Ali Vosough; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Ezat Karami; Reza Talebi; Houshmand Safari
Volume 29, Issue 3 , October 2022, , Pages 231-240
Azadeh Kavandi; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Mojtaba Jafarzadeh
Volume 25, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 671-685
In order to study the effects of storage conditions and osmopriming on the seed germination and seedling growth of sainfoin (Onobrichis vicifolia), two factorial experiments were conducted based in a completely randomized design with three replications in the laboratory and greenhouse ...
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In order to study the effects of storage conditions and osmopriming on the seed germination and seedling growth of sainfoin (Onobrichis vicifolia), two factorial experiments were conducted based in a completely randomized design with three replications in the laboratory and greenhouse of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran in 2015. The first factor was accessions origin (Khonsaer, Karaj, Ardebil, and Tehran), the second factor was seed storage conditions at two levels: basic storage (-18ºC) and active storage (+4ºC), and the third factor was seed priming at six levels, including soaking in different concentration of PEG 6000 solution for 24 hours to produce 0, -3, -6, -9 and 12 Bar osmotic potential and control (no priming). The seeds samples of 15 to 20 years ago that were kept in gene bank storages were examined. In the laboratory experiment, seeds were sown in Petri dishes, irrigated and placed in germinator in standard conditions (20°C) for two weeks. Germinated seeds were counted every two days and after two weeks seed germination was recorded. In the greenhouse experiment, 25 seeds were sown in each one-liter pot filled by an equal amount of soil, sand, and compost. Data were collected for germination traits as germination rate, radicle length, shoot seedling length, vigor index, root/shoot length ratio (RS), and seedling fresh weight. The results showed that the seeds in basic storage (-18ºC) had higher germination percentage, germination rate, and vigor index as compared with active storage. The effects of different priming levels showed that seed germination and germination rate were increased by application of hydropriming (distilled water), whereas, for radicle length, shoot seedling length, vigor index and seedling fresh weight and RS, the higher values were obtained by osmopriming in both laboratory and greenhouse condition.
hamideh javadi; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Masoume Ramezani Yeghaneh; Mahmoud Amirkhani
Volume 23, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 417-429
This research was aimed to evaluate the agronomic and quality traits of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) available in the Natural Resources Gene Bank of Iran. The study was conducted in a complete randomized block design with two replications in Karaj (Alborz Iran) for two years.Forage dry matter and ...
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This research was aimed to evaluate the agronomic and quality traits of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) available in the Natural Resources Gene Bank of Iran. The study was conducted in a complete randomized block design with two replications in Karaj (Alborz Iran) for two years.Forage dry matter and seed yield, plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, number of seeds per plant, 1000-seed weight, powdery mildew disease infection, and the quality traits including dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude fiber (CF), Acid detergent fibre (ADF) and total ash, were measured.The results showed that the populations of 3001 (Karaj) and 8206 (Tehran) had the higher mean values for agronomic traits. Populations 3001 (Karaj), and 11815 (Khalkhal) had priority for both dry matter yield and forage quality than other populations.The result of correlation analysis showed that both dry matter yield and seed yield were positively correlated with plant height and number of primary and secondary branch.Crude protein was positively correlated with seed yield, number of seed per plant, DMD and total ash and negatively correlated with ADF and CF.In principal component analysis, the first three components accounted for 50% of total variation among the populations. The contributions of the first to the third components were 23%, 17%, and 11%, respectively.This classification was in agreement with the classification of populations based on first two components. In cluster analysis, the populations were classified into four groups in a Euclidean distance of 18.5. The members of each group had the same traits.
yousef safavi; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Mehrnaz Riasat
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 254-244
In this study, the effects of water stress on seedling growth characteristics were studied in Agropyron tauri and Agropyron repens. The experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in 2010. Six Agropyron repens genotypes and ...
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In this study, the effects of water stress on seedling growth characteristics were studied in Agropyron tauri and Agropyron repens. The experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in 2010. Six Agropyron repens genotypes and four Agropyron tauri genotypes were selected from the gene bank of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands and were arranged in a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications. Factors A and B were the genotypes and drought levels, respectively. Drought stress levels were 100, 75, 50 and 25% of field capacity, and the measured characteristics were shoot length, root length, root/shoot ratio, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, dry weight/fresh weight ratio, and leaf area. There were statistically significant differences among drought treatments, genotypes, and interaction effects of accessions with land, in most of the above characteristics. Five drought resistance indices including stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), stress tolerance index (STI), mean productivity (MP), and geometric mean productivity (GMP) were calculated. By assigning the highest indices, the genotype A.tauri (99) showed the highest resistance in most of the traits tested.According to the obtained results, genotype A.tauri (99) as the best and genotypes A. repens (211), A. repens (217), A. repens (224), and A. repens (225) in the next rank could be recommended for rangeland improvement and reclamation in arid regions.
