Hossein Bagheri; Mahshid souri; Seyed Mehdi Adnani; Hossein Tavakoli Neko; Saeedeh Nateghi
Volume 29, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 596-607
Early establishment of rangeland plant species, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, is a considerable issue to increase their yield. In order to investigate the effects of seed priming on changes in yield of the Astragalus brachyodontus pasture species, the present study was carried out in the ...
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Early establishment of rangeland plant species, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, is a considerable issue to increase their yield. In order to investigate the effects of seed priming on changes in yield of the Astragalus brachyodontus pasture species, the present study was carried out in the greenhouse with factorial design. Three treatments of hydro-priming (distilled water), osmopriming (Polyethylene Glycol with two levels of -0.4 and -0.8 MPa) and hormone priming (gibberellic acid) as the first factor, and three levels of deficit irrigation stress (100% field capacity, 75% field capacity and 50% field capacity) were considered as the second factor and 3 populations (Zanjan, Qom and Khalkhal) as the Third factor with 3 replications. The results showed that seed priming, deficit irrigation stress, populations and their interactions had a significant effect at the 1% probability level on all investigated traits. The soil water reduction caused a significant decrease in seedling germination percentage, stem length and weight, but the root length increased and the root weight first increased and then decreased intensively. The maximum yield of height (11.0267 cm), root length (30.6467 cm), stem weight (1.1700 g) and root weight (1.3664 g) was related to Zanjan population in normal irrigation. The treatment of -0.4 MPa osmopriming had the highest values in root length (33.1556 cm), stem weight (1.2144 g) and root weight (1.4800 g). Generally, according to the present research, -0.4 MPa osmo-priming and hormone priming with gibberellic acid were introduced as treatments to improve the Astragalus brachyodontus species performance in the greenhouse under the severe deficit irrigation stress condition. This results can be considered to improving the establishment and performance of this native valuable forage, in breeding programs and rangeland development, to improve its initial establishment in deficit irrigation conditions.
Shahram Banedjschafie; Mohammad Khosroshahi; Leila Kashi Zenouzi; Aliashraf Jafari
Volume 28, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 106-117
To replace oil mulches, this study examined the effect of degradable non-oil mulch under the brand name Nucleus (MA-19). This research assumed that the application of the mentioned mulch in biological stabilization projects has no adverse effects on seed germination and seedling growth. ...
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To replace oil mulches, this study examined the effect of degradable non-oil mulch under the brand name Nucleus (MA-19). This research assumed that the application of the mentioned mulch in biological stabilization projects has no adverse effects on seed germination and seedling growth. The effect of mulch was studied on the establishment of Haloxylon persicum and Nitraria schoberii in a pot experiment in weather conditions of Research Institute of Forests and Rangeland in Tehran, Iran in 2017-2019. Before the experiment, the seed germination test was made to ensure seeds which having standard germination. After determining the germination percentage of seeds (85-90%), seeds were planted in the greenhouse. Then, the soil surface of the pots was sprayed with mulch for comparison with the control. On the other hand, in potting experiments, which were in the form of planting seedlings, after placing the seedlings in the pot, the soil surface was sprayed with the mentioned mulch. The irrigation of the pots was uniform and equal to the field capacity of the soil and based on the soil moisture curve, which was done only once a month, depending on the weather conditions and temperature. Statistical test and comparison of means according to t-test results showed that mulch treatment did not have any negative effects on germination, viability, height, and diameter of seedlings, and in this regard, used mulch behaves as a control treatment (without mulch).
