Ghasem Khodahami; Ehsan Zandi Isfahan; Mohammad Hasan Assareh
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 274-282
In the current study, the salinity tolerance of Atriplex leucoclada, a native species to Iran with appropriate nutritional value for livestock, was investigated under greenhouse condition and natural habitats of Fars province. For this purpose, NaCl treatments at different concentrations of 0, 100, ...
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In the current study, the salinity tolerance of Atriplex leucoclada, a native species to Iran with appropriate nutritional value for livestock, was investigated under greenhouse condition and natural habitats of Fars province. For this purpose, NaCl treatments at different concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mM were applied on pots in a growth chamber at 20°C and a photoperiod of 8/16 h (light: dark), and growth characteristics were measured. Soil and plant sampling was conducted in natural ecotypes of Atriplex leucoclada in Darab region. Plant samples were collected randomly from the roots and shoots in vegetative growth stage, and soil samples were taken from two soil depths of 0-10 and 10-45 cm. The results of NaCl effects on growth characteristics of Atriplex leucoclada in vegetative growth stage showed that significant differences were found among the studied concentrations of NaCl as compared to the control group. Our results clearly showed that all studied growth characteristics including shoot fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weight, LWR, LAR, SLA, plant height and LA increased at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, and 300 mM in comparison with control. However, increasing salinity stress more than 300 mM caused to the reduction of growth characteristics significantly. As a result, salinity stress up to 300 mm NaCl not only limited the growth of Atriplex leucoclada but also increased the growth characteristics, indicating that this species is an obligatory halophyte in vegetative growth stage.
Masoumeh Rezaie Mashaie; Ghorbanali Nematzadeh; Hossein Askari; Ehsan Shokri
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 154-164
Aeluropus littoralis, a monocot halophyte, plays an effective role in the conservation of water and soil resources and the production of forage for livestock in saline lands. In the current study, physiological characteristics of Aeluropus littoralis was investigated in response to different salinity ...
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Aeluropus littoralis, a monocot halophyte, plays an effective role in the conservation of water and soil resources and the production of forage for livestock in saline lands. In the current study, physiological characteristics of Aeluropus littoralis was investigated in response to different salinity levels. After disinfection, the seeds of Aeluropus littoralis were cultured in acid-washed sand in a growth chamber under controlled condition, temperature of 25/16 °C and photoperiod of 14/10 h for day/night. After 45 days of start culture, salinity treatments (0,100,200,300,400mM NaCl) were applied. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. After 14 days of last salinity treatment, plant materials were harvested. Results showed that the highest amount of shoot dry weight and ash content was observed in 200 mM NaCl. According to the results, potassium content of the shoot unlike sodium decreased with increasing salinity, while secreted sodium and potassium from plant aerial parts increased. Root carbohydrate content and the ratio of chlorophyll a to b increased in response to salinity. The concentration of starch and total soluble sugars of shoot demonstrated no significant relationship with the ratio of chlorophyll a/b at the highest salinity level. Our results suggested that the management of detrimental ions along with the regulation of plant assimilations effectively involved in the performance of Aeluropus littoralis to avoid the inhibitory effect of saline condition.
heshmat Omidi; Farhad Movahadi Pouya; Shadi Movahadi Pouya
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 608-623
To investigate the response of extremely hard seeds of Prosopis species from Fabaceae family in germination phase and growth seedling under saline stress, a factorial experiment (ABC) was conducted on the basis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications at Seed technology laboratory ...
