Vahideh Abdollahi; Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Jalil Farzadmehr; Hormoz Sohrabi
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 330-343
South Khorasan province with vast rangelands with an arid and semi-arid climate and specific species is one of the most suitable areas for camel breeding. Despite the importance of camel in the province, no research has been conducted on species selection by camel as well as its relation to chemical ...
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South Khorasan province with vast rangelands with an arid and semi-arid climate and specific species is one of the most suitable areas for camel breeding. Despite the importance of camel in the province, no research has been conducted on species selection by camel as well as its relation to chemical factors of plants. Therefore this research was aimed to investigate the relationship between palatability and nutritive value of range species in south of Birjand. For this purpose, the selection of range species by camel was investigated in three phenological stages of vegetative, flowering and seeding using chronometer. For each stage, the study was conducted during three days in the morning and evening. In this technique, each camel was followed for 30 minutes during the feeding. In addition, plant samples were collected for chemical analysis. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 15 software. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between preference value and chemical composition of species. The highest values of DMD, ME and CP as well as the lowest CF, ADF and NDF were recorded for Seidlitzia rosmarinus. According to the obtained results, the effects of chemical composition on species palatability varied from one species to another one. However, these effects depend on different factors including vegetation composition, available forage, species distribution, livestock taste and so forth.
Behzad Behtari; Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Farzaneh Gholami
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 526-536
Salt and osmotic stresses are responsible for both inhibition or delayed seed germination and seedling establishment. Salts may affect seed germination by either restricting the supply of water (an osmotic effect) or causing injuries through involvement of their ions into the metabolic processes (ionic ...
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Salt and osmotic stresses are responsible for both inhibition or delayed seed germination and seedling establishment. Salts may affect seed germination by either restricting the supply of water (an osmotic effect) or causing injuries through involvement of their ions into the metabolic processes (ionic effect). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of salt and osmotic stresses on Agropyron cristatum and Agropyron elongatum seeds. In this respect, iso-osmotic solutions of sodium chloride (NaCl) and Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) under osmotic stress levels of (0, 4 and 8 bars) were applied to induce osmotic and ionic effects. The applied experimental design was completely randomized design with a three-factor factorial (2×2×3) arrangement in three replications and 50 seeds per replication. Germination percentage, germination rate, shoot length and vigor index showed significant reduction due to higher osmotic tensions on both Agropyron species. Only root length had no statistically significant difference between stress levels 0 and 4 bars. Iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and PEG 6000 in A. cristatum did not show statistically significant difference, but in the case of A. elongatum significant differences were observed between these two iso- osmotic solutions. This study showed that PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent of salinity had more inhibition effect rather than ionic effect of Nacl. However, the toxicity of ionic effects was raised by increase of osmotic stress levels. This study showed that the tolerance of A. elongatum against salinity was more than A. cristatum species.
Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Maryam Haidarian Aghakhani; Esmaeil Filehkesh; Ali asghar Naghipour Borj
Volume 18, Issue 4 , September 2012, , Pages 652-661
Determination of forage quality of range plants is one of the fundamental factors for evaluating grazing capacity. There are spatial and temporal variations in forage quality of range species. In this study, samples from two halophyte species including Salsola arbuscula and Salsola richteri were collected ...
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Determination of forage quality of range plants is one of the fundamental factors for evaluating grazing capacity. There are spatial and temporal variations in forage quality of range species. In this study, samples from two halophyte species including Salsola arbuscula and Salsola richteri were collected at three phenological stages of vegetative growth, full flowering and seed dissemination with three replications at research station of Poshteh Abbas Sabzevar. The quality indices of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude fiber (CF), crud protein (CP), metabolic energy (ME), dry matter digestibility (DMD) and soluble carbohydrate (WSC) were measured or estimated. Analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test were used for data analysis. The results indicated that forage quality of both species in vegetative growth was higher than the other stages. Forage quality indices and water soluble carbohydrates were significantly different at different phenological stages and between the species (P<0.05). Salsola richteri had a better forage quality than Salsola arbuscula in all phenological stages. Considering the result of this research, the second stage (flowering) was determined as the most suitable period for livestock grazing. Because at this time, forage quality and soluble carbohydrate of plant are desirable for grazing and grazing will cause less damage to plants.
