Hosein Tavakoli Neko; Schahram Banedjschafie; Abbas Pourmeidani
Volume 31, Issue 1 , June 2024, , Pages 1-14
Background and objectivesThe vast country of Iran, due to its location in the arid region of the earth and the lack of rainfall, has suffered from drought and groundwater depletion. The reduction of precipitation and soil moisture has a great effect on soil vegetation. The use of various types of moisture ...
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Background and objectivesThe vast country of Iran, due to its location in the arid region of the earth and the lack of rainfall, has suffered from drought and groundwater depletion. The reduction of precipitation and soil moisture has a great effect on soil vegetation. The use of various types of moisture absorbent materials that reduce water consumption and increase the time of plant access to water in the soil plays a big role in water conservation. Plantbac panels are made from cellulose waste and can be used to increase the water retention capacity of the soil in dry areas, especially in desert areas. MethodologyIn order to investigate the effect of Plantbac panels on the amount of water consumption and growth of Atriplex plant, the research was carried out in the area of Hesarsokh located ten kilometers north-east of Qom city for three years (2019-2021). The experiment was carried out as split plots in the form of randomized complete blocks including 12 plots in three replications. The main plot included irrigation treatments at intervals of 10 days (control) and 20 days, and the sub-plot included two treatments of using and not using Plantbac panels (control). To investigate the effect of Plantbac panels on seedling growth at the end of each growing season in each year, traits including: survival, height and crown diameter of the seedling were measured and compared with the control of the same treatment. Statistical analyzes including minimum and maximum traits, standard deviation, simple variance analysis of variables, compound analysis, comparison of averages with least significant difference (LSD) method for seedling height growth and crown diameter growth traits were performed. ResultsThere was no difference in seedling survival in the treatments of using Plantbac and control in irrigation with a 10 days interval. While in the treatment of Plantbac panels and the control, 5% of the seedlings were dried, and in the treatment of using the Plantbac panels, 21% and 40% of the seedlings were seen in the control. Combined variance analysis showed that the simple effects of using Plantbac panels, year and the interaction effect of irrigation in the year on the height growth of Atriplex were significant (P≤0.01). Also, the effect of irrigation treatments, the use of Plantbac panels, the mutual effect of irrigation in the year and the effect of the year had a significant difference in the diameter growth trait of the crown of Atriplex seedlings (P≤0.05). The comparison of the average traits showed that the Atriplex seedlings in the "3rd year × 20 days irrigation interval" had the highest height 6.32 cm, and in the "1st year × 20 days irrigation interval" with 9.75 cm, had the lowest height growth. Also, Atriplex seedlings had the highest crown diameter growth in the "3rd year × irrigation interval 10 days " with 22.11 cm growth, and the lowest crown diameter growth had in the "2nd year × 20 day interval irrigation" with 17.33 cm. ConclusionThe results of the research showed that the effect of Plantbac panels on the traits indicating the growth of Atriplex is effective. The use Plantbac panels reduces losses in the survival of Atriplex seedlings. In other words, the use of Plantbac panels can have an effect in reducing the losses of Atriplex seedlings in saline lands. Also, the height growth of Atriplex in the treatment of using Plantbac panels was higher than the control. The general results of the research showed that the use of Plantbac panels can have an effect in reducing the losses of Atriplex in saline lands. Also, the diameter and height growth of Atriplex in the following years of planting was higher than the first year, which can be due to the possibility of establishing and improving the soil conditions for plant growth in the following years after planting as a result of using Plantbac panels.
Mojtaba Pakparvar; Morteza Abtahi
Volume 8, Issue 4 , September 2019, , Pages 93-122
Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Mohsen Nasiri; Soheila Nouri; Seyed Hasan Kaboli
Volume 12, Issue 3 , August 2019, , Pages 335-349
Mahshid Souri; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Nadia Kamali
Volume 25, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 524-535
Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the yield of forage plants is one of the necessities for improvement, rehabilitation, and development of rangelands. Festuca ovina is of perennial grasses. This species is found to be abundant in the semi-steppe rangelands of the country due to its ...
