Mohammad Osman Omara; Mahmoud Ramroudi; Alireza Rashki; Mohammad Galavi; Mitra Jabbari
Volume 28, Issue 2 , June 2021, , Pages 357-368
Saravan is one of the most date-growing regions of Iran, and the Mazafati cultivar is a high-yielding cultivar of this region. Dust phenomenon in this city occurs in summer, coinciding with the productivity of palm trees. In this study, the effect of dust on the leaves and clusters of date trees and ...
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Saravan is one of the most date-growing regions of Iran, and the Mazafati cultivar is a high-yielding cultivar of this region. Dust phenomenon in this city occurs in summer, coinciding with the productivity of palm trees. In this study, the effect of dust on the leaves and clusters of date trees and its yield in three regions of Saravan, Jalqh, and Rutak with different dust intensities were investigated in 2016 and 2017. Five groves were selected in each of the three areas, and within each grove, five palm trees were identified, and five leaves from each tree were selected randomly. Sampling was done during May, June, July, and August. The results showed the effect of dust intensity on the drying of leaves, leaflets, and fruit marketing. According to statistical analysis, the amount of dust in the study areas during two consecutive years had a significant and undeniable effect on the changes in the studied traits. The results of the average comparison of the total yield of dates showed that the Saravan region had the highest yield, about 210.14 kg per tree, and the Jalqh and Rutak areas, respectively, had 129.57 and 63.77 kg per tree. These results showed about a 30 to 40% reduction in yield of Mazafati cultivar dates in the Rothak region with the highest dust intensity. The results showed the destructive effects of dust on the studied traits.
Vahideh abdollahi; Farhad zolfaghari; Mitra Jabari; Mohamad rafie dehghan
Volume 22, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 658-672
This research was aimed to investigate the effects of crescent pond structure on soil and vegetation properties in the Saravan rangelands. For this purpose, two treatments including crescent pond and control treatment were determined. For each treatment, the density, canopy cover percentage, and litter ...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effects of crescent pond structure on soil and vegetation properties in the Saravan rangelands. For this purpose, two treatments including crescent pond and control treatment were determined. For each treatment, the density, canopy cover percentage, and litter were estimated by random-systematic sampling using five transects of 100 m and 50 plots. Two soil samples were taken along each transect from 0-30 cm depth and soil physico-chemical properties were measured. Data were analyzed statistically. According to the obtained results, significant differences were found for all vegetation parameters between the crescent structure and control treatment, indicating the positive effect of crescent structure on vegetation parameters. The results of soil properties indicated reduced soil salinity; however, the organic matter, potassium, and pH showed no difference between the two regions. According to the results, due to the climatic conditions of the study area, longer time is needed to achieve better results.
Farhad Zolfaghari; Ahmad Pahlevanravi; Akbar Fakhireh; Mitra Jabari
Volume 17, Issue 3 , October 2010, , Pages 431-444
Agh Toghe basin is in the central part of Marave Tapeh located in the east of Golestan province. In this research, study area was investigated based on Braun-Blanquet to identify plant communities. Afterward, relationship between environmental factors particularly slope, elevation, vegetation cover and ...
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Agh Toghe basin is in the central part of Marave Tapeh located in the east of Golestan province. In this research, study area was investigated based on Braun-Blanquet to identify plant communities. Afterward, relationship between environmental factors particularly slope, elevation, vegetation cover and soil properties including sand, silt, clay, acidity, electrical conductivity, and organic matter were determined using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). .Data collecting was carried out through establishing 103 quadrates based upon minimal area method in different vegetation types. A matrix of vegetation and soil characteristics was prepared and ordination was applied by PCA. The results showed that the most important factors in separation of vegetation types were as follows: elevation, slope, carbon percentage, sand, silt, clay and acidity.