Pirooz Shakeri; Hasan Fazaeli; Ahmad Pourmirzaee; Seyed Hamid Mostafavi
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 735-747
Determination of rangeland forage quality is an important factor in assessing the nutrition status of livestock dependent on rangeland, determining suitable grazing time, increasing livestock efficacy and less damaging to rangelands. This study was conducted to determine the nutritional ...
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Determination of rangeland forage quality is an important factor in assessing the nutrition status of livestock dependent on rangeland, determining suitable grazing time, increasing livestock efficacy and less damaging to rangelands. This study was conducted to determine the nutritional value and digestibility of four dominant species of Compositae family in Baft rangelands located in Kerman province. The species including: Artemisia aucheri, Artemisia persica, Scorzonera tortusissimaand Cousina sicigera, which weresampled in phonological stages of vegetative growth, flowering and seeding. The results showed that the mean values of chemical composition of the mentioned species at different growth stages were 9.94, 8.9, 6.21 and 10.40% of crude protein (CP), 45.62, 45.77, 61.07 and 42.83% of NDF and 32.77, 33.05, 46.61 and 31.73% of ADF, respectively. By increasing age of all plant species, CP was decreased (P<0.01) but except for Scorzonera tortusissima, the values of NDF and ADF were increased in other species (P<0.01). The average digestibility of the mentioned species dry matter at vegetative, flowering and seeding stages were 57.41, 53.54, 45.34 and 39.67%, respectively. The average of metabolizable energy (ME) of the mentioned species at vegetative, flowering and seeding stages were estimated to be 2.24, 2.24, 1.86 and 2.26 Cal/g, respectively. The average concentrations of mineral elements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and manganese of these four rangeland species were more than the critical requirements of sheep and goat, while the concentrations of phosphorus, copper and zinc in these plants were less than the critical level for sheep and goat requirements. Generally, the four species studied in terms of CP and ME, especially in the early stages of growth, provide the needs of sheep and goats in the region.
Ali Mohebbi; Naser Arabzadeh; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; Alireza Eftekhari
Volume 25, Issue 2 , August 2018, , Pages 335-343
A large surface area of rangelands in Iran is degraded due to some different factors such as overgrazing, climate-change and so forth. Therefore, an important part of rangelands species is endangered. Rangeland improvement and rehabilitation as well as introducing tolerant species ...
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A large surface area of rangelands in Iran is degraded due to some different factors such as overgrazing, climate-change and so forth. Therefore, an important part of rangelands species is endangered. Rangeland improvement and rehabilitation as well as introducing tolerant species are of utmost importance towards rangeland sustainability. For this, the seeds of different accessions of most important perennial shrubs were collected from the rangelands in Kerman province and cultivated in the research station of Kerman province. A study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications under field conditions, to comparing the germination and establishment of the accessions. Data analysis was performed using SAS software and mean comparisons were made by Duncan's multiple range test. According to the results, Fortuynia bungei showed a better germination and establishment rate as compared with other species. In addition, among the accessions, the highest establishment percentage was recorded for Kouhpayeh (53.03%) and Bam (52%) populations.
Reza Bagheri; Seyed Mehdi Altaha Maki; Sedigheh Mohammadi
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 32-40
Grazing management projects conducted by natural resources offices have been less evaluated in previous studies. This research was conducted in order to determine the effects of grazing management projects on vegetation and some soil physico-chemical properties in Dehsard region of Kerman province. Soil ...
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Grazing management projects conducted by natural resources offices have been less evaluated in previous studies. This research was conducted in order to determine the effects of grazing management projects on vegetation and some soil physico-chemical properties in Dehsard region of Kerman province. Soil and vegetation properties were sampled in early autumn in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Soil samples were taken from depths of 0-15 and 15-30 cm and soil properties including organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, pH, texture, moisture, and electrical conductivity were measured. Fifty-meter length transects were established and species composition and canopy cover percentage were recorded by linear-contact method. Our results showed that grazing management project caused a double increase in the amount of organic matter and nitrogen in soil surface as compared to the adjacent rangelands. Increased shrub and bush species (3.8 and 5%, respectively) is important as the main source of forage. According to these changes over a period of six years in the project area, the effects of grazing management projects can be evaluated as positive.
Reza Bagheri; Sedegheh Mohammadi
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 283-296
This study was performed in order to determine spatial variations of drought in Kerman province by Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and comparing interpolation methods of Kriging and inverse distance weight with powers of 1 to 5, over a thirty-year period (1970-71 to 2000-2001). According to the results ...
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This study was performed in order to determine spatial variations of drought in Kerman province by Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and comparing interpolation methods of Kriging and inverse distance weight with powers of 1 to 5, over a thirty-year period (1970-71 to 2000-2001). According to the results during the study period (10-year intervals), maximum and minimum average amounts of SPI were respectively recorded for 1990-91 and 2000-2001. In all studied years, exponential model was determined to be the best variogram fitted to the spatial structure of data and the effective range of each station was a distance of almost 18.03 kilometers for all years except 1990-91 with an effective range of 5, 02 km. Cross validation techniques introduced Kriging as the best interpolation method for all years except 1990-91 in which IDW to the power of 5 was the best interpolation method. Spatial zoning map of SPI showed that moderate drought was recorded for southern parts of Kerman province such as Anbarabad and Jiroft in 1970-71 while in other parts of the province slight drought was observed except Rafsanjan. In 1980-81, slight drought was observed for most parts of the province while in Bam, Bardsir and east of Jiroft slight moisture was observed. In 1990-91, there was a slight drought was recorded for Kerman, Baft, Kahnooj and east of Jiroft. In 2000-2001, all parts of the province were at risk of drought as in the southern half of the province (Baft, Anbarabad and Kahnoj) moderate drought and in the northern half of the province(Kerman, Rafsanjan and Bardsir) slight drought were observed. Error maps showed considerable accuracy of interpolation, especially near the stations.
Reza Bagheri; Mohammad reza Chaichi; Mohsen Mohseni Saravi
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 301-316
This research was studied in order to determining grazing intensity effects on soil moisture and vegetation in Khabr region of Kerman province for two years. Natural sites under three grazing pressures (heavy, moderate and non grazed) with same ecological factors were selected from Khabr National Park ...
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This research was studied in order to determining grazing intensity effects on soil moisture and vegetation in Khabr region of Kerman province for two years. Natural sites under three grazing pressures (heavy, moderate and non grazed) with same ecological factors were selected from Khabr National Park and near rangelands. After determining sampling area, soil moisture factor was investigated monthly (on grazing period) in 0-15 and 15-30 centimeters depth of each site with 5 replication and canopy cover sampling was conducted in three temporal stages (before, middle and after grazing) using line transect method in three replication for each site. SPSS package was used for statistical analysis. Result showed that heavy grazing reduced total canopy cover, specialy perennial grass and shrubs, than non grazed site in the end of grazing period. Also heavy grazing reduced the soil moisture content with decreasing rate as 16.87% and 25.07% , than moderate and non grazed sites , respectively. Harmful effect of drought in 2006 was severly affected on heavy than moderate and non grazed site. According to results, non and moderate grazed sites occure in state condition (due to more canopy cover of Artemisia sieberi and other species such as prennial grass) and heavy grazed site occure in transition to downward state condition (due to one dimentional dominant of Artemisia sieberi and emergence of undesirable species such as Marrobium vulgaris and Peganum harmala) in state and transition model of Iranian Artemisia habitat. Thus, without management plan, we will observe dominance of undesirable species and rangelands degradation.