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Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the yield of forage plants is one of the necessities for improvement, rehabilitation, and development of rangelands. Festuca ovina is of perennial grasses. This species is found to be abundant in the semi-steppe rangelands of the country due to its adaptability to dehydration and low temperatures of -20 ° C. This rangeland species plays an important role in providing forage, soil stabilization, erosion prevention, and soil conservation in semi steppe rangelands. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of salinity and pollutant factors on the performance of Festuca ovina. This experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions in a factorial arrangement based on a completely randomized design under the influence of the first factor of copper oxide treatment at two levels (50 and 100 mg / l), copper nano-oxide at two levels (50 and 100 mg / l), and control treatment, and the second factor of sodium chloride treatment at three levels (0, 200 and 400 mM) in five replicates on Festuca ovina in a hydroponic greenhouse. After two months of stress, changes in chlorophyll, potassium and air length were measured. Data were analyzed using a factorial experimental design and SNK multiple range test in SPSS.18 software. According to the results of this study, the Festuca ovina species, in addition to the ability to establish and grow in each of the conditions of salinity and pollutant stress, has the ability to establish in both conditions (salinity + pollutant). Therefore, it can be of particular interest to planners, managers of natural resources and the environment and recommended as a consistent species to improve the rangelands of these regions.
Zahra Soleimannejad; Ahmad Abdolzadeh; Hamid Reza Sadeghi Pour
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 83-94
Puccinellia distans is a perennial, salt tolerant forage species that belongs to Poaceae family. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of salinity ongrowth, antioxidant enzymes activity and mineral accumulationin Puccinellia distans. The experiment was ...
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Puccinellia distans is a perennial, salt tolerant forage species that belongs to Poaceae family. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of salinity ongrowth, antioxidant enzymes activity and mineral accumulationin Puccinellia distans. The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with five replications in green house. Salinity levels included 0, 100 and 200 mM NaCl. Plants were harvested before reproductive stage. The results indicated that salinity imposed significant reduction in growth of plants including shoot and total length, fresh and dry weight, leaf number and relative water content. Concentration of Na+ decreased and concentration of K+ and K+/Na+ ratio increased due to salinity in both shoots and roots. The activity of catalase and polyphenol oxidase decreased in shoots of plants treated with 200 mM NaCl compared to control, however, the activity of catalase, cell wall and soluble peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase in roots and cell wall peroxidase in shoots of plants indicated significant increase due to the same salt treatment. Salt treatments led to increase of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoids contents and the amount of hydrogen peroxide. However, no significant change was observed in the amount of lipid peroxidation in roots and shoots. The results indicated that in spite of growth retardation and Na+ accumulation, salt treatments did not induce oxidative stress in Puccienellia distans. The reduction of K+ concentration, K+/Na+ ratio and relative water content may cause decrease of plant growth.
Behzad Behtari; Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Farzaneh Gholami
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 526-536
Salt and osmotic stresses are responsible for both inhibition or delayed seed germination and seedling establishment. Salts may affect seed germination by either restricting the supply of water (an osmotic effect) or causing injuries through involvement of their ions into the metabolic processes (ionic ...
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Salt and osmotic stresses are responsible for both inhibition or delayed seed germination and seedling establishment. Salts may affect seed germination by either restricting the supply of water (an osmotic effect) or causing injuries through involvement of their ions into the metabolic processes (ionic effect). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of salt and osmotic stresses on Agropyron cristatum and Agropyron elongatum seeds. In this respect, iso-osmotic solutions of sodium chloride (NaCl) and Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) under osmotic stress levels of (0, 4 and 8 bars) were applied to induce osmotic and ionic effects. The applied experimental design was completely randomized design with a three-factor factorial (2×2×3) arrangement in three replications and 50 seeds per replication. Germination percentage, germination rate, shoot length and vigor index showed significant reduction due to higher osmotic tensions on both Agropyron species. Only root length had no statistically significant difference between stress levels 0 and 4 bars. Iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and PEG 6000 in A. cristatum did not show statistically significant difference, but in the case of A. elongatum significant differences were observed between these two iso- osmotic solutions. This study showed that PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent of salinity had more inhibition effect rather than ionic effect of Nacl. However, the toxicity of ionic effects was raised by increase of osmotic stress levels. This study showed that the tolerance of A. elongatum against salinity was more than A. cristatum species.
Bahram Amiri; Mohammad hasan Assareh; Mohammad Jafari; Behruz Rasuli; Ali ashraf Jafari
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 233-243
Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated ...
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Salinity is one of the main expanding constraints in lands under cultivation. Therefore, the ability of plants to survive under such a condition is important for ecological distribution of the species and agricultural development. Despite extensive research in this area, there are still many issues associated with salt tolerance of plants. In this research, germination and seedling growth of two native species of Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum were evaluated under different salinity levels. Seeds of these species were treated by different concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4 in a growth chamber for 45 days. According to the results, germination and seedling growth of both species showed significant differences at in different salinity levels. Up to 200 mM and 150 mM NaCl, no significant differences were recorded for Salicornia herbacea and Alhagi persarum, respectively. In contrast, increment of sodium sulphate up to 100-150 m M, increased seedling growth and germination of Salicornia herbacea. While, a drastic decrease of germination was recorded for Alhagi persarum at 50 mM sodium sulphate. In general, it could be stated that Salicornia herbacea was more resistant to salinity.
