Majid Dashti; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 28, Issue 3 , October 2021, , Pages 493-506
In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design ...
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In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design with three replications in Khorasan-e-razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center. The seeds of the above accessions were sown in greenhouse conditions at a temperature of 20 ±2 ° C and 5 of them were planted in each plastic pot and after full establishment, the seedlings were transferred to the main soil. In order to, fully establish the seedlings in the main field and ensure the purity of the accessions, the first year of the project was considered as the year of establishment. The results of comparison between the varieties of E. hispidus showed that the villosus variety had higher forage yield, number of spikes and spike length compared to hispidus. In contrast, the percentage of plant establishment was higher in hispidus variety. In terms of forage quality, there are no difference between the E. hispidus accessions. In villosus variety, Chahar-Tagh accession due to high total dry matter (DM) yield (7732 kg ha-1), high dry matter digestibility (DMD) (43.6%), high soluble carbohydrates (8.8%) and consequently low acid detergent fiber (43.7%) was superior to other accession. In species A.cristatum 1727 accession had the lowest height, the lowest forage yield and the highest number of spikes. Among the accessions of A. cristatum, the highest and lowest annual dry matter yield of 12974 and 5692 kg ha-1 per year was achieved in 208 and 1727 accessions, respectively. Accessions 208 originating in Isfahan also had a significant percentage of digestibility and protein. In general, the results of this study showed that the accessions of the villosus variety as well as the 208 accession were superior to other accessions.
Mehrnaz riasat; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Abolreza Nasir zade
Volume 23, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 704-718
In order to study of forage yield and quality traits, 19 populations of Elymus hispidus were sown under irrigation condition using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) during 2006-2009 in Hosein Abad, Shiraz, Iran. Data were collected and analyzed for spike emergence date, dry matter (DM) yield, ...
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In order to study of forage yield and quality traits, 19 populations of Elymus hispidus were sown under irrigation condition using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) during 2006-2009 in Hosein Abad, Shiraz, Iran. Data were collected and analyzed for spike emergence date, dry matter (DM) yield, plant height, stem number, leaf to stem ratio (LSR), and five quality traits as: dry matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash for three years. The results showed significant difference among populations for all traits except total ash. The populations T24, Feriden, Saghez-Ghameshloo, Asadabad and Pashelki-Eghlid with average values of 5458, 5307, 5114, 4696 and 4565 kg/ha had higher annual DM yield. Results of correlation showed positive correlation between stem number with both DM yield and plant height. The correlation between CP/WSC and between DMD /ADF were negatively significant. Using principal component analysis, the first three components determined 67% of the total variation. The spike emergence date, plant height, and DM yield in the first component and CP, WSC and leaf to stem ratio in the second components were the important traits. The 19 genotypes were grouped into three clusters based on Ward cluster analysis method. In terms of forage quantity and quality, Feriden and Ghameshloo (Saghez) populations had higher values as compared with other populations; therefore, these two accessions are recommended for semi-steppe rangelands of Fars province.
majid dashti; Ali ashraf Jafari; hamed zarif ketabi; farideh saghafi khadem
Volume 22, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 683-694
In order to determine the effects of phenological stages and the best harvesting time for yield and quality traits in Elymus hispidus (var. hispidus var. podperae var.villosus), an experiment was conducted in Cisab Research Station, Northern Khorasan, Iran during 2005-2006. The seeds of varieties were ...
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In order to determine the effects of phenological stages and the best harvesting time for yield and quality traits in Elymus hispidus (var. hispidus var. podperae var.villosus), an experiment was conducted in Cisab Research Station, Northern Khorasan, Iran during 2005-2006. The seeds of varieties were sown in a randomized completely block design (RCBD) with three replications under dryland farming system. Forage yield was cut at six phenological stages including vegetative, stemmy, ear emergence, milky, soft dough seeds and maturity. Dry matter (DM) yield and five quality traits including Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD), Water Soluble Carbohydrates (WSC), Crude Protein (CP), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and total Ash were estimated using Near Infra-Red spectroscopy (NIRS). Data were analyzed using a split-plot in time design. Results showed significant differences for all traits among the phenological stages. DMD, CP, and ash were highest when the plants were immature and tend to drop sharply as the plants go to soft dough stage. In contrast, the average values of ADF and DM yield increased from vegetative to soft dough stage. WSC values were inconsistent over different phenological stages. Var. villosus with average values of 50.3, 16.3, and 10.1 percent for DMD, CP, and WSC, respectively had higher quality as compared with other two varieties. Var. hispidus with average values of 1433 Kg/ha DM yield had higher production as compared with two other varieties. However, its quality was low. The results showed that the highest digestible yield and protein yield were obtained in ear emergence stage for varieties. The results of correlation analysis showed positive and significant relationship between DMD and both CP and ASH. Whereas, ADF and same traits was negatively correlated. The correlation between DM yield and WSC with both DMD and CF was low and inconsistent over six phenological stages.
Abbas Kazempour; Ali ashraf Jafari; Mehrnaz Riasat
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 307-321
The genus of Elymus is of important grasses for forage production and soil and water conservation in Iran's rangelands.It has high preference value for livestock grazing because of the high production and high acceptability. Important species of this genus show different tolerances to drought.In order ...
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The genus of Elymus is of important grasses for forage production and soil and water conservation in Iran's rangelands.It has high preference value for livestock grazing because of the high production and high acceptability. Important species of this genus show different tolerances to drought.In order to determine the reactions of 14 accessions of Elymus hispidus and Elymus pertenuis to drought stress, a factorial experiment was conducted using completely randomized design with three replications in a standard germination test in 2008, Shiraz, Iran.Polyethylene glycol 6000 was used at 4 levels (0, -8/0, -9/0- and -1 MPa) as different osmotic potentials.Data were collected and analyzed for germination percentage, speed of germination, root length, shoot length, seedling length, root / shoot length ratio, seedling weight and seed vigor index.The results showed significant differences among accessions, drought effects and interaction effects of accessions* drought for all the traits.However, there were no significant differences between means of two species for all traits except seedling weight.In both species, all traits except root / shoot length ratio were decreased by increasing osmotic potential. In contrast, means of root / shoot length ratio was increased by drought stress.The effect of drought stress was higher on shoot length than those for root length, indicating that the sensitivity to drought stress of shoot length was more than root length.The results showed that some accessions within E. hispidus species as (Yasoj , Eghlid and Brojen) showed the maximum drought resistance in most of the seedling attributes. According to the results of Probit analysis, LD50 were estimated as -0.72 and -0.81 MP for E. hispidus and E. pertenuis, respectively.