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To investigate the response of extremely hard seeds of Prosopis species from Fabaceae family in germination phase and growth seedling under saline stress, a factorial experiment (ABC) was conducted on the basis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications at Seed technology laboratory of Collage of Agriculture, Shahed University. Salicylic acid Hormone at three levels (0, 0.3 and 0.6 mM) and salinity stress (NaCl) at four levels (0, 5, 10 and 15ds.m-1) were applied to study seed germination of Prosopis under scarification treatments. The results of the study showed that salinity had no significant effects (P≤0.05) on germination rate which indicates high salt tolerance of the species. No seed germination was recorded for Pods and seeds cultivated under no scratch treatment. Proline, protein and carbohydrates content were highest in the treatment of 0.3 mM salicylic acid, 10 ds.m-1 salinity and broken pods containing scratched seeds. Generally speaking, the results showed that Prosopis seedling needs to get rid of physical barriers and inhibitory components within pod and seed coat in order to obtain high seed germination. Moreover, salinity tolerance of this plant was 15 ds.m-1 considered as one of the most important legume species which stabilizes nitrogen in desert and semi- desert regions for combat desertification.
Ghasemali Dianati-Tilaki; Bahman Shakarami; Masoud Tabari; Behzad Behtari
Volume 18, Issue 3 , September 2011, , Pages 452-462
Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that negatively affects the seed germination and growth of seedlings in plants. NaCl priming is of techniques to improve the seed performance and could increase germination percentage, growth of the seedlings and the mean time of seed germination ...
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Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that negatively affects the seed germination and growth of seedlings in plants. NaCl priming is of techniques to improve the seed performance and could increase germination percentage, growth of the seedlings and the mean time of seed germination under salinity conditions. This study was conducted to improve the seed performance of Festuca ovina under salinity stress conditions. A factorial experiment was applied based upon a completely randomized design with three replications (50 seeds per Petri dish). The effects of priming with three optimized dose (15, 30 and 45 dS/m) of NaCl solution for 24 h at 22±2 oC under dark conditions were assessed for improving seed traits of sheep fescue. NaCl primed Seeds were also examined at different salinity levels) 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS/m). Germination percentage and mean germination time were significantly affected by interaction of salinity and priming. Root length, shoot length and vigor index was not affected significantly by priming treatments in all salinity levels. Germination percentage of primed seeds especially in high salinity levels (15 and 20 dS/m) was greater than to non-primed seeds. The results showed that NaCl priming (especially at 45 dS/m for 24 h) in high salinity levels could increase the seed yield of Festuca ovina in terms of seed germination.
fahimeh Arab; Ali- Ashraf Jafari; Mohammad- Hassan Assareh; Mohammad Jafari; Ali Tavili
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 17-31
Agropyron deserterum andAg. elongatum species have a high value for both fresh and dry forage and because of high production and top acceptance by livestock they have specific value in the beginning of the growth season for livestock grazing. This research was conducted to study the effects of ...
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Agropyron deserterum andAg. elongatum species have a high value for both fresh and dry forage and because of high production and top acceptance by livestock they have specific value in the beginning of the growth season for livestock grazing. This research was conducted to study the effects of salinity stress on the mentioned species in germination and vegetative growth stages. A completely randomized design including five levels of 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM NaCl and CaCl2 with 4 replications was used. Seeds were sown in laboratory and germination percentage, germination velocity, vigor index, plumule and radicle length and seedling dry weight were calculated. In greenhouse condition, shoot and root length, seedling dry weight, dry weight to fresh weight ratio, leaf area and specific leaf area were measured. According to the results, in both studied species germination percentage, plumule and radicle length, seedling dry weight, leaf area and specific leaf area were reduced with increase of salinity. The results showed significant differences between two species for germination percentage and germination velocity (P≤0.01). In both germination and vegetative growth stages, Ag.elongatum was more salt tolerant than Ag.desertorum. The results indicated that Ag.elongatum was more salt tolerant species than Ag.desertorum and it can be recommended for cultivation in moderate saline rangelands.
Ali Teimouri; Mohammad Jafari
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 21-34
Soil salinity is one of the most important problems of arid and semi-arid regions in the world. Based on Food and Agriculture Organization report, more than 40% of Iran’s under Irrigation lands, are against secondary salinity. Nowadays biological methods are widely used to confront, soil salinity ...