Ghader Karimi; Mohammad hasan Assareh
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 537-546
In the current study, some physiological responses of Kochia Prostrata to salinity stress were investigated. This species is native to Iran and could be used as forage for livestock. Plants were exposed to 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM NaCl. The experimental design was completely randomized design ...
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In the current study, some physiological responses of Kochia Prostrata to salinity stress were investigated. This species is native to Iran and could be used as forage for livestock. Plants were exposed to 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM NaCl. The experimental design was completely randomized design with 4 replications and 5 treatments. To prevent osmotic shock, the treatments were done gradually. After 21 days of the last salinity treatment, the plants were harvested and proline, glycinebetaine, soluble sugars, water potential and relative water content were measured. The result showed that in Kochia Prostrata, with an increase of salinity concentration up to 200 mM NaCl, proline, glycinebetaine and soluble sugars increased. According to the results, this plant tolerates the salinity through the synthesis of proline, soluble sugars and glycinebetaine as the mechanisms of salt tolerance. The high relative water content of the leaf (RWC) up to 150 mM and significant decrease of water potential also caused an increase of water use efficiency with low evaporation and transpiration from the leaves.
Ehssan Zandi Esfahan; Mohammad Jafari; S.Jamal.. Khajedin; Hossein Azarnivand
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 202-218
To study soil salinization and its amplitude due to the planting of Haloxylon ammodendron in Segzi plain of Isfahan, ordination method was used. The study was performed through stratified random sampling. Six regions were separated on the basis of different physiognomy and the year of Haloxylon ammodendron ...
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To study soil salinization and its amplitude due to the planting of Haloxylon ammodendron in Segzi plain of Isfahan, ordination method was used. The study was performed through stratified random sampling. Six regions were separated on the basis of different physiognomy and the year of Haloxylon ammodendron planting (successful and unsuccessful regions). In each region, 10 coeval individuals of Haloxylon ammodendron were selected, and plant characteristics including, height, canopy cover area, canopy cover perimeter, canopy cover diameter and basal area were measured. Three profiles were also dug in each region and five chemical soil properties i.e. EC, Na+, Cl-, K+ and SAR were measured in five horizons. Data were analyzed by means of ordination method. The results indicated that soil salinization was extremely high in successful planting regions of Haloxylon ammodendron where there was no limitation for root extension. Consequently, in these regions, the absorption of water and minerals, the growth of plant characteristics and finally the amount of litter fall to the soil surface were significantly higher than that in unsuccessful planting regions of Haloxylon ammodendron. Hence the role of Haloxylon ammodendron in soil salinization of its stratum was proved. On the other hand, the results showed that the range of soil salinization was only restricted to the first and second horizons (0-30 and 30-60 centimeters from the soil surface) and other horizons had not been affected by the growth of Haloxylon ammodendron.
Abass Pourmeidani; Mohammad Reza Naeini; Hossein Bagheri; Ghader Karimi
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 58-70
The current research was conducted at Qom Fadak Greenhouse to study the effects of different salinity levels on physiologic and morphologic characteristics of three rangeland species (Hordeum fragilis, Agropyron desertorum and Agropyron elongatum). A factorial experimental design based on completely ...
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The current research was conducted at Qom Fadak Greenhouse to study the effects of different salinity levels on physiologic and morphologic characteristics of three rangeland species (Hordeum fragilis, Agropyron desertorum and Agropyron elongatum). A factorial experimental design based on completely Randomized Design with three replications was applied as the main factor included three rangeland species and the second factor included five salinity levels (0, 50,100,150 and 200 mMol NaCl). Salinity treatments were applied for 66 days and 27 variables were evaluated during the experiment. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences among studied species and also different salinity levels. According to the results of means comparison test in 15 treatments (interaction effects of species and salinity), the highest RWC was observed in treatments of control (0 mM NaCl) and 50 mM NaCl in all three species and the lowest RWC was recorded at 200 mM NaCl in two Agropyron species. As a result, reduction in RWC was identified as plant response to salinity stress. The highest content of total chlorophyll was observed in control treatment and in two Agropyron species while the lowest content was recorded at 200 mM NaCl in all three species. With increase in salinity level up to 200 mM NaCl, soluble carbohydrate content increased. The highest percentage of proline was observed at 200mMol NaCl and in all three species. According to the results, threshold of salinity tolerance for Ag. elongatum, Ag. desertorum and Hordeum fragilis were determined 150, 100 and 50 mM NaCl respectively, and Ag. elongatum was identified as the most salt tolerant species in this research. A significant positive correlation was observed among growth parameters while correlation between growth parameters and carbohydrate content and percentage of proline was significantly negative. Total chlorophyll content showed a significant positive correlation with RWC and a significant negative correlation with WSD, soluble carbohydrates content and percentage of proline.
