Abdolhamid Hajebi; Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor; Mohammad Fayaz; Ehsan Zandiesfahan
Volume 29, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 485-497
One of the important factors in determining the grazing capacity of rangelands is determining the preferred value of rangeland plants according to the type of livestock using the rangeland and its changes during the grazing season. In this study, the preference value of rangeland species in Zaminsang ...
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One of the important factors in determining the grazing capacity of rangelands is determining the preferred value of rangeland plants according to the type of livestock using the rangeland and its changes during the grazing season. In this study, the preference value of rangeland species in Zaminsang rangeland in Hormozgan province in the months of grazing season (January to May) and different years (2007-2010) was investigated. To determine the preference value, the method of utilization percentage of plant species and determination of preference index were used. The results were analyzed in a split plot statistical design in time in a randomized complete block design in SAS software and the statistical mean of the studied trait was compared with LSD test. The results showed that the most preferred livestock is primarily Aeluropus lagopoides and Atriplex leucoclada and Alhagi graecorum. The lowest percentage of exploitation was from Halocnemum strobilaceum and Desmostachya bipinnata. Based on the preference value index classification, Aeluropus lagopoides and Atriplex leucoclada species are relatively palatable species (relative preference), Alhagi graecorum and Halocnemum strobilaceum species are moderately palatable species (moderate preference) and Desmostachya bipinnata was one of the almost non-palatable (relative avoidance) species.
Abdolhamid Hajebi; Morteza Akbarzadeh; Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor
Volume 29, Issue 3 , October 2022, , Pages 181-190
Mohammadamin Soltanipoor; Saeedeh Nateghi; Abolhamid Hajebi; Mahshid Souri
Volume 29, Issue 2 , July 2022, , Pages 145-155
Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water ...
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Calculating rangeland capacity and determining the allowable use for important rangeland species is necessary for sustainable range management. By having the rangeland capacity and presenting accurate management plans, the destruction of vegetation and soil and the reduction of water resources can be prevented. Suitable grazing intensity causes continuous and economic use in the rangeland. Therefore, a study was conducted on the effects of different harvest intensities on forage production of three species Halocnemum strobilaceum, Desmostachya bipinnata, and Aeluropus lagopoides Hormozgan province three years from 2008 to determine the most appropriate level of exploitation. Experimental treatments included four harvesting intensities of 25, 50, and 75% and control (without harvest). In each treatment, ten rootstocks of the species were considered replicates and evaluated on each of the dependent variables. The results were analyzed in SAS software. The results showed that harvest intensity affected the forage production and all treatments were significantly different from the control. Therefore, up to 50% of the allowable use for Aeluropus lagopoides and Desmostachya bipinnata, and up to 75% for Halocnemum strobilaceum is suggested to maintain the health and vigor of these species during the harvest years. According to the above findings, this allowable use can be considered for similar areas in terms of climate together with information about other plants.
Abdolhamid Hajebi; Hamidreza Mirdavoudi; Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor
Volume 29, Issue 1 , February 2022, , Pages 66-85
Taverniera spartea is one of the most important species in the Gulf and Omani rangelands. In this study, some ecological needs of Taverniera spartea and their response to soil and topographic factors in three main habitats in Hormozgan province (Siahoo, Ahmadi and Bashagard) were determined. The results ...
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Taverniera spartea is one of the most important species in the Gulf and Omani rangelands. In this study, some ecological needs of Taverniera spartea and their response to soil and topographic factors in three main habitats in Hormozgan province (Siahoo, Ahmadi and Bashagard) were determined. The results showed that the percentage of cover was significant at the level of 1% and the percentage of bare soil and the percentage of rocks and pebbles at the level of 5% was significant. Applying the generalized collective model for each of the environmental variables showed that the variables of soil lime percentage, clay percentage, acidity, soil organic carbon content, soil nitrogen and bare soil percentage on species yield are significant. Increasing the percentage of soil clay from the Monotonic decrease, increasing the acidity of the soil, from the Bimodal distribution, increasing the amount of soil lime and also the percentage of bare soil from the Unimodal and increasing the percentage of organic carbon and soil nitrogen from the Monotonic increase followed. The phenological study of the species showed that the growth of this plant starts from the second decade of November and from the third decade of May, enters a stage of stagnation. Considering the nutritional value of the species and its role in the protection of rangeland soil, it is recommended to plant this species in the degraded rangeland areas that have the conditions for its establishment.
maryam moslehi; Akram Ahmadi; SeyedMousa Sadeghi; Majid Hassani; Elham Ghaderi
Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2021, , Pages 672-685
This study aimed to compare the effects of roots and leaves of Prosopis juliflora (SW) DC at different concentrations on emergence, vigor, radicle, and plumule length of two species of Taverniera spartea (Burm. F.) DC. and Pennisetum divisum (Forssk. ...