Samira Hoseini; Ahmad Sageghipour; Shima Nikoo
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 1032-1041
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of clay nanoparticles in synthetic polymeric resinson germination and some charachteristics of Nitraria schoberi and Halothamnus glaucus. Seeds of two plants collected from sand consolidated station located in Razavi Khorasan Province, Bardaskan ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of clay nanoparticles in synthetic polymeric resinson germination and some charachteristics of Nitraria schoberi and Halothamnus glaucus. Seeds of two plants collected from sand consolidated station located in Razavi Khorasan Province, Bardaskan city, Kazem Abad village. Experiments were carried on in completely Randomized Design with three treatment and four replications. For this purpose, seeds were subjected to synthetic polymeric resins with one and three percent of clay nanoparticles in petri dish and field condition. Distilled water was considered as the control treatment. Daily and final germination percentages were recorded and germination rate, mean germination time, shoot and root length, shootlet fresh and dry weigh, rootlet fresh and dry weight, and vigor index was calculated. After 4 months from cultivation, the size of cultivated plants and the number of leaves from each treatment was also measured. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between all the studied factors of both species except germination rate and mean germination time, which was observed just in Nitraria schoberi. For example, the highest germination percentage of Nitraria schoberi in acrylic resin polymer containing 1% nano clay (51.75%) was higher than other treatments, whereas the highest germination percentage of Halothamnus glaucus belonged to polymer containing 3% nano clay (65.62%). About the plant growth, despite the different effects of various treatments on cultivated species, application of polymer and nano-particles led to increasing the length of shoot and root of both plants. Considering the different conditions of plants in nature, the use of nanopolymer mulches to improve the germination and vegetative properties of plants is recommended.
Moharam Ashrafzadeh; Hamid Niknahad; Mohammadjamal Saharkhiz; Majid ghorbani Nohouji; Gholamali Heshmati
Volume 26, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 629-639
Clematis ispahanica Boiss is a rare species of Ranunculaceae family, which has forage and medicinal value. The seeds of this species have a very low germination percentage because of dormancy. Therefore, increasing their germination percentage by laboratory methods can be effective in restoring this ...
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Clematis ispahanica Boiss is a rare species of Ranunculaceae family, which has forage and medicinal value. The seeds of this species have a very low germination percentage because of dormancy. Therefore, increasing their germination percentage by laboratory methods can be effective in restoring this plant. In the present study, considering the seed size of C. ispahanica , H2SO4 (96% ) for 5 , 10, 20 seconds , hot water (70 and 90 °C .) for 15 minutes, ethanol (96%) for 48hours, HCL ( for 2, 4 and 6 minutes), KNO3 (0.2%) for 48 hours, NaCl (50 milli molar) for 48hours, and scarification using sandpaper were tested to break the seed dormancy. Moreover, the seeds of this species were planted in different depths (1, 1.5 and 2.5 cm) and densities (30, 50 and 70 seeds per square meter). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 18 and by univariate analysis of variance and the Duncan test. According to the results, the most effective treatments to improve germination percentage and rate were KNO3, NaCl and scarification treatments. The depth of planting had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the germination percentage, but the density of planting had no significant effect on the germination percentage (P> 0.05). Due to the lack of use of chemicals in scarification using sandpaper treatment, it has an advantage over other effective treatments, recommended to break seed dormancy and increase its germination percentage. Considering the weight of a thousand seeds (3.73gr), 1.12 kg/ha seed (equivalent to 30 seeds per square meter) in the depth of 1.5 cm is proposed for the planting of this species in the study area.
Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Mohsen Nasiri; Soheila Nouri; Seyed Hasan Kaboli
Volume 12, Issue 3 , August 2019, , Pages 335-349
Farhad Fakhri; Seyed Hassan Kaboli; Ali AShraf Jafari; Parviz Bayat
Volume 26, Issue 2 , July 2019, , Pages 388-399
Capparis spinosa plays an important role in the ecosystem dynamics of arid and semi-arid regions. The development of cultivation of this plant requires optimal conditions to produce seedlings in simple, practical and inexpensive ways. Low germination percentage is one of the most important ...
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Capparis spinosa plays an important role in the ecosystem dynamics of arid and semi-arid regions. The development of cultivation of this plant requires optimal conditions to produce seedlings in simple, practical and inexpensive ways. Low germination percentage is one of the most important barriers to the mass production of Capparis spinosa. In this study, the best strategies for increasing seed germination were investigated using inexpensive and simple scientific methods. For this purpose, after seed collection from local accessions of different areas in Bushehr province, seed preparation treatments were applied for germination. The treatments included scarification with sandpaper, potassium nitrate, hot water, and concentrated sulfuric acid, compared to the control. Seed germination was done by Petri dish in incubator and culture tray in greenhouse. The results showed that potassium nitrate treatment caused the highest germination percentage in Talheh local accession (86.7%) by culture tray method, which showed more than 41% increase compared to control. The highest germination was obtained to be 68.3% in the scarification with sandpaper in the Konari local accession. The germination rate in potassium nitrate treatment in both tray and Petri dish treatments increased significantly compared to other methods. In addition, application of concentrated sulfuric acid and hot water decreased germination percentage and rate compared to the control. Therefore, potassium nitrate solution was the best treatment for increasing the seed germination of the study species.