Hemat Karimi; Ahmad Abdol zadeh; Hamid Reza SAdeqhi pur; Puyan Mehraban; Abass ali Nuri niya
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 172-186
Salinity is one of the most important causes in reduction of agricultural products and depletion of natural vegetation in many parts of the world, like Iran. Sesbania aculeata is a palatable forage and relatively salt tolerant species from Fabaceae family that can be used for reclamation of semi- saline ...
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Salinity is one of the most important causes in reduction of agricultural products and depletion of natural vegetation in many parts of the world, like Iran. Sesbania aculeata is a palatable forage and relatively salt tolerant species from Fabaceae family that can be used for reclamation of semi- saline rangelands. The study was performed to evaluate the salinity resistance of this in view of ions accumulation and anatomical changes. S. aculeata seeds were planted in sand under greenhouse conditions and irrigated with Hougland nutrient solution. A completely randomized design including three levels of salinity (control, 75 and 150 mM NaCl) was applied and plants were harvested after two months. According to the results, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots and relative water content were decreased under salinity. With increment of salinity level, Na+ and Cl- accumulation increased in all organs of plants which were more obvious in shoots. Furthermore, the potassium concentration and K+/Na+ ratio decreased in shoots and roots while total amino acids and soluble carbohydrates increased in plants in response to the salinity. Salinity also increased the palisade parenchyma cells thickness and total thickness of leaves, while spongy parenchyma cells thickness decreased under salinity. In addition, ratio of cortex to stele decreased in roots of plants grown under salinity. The results reveal that S. aculeata probably accumulates Na+ and Cl- mostly in vacuoles and amino acids and sugars in cytosol of thick leaf cells with palisade parenchyma through which osmotic adjustment and water absorption by plants is done with minimum energy. Increase of stele area in comparison with cortex in root may also facilitate water uptake under salinity.
Asghar Ghasemi Phirouzabadi; Mohammad Jafari; Hossein Heidari sharifabad; Hossein Azarnivand; Hamid reza Abbasi
Volume 16, Issue 1 , December 2009, , Pages 1-10
Determination of plant resistance to drought and salinity is very important for selecting the favorable plant species in rangelands. The aim of this study was to compare the salinity and drought tolerance of the two rangeland species namely puccinelia distance and Aeluropus Littoralis. In this study ...
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Determination of plant resistance to drought and salinity is very important for selecting the favorable plant species in rangelands. The aim of this study was to compare the salinity and drought tolerance of the two rangeland species namely puccinelia distance and Aeluropus Littoralis. In this study biomass production of these two species was also compared. The Experimental design of split-split plot in randomized block was excuted for the study. The main plots were allocated to the treatments of 7 and 14 days irrigation periods. The subplot were 4 level of salinity including 100, 150, 200 mmolar Cl.Na and normal irrigation water as control respectively. The morphological criterias such as water potential, wilting percentage of the plants and also dry biomass were evaluated in this study. In the context of plant anatomy, The density of stomata per unit area of leaves, vesicular structure, mesophyt tissues and epidermis were also investigated. The results showed that wilting percentage increased with increasing salinity and water deficit(drought). With increasing the time of drought and salinity stress, the weight of dry stem and total dry mass were decreased. The wilting percentage and reduction of total dry biomass in Aeluropus Littoralis was more than puccinelia distance. It was concluded that puccinelia distance is more resistante compare to Aeluropus Littoralis while Aeluropus Littoralis is more tolerate to salinity stress.
Gholam reza Zehtabian; Marzeyeh Tayeb; Mahshid Souri
Volume 13, Issue 4 , February 2007, , Pages 368-384
Salinity is one of the factores affecting the reduction of soil biological potential and vegetation and finally desertification. Water is the most limiting factor for cultivation in arid and semi arid regions. Due to shortage of surface water resources, the pressure is exerted on under ground water ...