Hojat... Khedri Gharibvand; Ghasemali Dianati Tilaki; Mansur Mesdaghi; Manuchehr Sardari
Volume 17, Issue 4 , November 2011, , Pages 532-545
Camphorosma monspeliaca is one of the rare species in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province with a distribution of 3500 ha in Doto-Tangsayad. In the current study, distribution of Camphorosma monspeliaca in the province, vegetation and companion species, phenology and relationship ...
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Camphorosma monspeliaca is one of the rare species in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province with a distribution of 3500 ha in Doto-Tangsayad. In the current study, distribution of Camphorosma monspeliaca in the province, vegetation and companion species, phenology and relationship between plant and environmental factors were studied to investigate some ecological characteristics. Although Camphorosma monspeliaca has a large distribution in the studied area, the best distribution pattern was seen in southern and northern aspects as dominant or companion species. Camphorosma monspeliaca is companion with other species in different aspects. According to the results, average of plant parameters differed in different aspects as the most canopy cover and density of Camphorosma monspeliaca were recorded in southern aspect.In view of forage quality, protein content and digestibility of the mentioned species are high. Camphorosma monspeliaca can be established in none saline soils (Ec < 2dsm-1) and alkali soils (7.5<pH<8.5) with a soil texture of clay, clay loam, loam and calcareous soils (20-30%) having a low content of organic matter and gypsum.Among studied elements C, N, Ca and Mg were much higher in the soil under Camphorosma monspeliaca vegetation due to the need of range species and easy access to these elements. In comparison to K and P, Na was higher in Camphorosma monspeliaca because of high sodium adsorption ability in plants of Chenopodiacea with a C4 photosynthetic pathway.In general, study of the mentioned species is essential to consider its multiple uses.
Elham Fakhimi abarghoie; Mansur Mesdaghi; ghasem ali Dianati tilaki
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 219-230
The large scale degradation of rangelands in Iran can be largely attributed to overgrazing. So investigation on the effects of grazing on vegetation parameters is vital to control the rangeland ecosystems degradation. The object of this study is to investigate the effect of heavy, moderate, and ...
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The large scale degradation of rangelands in Iran can be largely attributed to overgrazing. So investigation on the effects of grazing on vegetation parameters is vital to control the rangeland ecosystems degradation. The object of this study is to investigate the effect of heavy, moderate, and light grazing intensity on production, canopy cover, litter, stone, grovel and bare soil in steppe zone of central Iran (Nodushan summer rangelands). For this research, stratified systematic-random sampling was use in a completely randomized block design. On each plot of 2m2, canopy cover percentages and density of plant species, dry matter of palatable species, litter, stone, grovel, and bare soils were estimated. Classification of the sampling site was based on TWINSPAN (Two Ways Indicator Species Analysis). In order to study the effects of grazing intensities on vegetation parameters and their relationships with the distance of watering points, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation were employed. By using of TWINSPAN, the samples were classified in to, 3 groups. Results were shown that canopy cover percentage of palatable plants and production at different grazing pressure were significant (P<0.05). Litter percentage, stone, grovel, and bare soil percentages of heavy grazing was significantly different with moderate and light intensities of grazing (P<0.05). Canopy cover percentage of unpalatable plants and density of plants were not significant at three different grazing pressure (P>0.05).
Ghasemali Dianati-Tilaki; Bahman Shakarami; Masoud Tabari; Behzad Behtari
Volume 18, Issue 3 , September 2011, , Pages 452-462
Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that negatively affects the seed germination and growth of seedlings in plants. NaCl priming is of techniques to improve the seed performance and could increase germination percentage, growth of the seedlings and the mean time of seed germination ...