Reza Bagheri; Ali Ariapour
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 713-722
This study aimed to determine the best time of seed collection for Artemisia sieberi and Artemisia aucheri in Saleh abad rangelands of Baft County, Kerman province. After selecting a key area, the time of seed collection started from mid-November to end of January for Artemisia aucheri ...
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This study aimed to determine the best time of seed collection for Artemisia sieberi and Artemisia aucheri in Saleh abad rangelands of Baft County, Kerman province. After selecting a key area, the time of seed collection started from mid-November to end of January for Artemisia aucheri and from mid-October to mid-December for Artemisia sieberi. The seeds were evaluated for germination traits including germination percentage, germination rate, root length, shoot length, and vigor index. The data were analyzed, and the Duncan test was used to compare the mean values of treatments. The results showed that the delay in the time of seed collection of Artemisia sieberi from mid November to mid December caused an increased germination percentage, germination rate, seed vigor, and seedling length as 115, 119, 222, and 49%, respectively. The seeds of Artemisia aucheri collected in the first half of December compared to the first half of November increased seed vigor index, germination percentage, germination rate, and seedling length as 588, 336, 736, and 61%, respectively. Our finding showed that the delay in the time of seed collection in both of these species improved seed germination traits and seedling growth.
maryam daneshgar; reza Erfanzadeh; hasan qelichnia
Volume 24, Issue 3 , October 2017, , Pages 503-512
jasem yousefi; jamshid ghorbani; maryam shokri; seyed hasan zali
Volume 22, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 757-767
Seed production and dispersal are important topics in grassland management as they influence the vegetation structure and dynamics. To understand and better interpretation of changes in vegetation, it needs to identify the species composition in other sources such as the soil seed bank and seed rain. ...
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Seed production and dispersal are important topics in grassland management as they influence the vegetation structure and dynamics. To understand and better interpretation of changes in vegetation, it needs to identify the species composition in other sources such as the soil seed bank and seed rain. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential of seed production and seed dispersal in Sorkh-Abad grassland in SavadKoh, Mazandaran province. During growing season, mature seeds of the plants were collected and then identified and counted in laboratory. For these seeds, some properties were determined such as seed shape, seed weight, and germination percentage and seed color. Seed dispersal (seed rain) was sampled in seed traps, made by small plastic pots. During growing season, in three times, these seed traps were collected and all seeds were identified and counted. Results showed that18 species were in seed production and 17 species in seeds dispersal. The average amount of seed production was 296 seeds per square meter of which 25% belonged to Germaineae. The potential of seed dispersal was 275 seeds per square meter. Most collected seeds were light and small with elongated shape and bright colors. Stachys byzanthina, Marrubium vulgare, Descurainia sophia and Medicago lupulina comprise45% of the seed production. Similarly, the 46% of the seed dispersal was made by Stachys byzanthina, Plantago lanceolata, Descurainia sophia and Medicago lupulina. Small numbers of species in standing vegetation were found in seed production and seed rain of this grassland.
Reza Bagheri; Hamideh Heydari Gharaie
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 347-356
To study the allelopathic effect of Cymbopogon olivieri on germination and growth properties of two millet cultivars, an experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The treatments included different levels of 0 (control), 12. 5, 25 and 50 gL-1 extract. ...