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This study aimed to compare the effects of roots and leaves of Prosopis juliflora (SW) DC at different concentrations on emergence, vigor, radicle, and plumule length of two species of Taverniera spartea (Burm. F.) DC. and Pennisetum divisum (Forssk. Ex JF Gmel.) Henrard in Hormozgan province, Iran. After grounding the leaves and bark of Prosopis juliflora and mixing it with the soil of Prosopis juliflora habitat (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 g of each organ per kg of soil), 15 seeds of Pennisetum divisum and Taverniera spartea species with four replications were cultivated in the soil, and the desired variables were recorded and analyzed using GLM statistical analysis. The results showed that vigor, radicle, and plumule length of Taverniera spartea species in soil associated with bark was 10.77, 3.47, and 3.63 cm, and in Pennisetum divisum species were 5.7, 4.36, and 4.15 cm that was higher than in the leaves. Also, seed vigor, plumule length in Taverniera spartea species, and seed vigor, radicle, and plumule length in Pennisetum divisum species had the lowest values in 8% treatment. The interaction effects of concentration×organ also showed that the leaf extraction had significant decreasing effects on seed vigor, plumule length in both species, and radicle length in Pennisetum divisum species. Also, the emergence percentage in Pennisetum divisum species (18.33%) was the highest in the control treatment. The results showed that Prosopis juliflora has inhibitory effects on rangeland species, so the selection of this species for afforestation in desert areas should be done more sensitively and the use of native species (Ziziphus spina christi, Prosopis cineraria, and Acacia oerfota) should be prioritized.
Mohammadamin Soltanipour; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
Volume 28, Issue 1 , April 2021, , Pages 55-68
To determine the nutritional value of five halophytes, Aeluropus lagopoides, Atriplex leucoclada, Desmostachya bipinnata, Halopyrum mucronatum, and Halocnemum strobilaceum, this study was conducted in 2016 in Hormozgan province. Plant samples were collected in three phenological stages ...
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To determine the nutritional value of five halophytes, Aeluropus lagopoides, Atriplex leucoclada, Desmostachya bipinnata, Halopyrum mucronatum, and Halocnemum strobilaceum, this study was conducted in 2016 in Hormozgan province. Plant samples were collected in three phenological stages including vegetative growth, flowering and seeding, and eight forage quality traits (CP, DMD, WSC, ADF, CF, NDF, ME and ash percentage were measured. Data analysis of variance was performed as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design and the means were compared with Duncan's multiple rsnge test in SPSS software. The results showed that the effect of species for all traits, the effect of phenological growth stages for four traits: (CP), (DMD), (ash), and (ME), and the interaction effect of species and phenological growth stage were significant for all quality indicators except (WSC). The highest forage quality was obtained at vegetative growth stage and Atriplex leucoclada was superior to other halophytes in terms of nutritional value. Therefore, the use of this native species instead of non-native ones of this genus is recommended in rangeland improvement of areas with similar rainfall.
Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
Volume 27, Issue 3 , October 2020, , Pages 485-494
Utilization of saline lands with the aim of producing lignocellulosic biomass, which has no nutritional value and can be converted to ethanol and at the same time has no effect on human food production, seems necessary. Halophytes and salt-tolerant plants that produce high biomass using saline resources ...
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Utilization of saline lands with the aim of producing lignocellulosic biomass, which has no nutritional value and can be converted to ethanol and at the same time has no effect on human food production, seems necessary. Halophytes and salt-tolerant plants that produce high biomass using saline resources (saline water and soil) can be considered as an important alternative in this regard. For this purpose, this study with the aim of investigation of ethanol producing potential of five species of Auluropus lagopoides, Atriplex leucoclada, Desmostachya bipinata, Halopyrum mucronatum and Halocnemum strobilaceum was conducted in Hormozgan province in 2016. Plant samples were collected at three phenological (vegetative, flowering and seeding) stages from two saline lands in Zaminsang and Sirik, Hormozgan province and three parameters of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose were measured. Data analysis of variance was performed as a factorial experiment based on the completely randomized design with three replications and comparison of means with Duncan's multiple range test in SPSS-14 software. The results showed that Halopyrum mucronatum had the potential to produce ethanol in all three vegetative stages. Halocnemum strobilaceum had the potential for ethanol production only at the vegetative growth stage and Aeluropus lagopoides and Desmostachya bipinata had the potential for ethanol production only at the seed ripening stage.
Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor; Rahman Asadpour; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 27, Issue 2 , June 2020, , Pages 224-237
Helianthemum lippii and Tavernieracuneifoliais are the most important broadleaf plants of Hormozgan province, Iran. To investigate the establishment of these species, this study was conducted at the Watershed Management and Natural Resources Station of Dehgin (Hormozgan province) from November ...