Bayazid Yousefi; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 549-561
This research was aimed to investigate the effect of drought stress on sainfoin ecotypes using two randomized complete block designs with three replications under rainfed and irrigated conditions. The pooled analysis of variance showed significant differences between irrigated and rainfed conditions ...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of drought stress on sainfoin ecotypes using two randomized complete block designs with three replications under rainfed and irrigated conditions. The pooled analysis of variance showed significant differences between irrigated and rainfed conditions for most of the traits, indicating significant impact of drought stress. Higher values were obtained for dry forage yield as well as most of the traits under irrigated condition as compared to the rainfed condition. The average number of plant and main stem per plot, (p≤ 0.01) and dry forage yield (p≤0.05) showed significant differences among the ecotypes of sainfoin. The interaction effect between ecotype x environment was not significant for the studied traits. The highest dry forage was recorded for the ecotypes of 14, 19, 48, 25 and 3, with a production of 299.5, 289.1, 266.9, 266.1 and 249.4 g per plot (2m2), respectively. A positive significant correlation (p≤0.01) was found between dry forage yield and number of plants and stems per plot, plant vitality, plant height, and total ash while dry forage yield showed a negative significant correlation with leaf to stem ratio (p ≤ 0.01) and days to flowering (p ≤ 0.05). Stepwise regression results showed that dry weight, number of plants per plot, vitality, days to flowering, and plant height were the main components of dry forage yield (R2=91). There was no direct associatin between cluster analysis grouping and geographical origin of ecotypes
Farzad Bayat Movahed; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Parviz Moradi
Volume 20, Issue 2 , June 2013, , Pages 309-319
Mohammad Hasan vand; Ali ashraf Jafari; Ali Sepahvand; Shahram Nakhjavan
Volume 16, Issue 4 , January 2010, , Pages 517-535
In order to compare yield and forage quality, six local genotypes of common vetch (Vicia sativa) were sown in two separate experiments under irrigated and dry land farming system using randomize complete block design with three replications in khorramabad agricultural research station during 2005 and ...
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In order to compare yield and forage quality, six local genotypes of common vetch (Vicia sativa) were sown in two separate experiments under irrigated and dry land farming system using randomize complete block design with three replications in khorramabad agricultural research station during 2005 and 2006. Data were collected for Forage fresh and dry matter (DM) yield, plant height and quality traits as: dry matter digestibility, (DMD), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude fiber (CF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and total ash. Results of combined analysis showed significant differences between two conditions for all of traits except DMD. The average values of DM (2.76 and 2.35 ton/ha), CP (24.8 and 21.6%), and WSC (10.9 and 12.9%) were obtained for Irrigated and drought condition respectively, indicated higher values of both DM yield and CP and lower values of WSC in Irrigated conditions. Genotype effect was significant for forage yield, plant height, WSC and NDF. Results of correlation coefficients showed that forage yield had positively correlated with plant height, WSC and CF and negatively correlated with CP. Whereas, WSC had positively correlated with DM yield, plant height and DMD and negatively correlated with CP, ADF, NDF and total ash. Using cluster analysis, 6 genotypes were classified into two groups. Using biplot diagram based on 5 droughtresistance indices, six genotypes were scattered. Talarizan (Azna) with average values of 3.1 and 2.7 ton/ha DM yield for optimum and dry condition, respectively had higher values in both conditions and recommended for cultivation in more rainy regions of Lorestan province. Genotypes of Torshabad (Doruod) and Fahre (Aligudarz) with average values 2.55 and 2.72 ton/ha DM yield, respectively for drought condition, were identified as tolerant to dryness and identified for cultivation in dry land farming system. Genotypes of Doruod and Bawki (Azna) with average values of 2.39 and 3.01 ton/ha forage production in irrigated condition recognized as sensitive to dryness and recommended for cultivation in irrigated conditions. Among the productive genotypes, Fahre with average values of 12.74% WSC had good forage quality.
Sadegh Poormoradi; Ali ashraf Jafari
Volume 16, Issue 1 , December 2009, , Pages 22-33
In order to study of forage yield, and land equivalent ratio efficiency in pure stands and mix crop of red clover and tall fescue, 7 ecotypes of red clover (Trifolium pratense) and 1 ecotype of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were sown in pure stand and 50% clover+50% tall fescue mix cropping using ...
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In order to study of forage yield, and land equivalent ratio efficiency in pure stands and mix crop of red clover and tall fescue, 7 ecotypes of red clover (Trifolium pratense) and 1 ecotype of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were sown in pure stand and 50% clover+50% tall fescue mix cropping using complete block design with 3 replications during 2004 to 2006 in northern Alborz rangelands, Iran. Data were collected and analyzed for each year and combined over two years, using split plot in time design with years as sub plot. Duncan multiple test were used for comparison among treatments. Efficiency of mix cropping was assessed by land equivalent ratio. Results showed significant differences between pure stand and mixture in the fist year, but no significant differences were observed in the second year. The forage production of pure clover, pure fescue and mix crop were 5199, 2078 and 2981 Kg/h in the first year and 3059, 3014 and 3024 in the second year, respectively. Result indicated that tall fescue growth was lower than clover in the first year, but it was dominant to clover in the second year. For pure clover, ecotypes of 1568, 1753, 618 and 2086 with average values of 4300 to 4800 kg/h had higher annual production over two years. The ecotype 1753 originated from Orumieh; with having prostrate growth habit was recognized as the best one for pasture regeneration in northern Alborz rangelands. The mix cropping of clover (2086) and tall fescue, with average values of 4047 and 3987 kg/h forage yield and with average values of 1.09 and 1.18 land equivalent ratios for the first and second year, respectively, introduced for mix cropping with tall fescue.