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To study the allelopathic effect of Cymbopogon olivieri on germination and growth properties of two millet cultivars, an experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The treatments included different levels of 0 (control), 12. 5, 25 and 50 gL-1 extract. In another experiment, carried out in the greenhouse, the treatments included four levels of soil. According to the obtained results, all studied traits of kcm7 cultivar were more affected by allelopathic effect of Cymbopogon olivieri, compared to kcm2 cultivar, and all traits (except germination velocity) showed a negative response, immediately after applying 12.5 gL-1 extract. In kcm2 cultivar, the negative response of germination percentage and germination velocity was recorded at 50gL-1 extract. In addition, the negative effect of plumule length and radicle length was recorded at 12.5 gL-1 and 25 gL-1, respectively. The results of greenhouse showed that the radicle length of both cultivars was affected by allelopathic effects of Cymbopogon olivieri. Our results clearly show that kcm2 cultivar is more resistant against the allelopathic effects of Cymbopogon olivieri compared to kcm7 cultivar.
Behruz Rasuoli; Bahram Amiri; Mohammad Jafari; Mohammad hasan Assareh
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 505-514
This study was carried out to determine the effect of different NaCl and Na2SO4 concentrations, including (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mM), on germination and initial growth of Seidlitzia rosmarinus. Germination percentage, germination rate, germination index, seed vigor index, radicle length, and ...
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This study was carried out to determine the effect of different NaCl and Na2SO4 concentrations, including (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mM), on germination and initial growth of Seidlitzia rosmarinus. Germination percentage, germination rate, germination index, seed vigor index, radicle length, and plumule length were measured. Our results showed that the most of studied characters were severely inhibited at high concentration of NaCl and Na2SO4. The results revealed that the effects of the same concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4 on radicle, plumule and plant length were significantly different, but germination percentage, germination rate, germination index and seed vigor index did not show significant differences. In general, the results indicated that Seidlitzia rosmarinus was more sensitive to Na2SO4 than NaCl and it could be considered asa chlorophyte halophyte.
Bahram Amiri; Mohammad hasan Assareh; Mohammad Jafari; Behruz Rasuli; Ali ashraf Jafari
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 233-243
Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated ...
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Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated with salt tolerance of plants. In this research, germination and seedling growth of two native species of Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum were evaluated under different salinity levels. Seeds of these species were treated by different concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4 in a growth chamber for 45 days. According to the results, germination and seedling growth of both species showed significant differences at in different salinity levels. Up to 200 mM and 150 mM NaCl, no significant differences were recorded for Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum, respectively. In contrast, increment of sodium sulphate up to 100-150 m M, increased seedling growth and germination of Salicornia herbacea. While, a drastic decrease of germination was recorded for Alhagi persarum at 50 mM sodium sulphate. In general, it could be stated that Salicornia herbacea was more resistant to salinity.
Mojtabah Akhavan Armaki; Hosein Azarnivand; Mohammad hasan Asareh; Ali ashraf Jafari; Ali Tavili
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 558-568
Environmental stress especially water deficiency (drought) is of the most important factors in arid and semi arid regions of Iran that hugely affects plant growth especially in germination and emergence stages. To find the effects of water stress on germination properties and early growth characteristics ...
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Environmental stress especially water deficiency (drought) is of the most important factors in arid and semi arid regions of Iran that hugely affects plant growth especially in germination and emergence stages. To find the effects of water stress on germination properties and early growth characteristics of three Bromus species (B. tomentellus, B. inermis, B. persicu), a Factorial experiment based on Completely Randomized Design with four replications was conducted. Water stress treatments included -3, -6 and -9 bars, also distilled water was considered as control. Germination percentage, root length, shoot length, seedling length, root to shoot ratio, seedling dry weight, seedling fresh weight, dry to fresh weight ratio, germination rate and seed vigor were examined as germination and early growth properties of understudied species. The results showed that increase of drought stress, especially when changing from -3 to -6 bars, significantly reduced all attributes. Seedling length and seed vigor showed more decrease. Among the species, B. tomentellus showed higher germination compared to the other species. It was cleared that -6 and -9 bars potentials could be considered as favorable water stress levels to evaluate the ability of the mentioned species for germinating under drought conditions.
heshmat Omidi; Farhad Movahadi Pouya; Shadi Movahadi Pouya
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 608-623
To investigate the response of extremely hard seeds of Prosopis species from Fabaceae family in germination phase and growth seedling under saline stress, a factorial experiment (ABC) was conducted on the basis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications at Seed technology laboratory ...