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Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that negatively affects the seed germination and growth of seedlings in plants. NaCl priming is of techniques to improve the seed performance and could increase germination percentage, growth of the seedlings and the mean time of seed germination under salinity conditions. This study was conducted to improve the seed performance of Festuca ovina under salinity stress conditions. A factorial experiment was applied based upon a completely randomized design with three replications (50 seeds per Petri dish). The effects of priming with three optimized dose (15, 30 and 45 dS/m) of NaCl solution for 24 h at 22±2 oC under dark conditions were assessed for improving seed traits of sheep fescue. NaCl primed Seeds were also examined at different salinity levels) 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS/m). Germination percentage and mean germination time were significantly affected by interaction of salinity and priming. Root length, shoot length and vigor index was not affected significantly by priming treatments in all salinity levels. Germination percentage of primed seeds especially in high salinity levels (15 and 20 dS/m) was greater than to non-primed seeds. The results showed that NaCl priming (especially at 45 dS/m for 24 h) in high salinity levels could increase the seed yield of Festuca ovina in terms of seed germination.
Ghasemali Dianatitilaki; Manijeh Tavan; Ali Hosseini; Mansur Mesdaghi
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 180-190
Determination of forage quality is one of the fundamental factors for sound management of rangelands. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization of rangelands causes increasing forage quality. In this study, forage quality of Eruca sativa in three years (2004, 2005 and 2006) were measured in flat and northern ...
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Determination of forage quality is one of the fundamental factors for sound management of rangelands. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization of rangelands causes increasing forage quality. In this study, forage quality of Eruca sativa in three years (2004, 2005 and 2006) were measured in flat and northern sloppy rangelands in Maravehtapeh.In this study, 0, 50 and 100 kg N/ha and 0 and 25 kg P/ha fertilizer rates were applied. Forage quality index such as crude energy, crude protein, crude fiber, crude nitrogen and ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) were measured in this study. Results showed that, nitrogen fertilizer increased the crude nitrogen, crude protein and crude energy and decreased the crude fiber and ADF. Phosphorus fertilization had few effects on forage quality. Nitrogen fertilization with 100 kg/ha increased forage quality. Forage quality rates increased in 2006 owing to optimum weather condition in this year. Forage quality rate is same in each flat and northern sloppy rangeland was the same. Interaction effects between two fertilizers in northern sloppy rangeland was significant.
Masumeh Hosseini nasab; Hossein Barani; Ghasem ali Dianati Tilaki
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 166-179
Managing ranch units has been one of the important issues during the last decades in studying the rangeland of Iran. The most noticeable system for range management based on grazing licene is one of the three types of council، collective and private exploitation. One of the implementing methods concerning ...
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Managing ranch units has been one of the important issues during the last decades in studying the rangeland of Iran. The most noticeable system for range management based on grazing licene is one of the three types of council، collective and private exploitation. One of the implementing methods concerning the balance between livestock and range and reduction of range degradation is the introduction of reasonable range utility units. The present study seeks to compare different ownership types with considering independent variables of rangeland condition، exploitation and the capability degree of collective and private ownership so as to introduce the most appropriate method for user's inclination and better quality. According to goals and assumptions، 105 questionnaires were completed through direct interview with exploiters (only those who owned grazing licene). The state of the rangeland in 41sample ranges was calculated through 4 factories. The results showed the condition of private rangeland has been obtained to be better than the collective rangelands ،however، no meaningful difference in rangelands management methods in this type of possession. Because of improper exploitation methods in this county، council exploitation is not suggested. Despite its probable weaknesses, the collective possession، because of its high partnership spirit among collective beneficiaries، by some conservatism can be more appropriate than other types and its deficiencies can be reduced by proper management and create the motivation of conserving natural resources by special programs among people. Regarding that the majority of ranges are commonly used, establishing cooperatives and giving the right of utilization to cooperatives is of priority based on the peoples' opinions.