestration, a study was carried out at a key area of Astragalus verus-Bromus tomentellus vegetation type in Malmir rangeland site, Shazand township of Markazi province and the content of aboveground and underground biomass carbon, litter carbon and soil organic carbon was determined. The results showed that the total carbon sequestration per hectare was 32.95 ton and 87.43 % of total carbon sequestration was soil organic carbon. The results of biomass carbon distribution showed that the carbon content in aerial biomass was higher than underground biomass. Correlation and stepwise regression analysis revealed that the content of carbon sequestration was positively related to Astragalus height and volume, aerial and underground biomass, total biomass, litter amount and soil organic carbon (SOC) content. It was concluded that the Astragalus rangelands have a large potential to sequester carbon and the soil is most important sink for organic carbon storage in this rangelands
Hamid reza Mirdavoodi; Hojat... Zahedi; Masud Shakoei; Javad Tourkan
Volume 13, Issue 3 , February 2006, , Pages 201-211
The initial step of each phenomenon is complementary recognizing and understanding of its relationship with other effecting and affecting phenomena. Regarding rangeland vegetation as the first chain of nutrition in rangeland's ecosystems, recognition of its homogeneous areas and vegetation type classification ...
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The initial step of each phenomenon is complementary recognizing and understanding of its relationship with other effecting and affecting phenomena. Regarding rangeland vegetation as the first chain of nutrition in rangeland's ecosystems, recognition of its homogeneous areas and vegetation type classification seems necessary. The present study was carried out in order to determination the most effectiveness ecological factors on vegetation types using Multivariate data analyzing. For that vegetation type was determine of type using GPS together with field survey and drawing map of the areas on the 1/50000 scale. Some data layers for each of vegetation type including density and cover percentage, climate, the mean elevation classes, mean annual rainfall, the mean slop, mean annual temperature, land types and Geographical aspect of the areas were collected and analyzed using Statistica program package and the method of factor analysis. The results of factor analysis shows that between applied variable, three main variables including climate, land types, and Geographic aspect with Eigenvalues of 82.8 are the most effectiveness ecological factors on vegetation types. Using cluster analysis rangelands classified in to 22 groups of Markazi province. the groups were confirm by Discriminate Analysis method.
Akbar Gandomkar Ghalhari; Mansour Mesdaghi
Volume 9, Issue 2 , September 2001, , Pages 635-650