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To investigate the response of extremely hard seeds of Prosopis species from Fabaceae family in germination phase and growth seedling under saline stress, a factorial experiment (ABC) was conducted on the basis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications at Seed technology laboratory of Collage of Agriculture, Shahed University. Salicylic acid Hormone at three levels (0, 0.3 and 0.6 mM) and salinity stress (NaCl) at four levels (0, 5, 10 and 15ds.m-1) were applied to study seed germination of Prosopis under scarification treatments. The results of the study showed that salinity had no significant effects (P≤0.05) on germination rate which indicates high salt tolerance of the species. No seed germination was recorded for Pods and seeds cultivated under no scratch treatment. Proline, protein and carbohydrates content were highest in the treatment of 0.3 mM salicylic acid, 10 ds.m-1 salinity and broken pods containing scratched seeds. Generally speaking, the results showed that Prosopis seedling needs to get rid of physical barriers and inhibitory components within pod and seed coat in order to obtain high seed germination. Moreover, salinity tolerance of this plant was 15 ds.m-1 considered as one of the most important legume species which stabilizes nitrogen in desert and semi- desert regions for combat desertification.
Hashem Keneshlo; Hosein Ameri
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 344-354
In order to find some phenological phenomena of Atriplex griffithii with climate properties such as as temperature and precipitation, this study was carried out in the north-east of Semnan province from 2001 to 2004.In this survey, 10 Atriplex griffithii were selected and marked. Phonological stages ...
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In order to find some phenological phenomena of Atriplex griffithii with climate properties such as as temperature and precipitation, this study was carried out in the north-east of Semnan province from 2001 to 2004.In this survey, 10 Atriplex griffithii were selected and marked. Phonological stages (germination, vegetative, flowering, seeding, and regrowth) were measured in 15-day periods while reproductive traits were measured in 7-10 day intervals. Analysis of climatic data and recorded phonological stages showed that the growth of Atriplex griffithii varied with the fluctuations of drought and temperature in different seasons and two distinctive stages (vegetative and seeding) were recognized for each year. The first growth stage started from late winter and continued to mid-August and the second growth stage started from second half of August and ended in second half of December. Flowering started from May and seeds matured in June. Phonological stages also differed among geographical directions due to differences in rainfall, temperature and evaporation rate as flowering and seeding stages in southern slopes occurred in May and June and in northern slopes were in October and November, respectively. Obtained results can help range managers to set a time calendar for livestock entry and exit and also grazing season.
Ali Tavili; Salman Zare; Reza Yari
Volume 17, Issue 3 , October 2010, , Pages 466-475
Nowadays, with regard to the global view of desert issue and necessity of using adaptable species in combat desertification, it is urgent to identify and remove the constraints of their production and establishment. Ammodendron persicum is one of the important and compatible species in desert ecosystems. ...
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Nowadays, with regard to the global view of desert issue and necessity of using adaptable species in combat desertification, it is urgent to identify and remove the constraints of their production and establishment. Ammodendron persicum is one of the important and compatible species in desert ecosystems. The current research was carried out to investigate the effect of different treatments on seed dormancy breaking and germinationstimulation ofAmmodendron persicum in order to determine the most effective treatment in enhancing of germination and primary growth of seedlings .The experiment was done in a Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 8 treatments and 4 replications. Different treatments were applied including scarification plus sulphuric acid (H2SO4 98%) for 10 and 15 minutes, scarification with sandy paper, scarification plus putting the seeds in hot water for 10 and 15 minutes, KNO3 (0.1 and 0.2 %), a complex treatment of scarification and KNO3 (0.1 and 0.2%) and distilled water as control treatment .To analyze the data, ANOVA was used and Duncan test was applied to compare the means. The result showed that scarification with sandy paper had the highest effect onseed dormancy breaking and seed germination stimulation of A. persicum as germination percentage increased from 3% in distilled water to 68% in scarification treatment.
