Document Type : Research Paper



This research was aimed to investigate the effects of crescent pond structure on soil and vegetation properties in the Saravan rangelands. For this purpose, two treatments including crescent pond and control treatment were determined. For each treatment, the density, canopy cover percentage, and litter were estimated by random-systematic sampling using five transects of 100 m and 50 plots. Two soil samples were taken along each transect from 0-30 cm depth and soil physico-chemical properties were measured. Data were analyzed statistically. According to the obtained results, significant differences were found for all vegetation parameters between the crescent structure and control treatment, indicating the positive effect of crescent structure on vegetation parameters. The results of soil properties indicated reduced soil salinity; however, the organic matter, potassium, and pH showed no difference between the two regions. According to the results, due to the climatic conditions of the study area, longer time is needed to achieve better results.
