Document Type : Research Paper



The large scale degradation of rangelands in Iran can be largely attributed to overgrazing. So investigation on the effects of grazing on vegetation parameters is vital to control the rangeland ecosystems degradation. The object of this study is to investigate the effect of heavy, moderate, and light grazing intensity on production, canopy cover, litter, stone, grovel and bare soil in steppe zone of central Iran (Nodushan summer rangelands). For this research, stratified systematic-random sampling was use in a completely randomized block design. On each plot of 2m2, canopy cover percentages and density of plant species, dry matter of palatable species, litter, stone, grovel, and bare soils were estimated. Classification of the sampling site was based on TWINSPAN (Two Ways Indicator Species Analysis). In order to study the effects of grazing intensities on vegetation parameters and their relationships with the distance of watering points, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation were employed. By using of TWINSPAN, the samples were classified in to, 3 groups. Results were shown that canopy cover percentage of palatable plants and production at different grazing pressure were significant (P<0.05). Litter percentage, stone, grovel, and bare soil percentages of heavy grazing was significantly different with moderate and light intensities of grazing (P<0.05). Canopy cover percentage of unpalatable plants and density of plants were not significant at three different grazing pressure (P>0.05).