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Helianthemum lippii and Tavernieracuneifoliais are the most important broadleaf plants of Hormozgan province, Iran. To investigate the establishment of these species, this study was conducted at the Watershed Management and Natural Resources Station of Dehgin (Hormozgan province) from November 2014 for three years. The three methods of seeding in farrow, pitting, and crescent catchment were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications in SAS software. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between experimental structures, plant species used, and also the interaction of structure and species. A statistically significant difference was recorded for Helianthemum lippii and Taverniera cuneifolia at the level of 5%, for the crescent catchment structures, pitting, and contour-furrow at the level of 1%, and also for the interaction of structure and species at the level of 1%. The highest percentage of species establishment was in the crescent catchment structure with 27.1% and the lowest was related to the pitting structure with 3.2%. Investigation of the interaction of structure and species in the rate of species establishement in different structures showed that the highest percentage of establishement was related to Taverniera cuneifolia with 31.2% in the crescent-shaped structure, after that, the highest percentage of establishment was related to Helianthemum lippii with 22.9% in the same structure. The lowest establishment was related to the contour-furrow structure with 2.1% for Taverniera cuneifolia and pitting structure with 2.1% for Helianthemum lippii. Based on the results of the present study, it is suggested that to successfully implement rangeland cultivation projects with Lippii Helianthemum and Taverniera cuneifolia in similar climates of Hormozgan province, the mentioned species should be planted in crescent-shaped structures.
Mohammad Amin Soltanipour; Saeedeh Nateghi; Mahshid Souri; Nadia Kamali
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 787-799
This study was conducted to demonstrate the growth behavior of Aeluropus lagopoides, Desmostachya bipinnata, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Alhagi graecorum and Atriplex leucoclada in the Zaminsang rangelands of Hormozgan provinceduring 2007 to 2010. Determination of the production ...
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This study was conducted to demonstrate the growth behavior of Aeluropus lagopoides, Desmostachya bipinnata, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Alhagi graecorum and Atriplex leucoclada in the Zaminsang rangelands of Hormozgan provinceduring 2007 to 2010. Determination of the production and consumption were done by the individuals in medium size. In each year, five medium individual of plant were selected for all months of growing and grazing season in exclosure area for measuring the production and the same number in the grazing range considered for measuring the production residue and from difference between them, the consumption was identified. Results indicated that different years and months had significant effect on production and consumption of the study species (p<0.05). According to the obtained data from the experiment indicated that, the average production of five perennials species was 125.8 kg dry forage per hectare. The highest production rate was obtained from Halocnemum strobilaceum and Desmostachya bipinnata in amount of 52.9% and 22.9% of total forage production, respectively. The average consumption of the species was 32.4 kg dry forage per hectare. The highest consumption rate was dedicated to Halocnemum strobilaceum and Alhagi graecorum, with amount of 41.8% and 30.1% of total forage consumption, respectively. The highest production rate was obtained from 2008 with 162.7 kg dry forage per hectare which was 1.8 times higher than low-production in 2009. The highest consumption rate for all species was 35.7 kg dry forage per hectare in 2009. The highest forage production and consumption were obtained in May in all species during the years.
Kian Najafi Tireh Shabankareh
Volume 11, Issue 1 , September 2019, , Pages 83-112
mohammad Amin Soltanipour; Saeedeh Nateghi; Ali Ehsani
Volume 26, Issue 2 , July 2019, , Pages 271-281
To determine the phenological stages and plant height of three important range species Aeluropus lagopoides, Desmostachya bipinnata and Halocnemum strobilaceum, this investigation was carried out for four years starting in 2007 in Zaminsang Rangelands of Hormozgan province. In this study, the information ...
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To determine the phenological stages and plant height of three important range species Aeluropus lagopoides, Desmostachya bipinnata and Halocnemum strobilaceum, this investigation was carried out for four years starting in 2007 in Zaminsang Rangelands of Hormozgan province. In this study, the information about the phenology and plant height for 10 individuals of each species in 10-day intervals was measured and recorded. The results showed that phenological stages of three species were different in the study years, so that plant growth started 2-3 weeks earlier in wet years and later in dry years, while the duration of vegetative and reproductive activity of plants was different. The results showed that vegetative growth started with cooling of air and the onset of rainfall. The growth period of A. lagopoides, D. bipinnata and H. strobilaceum was 6, 6.5, and 10 months, respectively. The vegetative growth of A. lagopoides started from 22 December, whereas the vegetative growth of D. bipinnata and H. strobilaceum started from 20 February. The flowering stage started from April, June, and September, and the seeding stage from 22 April, 22 July, and 15 October, respectively. The dormancy period of plants started in 22 May, 1 September, and 22 December, respectively. Since Aeluropus lagopoides is a palatable and dominant species in the Zaminsang region, the time of arrival and departure of livestock is recommended to be late November to late May.