Roja Safaian; Hosein Azarnivand
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 331-339
Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindly as one of the best Iran`s range plants, is the dominant species of Iranian Jashirzar. Competitive harvesting, lack of attention to vegetative conditions and their habitats caused a disturbance on its reproduction and also the degradation of its habitats. Since the regeneration ...
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Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindly as one of the best Iran`s range plants, is the dominant species of Iranian Jashirzar. Competitive harvesting, lack of attention to vegetative conditions and their habitats caused a disturbance on its reproduction and also the degradation of its habitats. Since the regeneration of the plant is only done in the natural habitats and through its seeds _when having in mind its deep dormancy as a member of umbelliferae family, it seems necessary to study and investigate the methods of breaking the seeds dormancy in order to protect the species . In this research in order to determine the best methods of the breakage of the seeds dormancy, the effect of some factors such as darkness, lightening, coldness, washing and temperature on the breakage of the dormancy of Prangos seeds_ collected from Fars Province pastures _is analyzed. For this purpose, a completely randomized design with three replications and five treatments was done. The results showed that treatments of coldness, lightening and 10°C temperature in compare to other treatments have significantly influenced the breakage of the species' seed dormancy. Meanwhile these methods are more important when we remind that, they are more economical and safe for the embryo in compare to other treatments such as using chemicals (specially acids). All of these together make these treatments practical methods.
Seyed Mahmud Anvari; Hadi Mehdikhani; Alireza Shahriari; Gholamreza Nouri
Volume 16, Issue 2 , December 2009, , Pages 262-273
Salinity is one of the increasing problems in the world which include the wide area of our country. Regardness to increment in salinity lands and shortage in desirable soils for cultivation, recognition of range plants that are salt tolerance is very important. In order to study the effect of different ...
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Salinity is one of the increasing problems in the world which include the wide area of our country. Regardness to increment in salinity lands and shortage in desirable soils for cultivation, recognition of range plants that are salt tolerance is very important. In order to study the effect of different salinity levels on germination of Haloxylon phyllum, Seidlitzia rosmarinus, Haloxylon persicum, Pteropyrom aucheri, Zygophllum euryypterm, Sueda fruticosa, and Atriplex lentiformis species, the experiment was conducted in germination stage as a factorial experimental based on CRD with three replications. Salinity levels applied were zero (control), 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mM NaCl. The results showed that with increasing salinity level, germination rate and percentage of germination were decreased. This decrease was different among the studied species. There was very significant difference between levels of salinity. Among the studied species, Haloxylon aphyllum and Sueda fruticosa had the maximum and minimum percentage of germination respectively. Seidlitzia rosmarinus and Pterophyrum aucheri had the maximum and minimum of germination rate respectively. Ability of germination in different concentrations of salinity describes rate of seeds resistance. There was very diversity for germination responses of the studied species.
Ali Tavili; Mojtaba Janat rostami; Khadejeh Ebrahimi Dorcheh
Volume 16, Issue 3 , December 2009, , Pages 409-418
According to importance of Salsola rigida in arid and semi arid regions, also due to Artemisia sieberi allelopathic property, this research was carried out to find whether or not Sa. rigida is sensitive against Ar. sieberi allelochemicals in germination stage when they are planting with together. For ...
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According to importance of Salsola rigida in arid and semi arid regions, also due to Artemisia sieberi allelopathic property, this research was carried out to find whether or not Sa. rigida is sensitive against Ar. sieberi allelochemicals in germination stage when they are planting with together. For this purpose, Sa. rigida seeds were taken from Pakan Bazr Cooperation in Isfahan. Aerial parts of Ar. sieberi were gathered from Jafarieh region in Qom province, dried and powdered. They were mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1:3 (one part Sa. rigida powder, 3 parts distilled water). Based on standard methods, extracts with different concentrations were prepared. Sa. rigida seeds were put in Petri dishes and watered with different concentrations of the prepared extracts. Experiment was done in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments (0, 25, 50 and 100 percent extractions) and 4 replications. Understudy germination properties were Final Germination percentage (FG), Rate of Germination (RG), Mean period of Final Germination (MPFG) and Percentage of Inhibition (PI). Duration of experiment was 13 days. Results based on statistical analysis revealed that there was significant difference between FG, MPFG, and PI under different extract concentrations effects (P<1%) while for RG difference was significant at 5% probability. Totally, it is concluded that Sa. rigida could be affected by Ar. sieberi allelopathic property in germination stage.