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Soil salinity is one of the most important problems of arid and semi-arid regions in the world. Based on Food and Agriculture Organization report, more than 40% of Iran’s under Irrigation lands, are against secondary salinity. Nowadays biological methods are widely used to confront, soil salinity problems. However, significant achievement will take place when plant reserve resources having desired genetically changes, be available. Various resistances against salinity are due to plant genetically variations and selection for just one factor will not be a suitable criteria in measurement of this experimental property. To choose resistant varieties, it is necessary to notice to a set of indexes to create changes in physiology, anatomy, and morphology of plant species. The study of salinity stress on three range plant species of Chenopodiaceae family was the main objective of this experiment. The study conducted in completely random design with factorial experiment and four replications. Experimental treatments were three Salsola species and seven levels of salty water solution containing pure sodium chloride with concentration of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 mM. Results of the experiment showed that salinity affected the plants morphological and anatomical characteristics. With increasing salinity rates, some morphological changes such as; leaves falling, chlorosis and succulence were observed. Anatomical changes such as accumulation of crystal salt in mesophyll cells and increasing of trichomes for evapotranspiration decrease and salt exclusion were also observed in the species under study.
Mohammad Kafi; Gholamreza Zamani; Mohsen Poyan
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 276-291
In order to study the possibility of growing four annual desert halophyte species including Kochia scoparia, Suaeda dimorphestegia, Salsola crassa and Atriplex arcuata in desert environments, irrigating with saline ground water, a research project comprising of three separate experiments was performed ...
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In order to study the possibility of growing four annual desert halophyte species including Kochia scoparia, Suaeda dimorphestegia, Salsola crassa and Atriplex arcuata in desert environments, irrigating with saline ground water, a research project comprising of three separate experiments was performed during three successive years, 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Field experiment carried out in a split plot design in which three levels of saline irrigation water (1.5, 9.5 and 26.0 dS/m) were arranged as main and four halophyte species as sub plots with three replications. There were high significant differences in ground covering, electrolyte leakage, dry matter accumulation and plant hight among halophyte species. Suaeda produced at least twice of dry matter as any other species at any level of salinity. The average dry matter production of this species in three years and at three levels of salinity was 11850 kg/ha, while this amount was 4725, 5136 and 3616 kg/ha for Kochia, Salsola and Atriplex, respectively. Ratio of leaf to shoot weight was varying from 39% in Atriplex to 56% in at full flowering stage. In conclusion, germination and plant stablishment of these four annual halophytes should be explored for domestication. High dry matter production of these species in watering with saline waters of more than 70% of seawater, make them capable for production in very high saline lands, as well as irrigation with high saline waters.
Seyed Mahmud Anvari; Hadi Mehdikhani; Alireza Shahriari; Gholamreza Nouri
Volume 16, Issue 2 , December 2009, , Pages 262-273
Salinity is one of the increasing problems in the world which include the wide area of our country. Regardness to increment in salinity lands and shortage in desirable soils for cultivation, recognition of range plants that are salt tolerance is very important. In order to study the effect of different ...
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Salinity is one of the increasing problems in the world which include the wide area of our country. Regardness to increment in salinity lands and shortage in desirable soils for cultivation, recognition of range plants that are salt tolerance is very important. In order to study the effect of different salinity levels on germination of Haloxylon phyllum, Seidlitzia rosmarinus, Haloxylon persicum, Pteropyrom aucheri, Zygophllum euryypterm, Sueda fruticosa, and Atriplex lentiformis species, the experiment was conducted in germination stage as a factorial experimental based on CRD with three replications. Salinity levels applied were zero (control), 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mM NaCl. The results showed that with increasing salinity level, germination rate and percentage of germination were decreased. This decrease was different among the studied species. There was very significant difference between levels of salinity. Among the studied species, Haloxylon aphyllum and Sueda fruticosa had the maximum and minimum percentage of germination respectively. Seidlitzia rosmarinus and Pterophyrum aucheri had the maximum and minimum of germination rate respectively. Ability of germination in different concentrations of salinity describes rate of seeds resistance. There was very diversity for germination responses of the studied species.
Mohammad Taghi Zare
Volume 9, Issue 2 , September 2001, , Pages 581-594