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Salinity is one of the factores affecting the reduction of soil biological potential and vegetation and finally desertification. Water is the most limiting factor for cultivation in arid and semi arid regions. Due to shortage of surface water resources, the pressure is exerted on under ground water resources. Meanwhile, over –exploitation of underground water resources and neglecting technical points in exploitation have caused the level of underground water to be dropped. This water level drop in addition to other factors causes the quality of water resources to be changed leading to increasing of salinity. This research has been carried out in kabootarkhan plain, kerman province. In order to study factors salinizing underground water resources in this basin, some baseline data were gathered. Then, sampling of profiles of soil profiles were done in the four soil units (arable lands, ferdowsi, agriculture station and kabootakhan) in the basin in three replications. The laboratory results and existing data were analyzed using SPSS software according to the randomized split-pot design. The results show that in appendage plain of the basin, irrigation with saline water resources in addition to soil texture have caused salinity to be occurred and in clay flat, irrigation has caused salinity to be declined due to the good soil texture and existence of natural drainage.
Morteza Akbari; Hamid reza Karim zadeh; Reza Modares; Bahareh Chakoshi
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 124-142
Desertification is the ecologic and biologic reduction which may occur naturally or non naturally. Desertification process usually effects arid and semi arid region and reduce the land efficiency very rapidly. This study has been conducted to evaluate and classify desertification with the aim of geographic ...
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Desertification is the ecologic and biologic reduction which may occur naturally or non naturally. Desertification process usually effects arid and semi arid region and reduce the land efficiency very rapidly. This study has been conducted to evaluate and classify desertification with the aim of geographic information system and remote sensing techniques. In this study, TM data of 25 shahriver 1369(16 October 1990) and ETM+ data of 16 shahrivar 1380 (7 October 2001) were used. Geometric, radiometric and sun height angle correction were carried out on the images. Supervised and unsupervised classification were used for both two images and 9 land uses were classified and compare quantitatively due to geomorphology and desertification attributes. Each main and partial desertification factor was input to geographic information database and scaled to make the map of desertification severity based on recommended method for Iran and FAO map of desertification vulnerability. The result of desertification severity which shows desertification condition, velocity and potentiality, showed that natural desertification occurs in 35 % of area with different medium, high and very high desertification severity. Anthropogenic desertification includes 65 % of study area with high and very high condition. But in desertification vulnerability map, very high desertification vulnerability was determined in 20 % of area with simultaneous human and animal effect and high desertification vulnerability was determined on 80 % area with only animal effect. According to the map, for arid region of north of isfahan, it was identified that range land use change to agriculture, improve agricultural patterns, over grazing, incident economic condition and ground water over exploitation are the most important anthropogenic factor, and drought and soil and water salinity are the most important natural factors. Desertification trend is enhancing to north west of the study area which will make trouble for rangelands, residential and industrial areas.
Abolghasem Dadrasi Sabzavari; Mojtaba Pakparvar
Volume 14, Issue 1 , January 2007, , Pages 33-52
Desertification is one of the most difficult issues which has been taken into consideration in the world. The main objective of this study is determination of lands affected by desertification using remote sensing and geographic information systems, in Sabzevar. To meet the objective, Satellite ...
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Desertification is one of the most difficult issues which has been taken into consideration in the world. The main objective of this study is determination of lands affected by desertification using remote sensing and geographic information systems, in Sabzevar. To meet the objective, Satellite imagery of Landsat TM- 29 April 1987 and 13 May 2001 were selected and used, after haze and geometric correction. Principal Components (PC) and False Color Composit (FCC) were calculated, finally FCC521: RGB was selected for background of classification because of the best correlation. The Satellite images were classified by the maximum likelihood algorithm on the basis of field data. A study was conducted to determine the iso line of change in groundwater salinity and depth, in the study area, by using subsurface water data ( quality and quantity). The results show that on non saline parts and in the area of gypsum, the changes are negligible. The area of land uses are more or less the same except in agriculture which the land has increased by 3632 ha and in urban area which developed 672 ha. Merging and processing the whole data shows that the agriculture lands increased from 1987 to 2001. More salinity and less depth of groundwater are the results of groundwater data analysis, specially in south east part of the region
Hosein Azarnivand; Mahdi Ghorbani; Hamed Joneidi jafari
Volume 14, Issue 3 , January 2007, , Pages 352-358
In this study, effect of salinity stress on germination of Artemisia scoparia and Artemisia vulgaris were investigated.Five salinity treatments included distilled water, 100,200,300 and 400 mM NaCl . Experimental design was factorial with CRD arrangement and 4 Replication. Result showed, Artemisia Scoparia ...
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In this study, effect of salinity stress on germination of Artemisia scoparia and Artemisia vulgaris were investigated.Five salinity treatments included distilled water, 100,200,300 and 400 mM NaCl . Experimental design was factorial with CRD arrangement and 4 Replication. Result showed, Artemisia Scoparia is more resistant than Artemisia Vulgaris and in both species germination decreased with increasing salinity.