Alireza Ghasemi arian; Javad Izadi; Mohammad reza Saeid afkhamoshoara; Ruzbeh Ajlali
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 455-463
Gum ammoniac (Dorema amoniacum), is a perennial forb which its gum resin is used in traditional medicine of Iran and also widely used in food, cosmetic and detergent industries. Habitats of this species are seriously disturbed by conversion of natural ecosystems to rainfed farms. Recovery of natural ...
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Gum ammoniac (Dorema amoniacum), is a perennial forb which its gum resin is used in traditional medicine of Iran and also widely used in food, cosmetic and detergent industries. Habitats of this species are seriously disturbed by conversion of natural ecosystems to rainfed farms. Recovery of natural habitats by seed planting can be a suitable strategy to conserve this valuable plant, therefore dormancy and germination requirements were investigated in seeds of this species. Seeds were subjected to interact in different temperatures consisting of (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 ºC), and washing or not washing. So, a completely randomized design with 2´5 factorial experiments was used for conducting and analyzing the data. Results indicated that whased seeds had no significant effects on germination percentages . The optimum temperature for this plant was observed at 3ºC and increasing of temperatures decreased the germination percentages of the seeds. The lowest germination percentage (0%) was recorded at 15 ºC. Therefore , in machinery planting of this species , the better plan is to use the suitable time of sowing.
Mohammad Jankju-Borzelabad; Mahdeyeh Tavakkoli
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 215-226
Due to the increasing attentions on multiple uses from rangelands, methods of improving seed germination rates were investigated on 10 arid rangeland species, which have ornamental and/or pharmacological values. 9 dormancy breaking treatments were applied, in a completely randomized design. Seeds ...
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Due to the increasing attentions on multiple uses from rangelands, methods of improving seed germination rates were investigated on 10 arid rangeland species, which have ornamental and/or pharmacological values. 9 dormancy breaking treatments were applied, in a completely randomized design. Seeds were then located in an incubator and daily germination rates were recorded. Between treatments, gibberlic acid caused the greatest influence, on germination of 5 out of 10 species. Low temperature, potassium nitrate, high temperature, sulphuric acid, and water imbibitions also increased germination rates of 3, 3, 3, 2, and 1 species respectively. Lowest effect was found for polyethylene glycol and wet sand treatments. The applied treatments led to high increases in germination rates of Stachys inflata, Pteropyrum aucheri, Capparis spinosa and Fortynia bungei. However, the results for Atraphaxis spinosa, Calligonum polygonoides, Calligonum bungei, Isatis cappadocica, Glaicium oxylobum, and Iris songarica may not be applicable for field workers, because of low (0-5 %) germination rate of these species, while they are valuable for researchers. Further interesting results of this experiment was a logical relationship between treatment that caused the highest increase in germination rate, and phenology stages, habitat conditions of some species.
Hamid reza Naseri; Hosein Azarnivand; Mahdi Ghorbani; Zahra Mehrabanfar
Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2008, , Pages 59-68
This research was done in order to investigate the seed age effects (longevity) on germination of some sagebrush of species. East Azerbaijan was chosen as the collection sites and seeds of four species such as Artemisia fragrans, A. spicigera, A. campestris and A. vulgaris were collected from these sites. ...
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This research was done in order to investigate the seed age effects (longevity) on germination of some sagebrush of species. East Azerbaijan was chosen as the collection sites and seeds of four species such as Artemisia fragrans, A. spicigera, A. campestris and A. vulgaris were collected from these sites. Seed germination of these species was tested in the spring of the three following years and the data analyzed statistically. Results showed that seed ages have positive effects on the viability and germination of all species under study.. Minimum and maximum changes in seed germination belonged to Artemisia vulgaris and Artemisia spicigera respectively.
Mohammad Taghi Zare
Volume 9, Issue 2 , September 2001, , Pages 581-594