Mohammadamin Soltanipour; Saeedeh Nateghi; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 25, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 612-626
This research was aimed to determine the grazing behavior of Tali goat, as the dominant livestock, in the Zaminsang rangelands of Hormozgan province for four years starting from 2006. The indices examined in this study included the time of livestock entry to and exit from rangelands, the daily distance ...
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This research was aimed to determine the grazing behavior of Tali goat, as the dominant livestock, in the Zaminsang rangelands of Hormozgan province for four years starting from 2006. The indices examined in this study included the time of livestock entry to and exit from rangelands, the daily distance moved by the livestock, the livestock path, maximum and average livestock speed, and the time spent for livestock rest, movement and grazing. To determine the mentioned indices, the GARMIN GPS was used and closed with a special belt behind a three-year-old goat. The GPS was activated when the livestock exited the barn. Then, at the end of the day, its data were extracted in the Ilwis software. The path of livestock movement was determined by the shepherds. According to the results, significant differences were found for the average speed of livestock in the fourth year, and the movement time and rest time in the fourth and fifth months, while no significant difference was found for other behavioral characteristics of livestock grazing. Moreover, during the study period, 31 to 39 percent of the time the livestock moved in the rangeland was dedicated to grazing.
Adel Jalili; Kian Najafi Tireh Shabankareh
Volume 19, Issue 3 , December 2012, , Pages 406-420
Due to uncontrollable natural regeneration of invasive and non-native species of Prosopis juliflora in the coastal areas in south of the country, effects of the species on soil properties under canopy cover were investigated. This study was conducted in Hormozgan province, in different sites including ...
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Due to uncontrollable natural regeneration of invasive and non-native species of Prosopis juliflora in the coastal areas in south of the country, effects of the species on soil properties under canopy cover were investigated. This study was conducted in Hormozgan province, in different sites including Bandar Abbas, Ghaleghazi, Minab and Sirik. In each region, the species were randomly selected in one hectare of land and then the soil under and outside the canopy cover were sampled from two depths, 0-15 and 15-30 cm. pH, EC, saturation percentage, soluble calcium and magnesium, chlorine, HCO3-, SO42-, potassium, organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus phosphorus were measured in laboratory. Results of this research showed that there were significant differences in some soil properties such as pH, EC, and organic carbon in depth of 0-15 centimeter. It is worth noting that changes in soil properties under canopy cover were not similar in all regions. This may be due to the establishment period of the species in different regions, habitat conditions, the occurrence of rainy and drought periods and the density and diversity of native species. Some soil properties did not differ statistically beneath and outside the canopy of this species but it seems that the trend of these changes has not been stable. It is emphasized that the role of Prosopis juliflora in connection with the change in density and diversity of natural vegetation beneath the canopy cover could not conclusively be attributed only to changes in soil.
Mohammad Gholampoor; Mohammad Khosroshahi; Jalal Barkhordari
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 485-492
Desert in terms of geomorphologic aspects has been defined and classified based on the morphogenesis, litological structures and combination of these two criteria. In this study Hormozgan desert has been classified in terms of geomorphologic features using morphometric method in order to separate the ...
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Desert in terms of geomorphologic aspects has been defined and classified based on the morphogenesis, litological structures and combination of these two criteria. In this study Hormozgan desert has been classified in terms of geomorphologic features using morphometric method in order to separate the desert area from non desert area. The objective of this work was to determine the extent of the natural desert of Hormozgam province using maps of geology, topography and combination of data collected from geomorphologic features of desert in the GIS environment. The geomorphologic features such as pediment plains, flooding beds in the route of water way network, drifted sand, nebkas, playa, saline lands and badlands were diagnosed. In order to be able to map all items in maps showing Hormozgan desert areas, the Satellite images from ETM was used to fined the new land features and also correct the boundary of desert lands. Finally it was found that the geomorphologic desert of Hormozgan covers % 17/2 of the whole area of the province.
Kian Nadjafi–Tireh–Shabankareh; Adel Jalili; Nemat.. Khorasani; Ziba Jam zad; Uones Asri
Volume 15, Issue 2 , January 2008, , Pages 179-199
The Genu Protected Area encompasses Kuh–e–Genu, a single and isolated mountain rising above the Persian Gulf Coastal plain. The Genu Protected Area is located in Hormozgan province, 30 km north west of BandarAbbas between latitudes (27°18′50″-27°29′16″ ...
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The Genu Protected Area encompasses Kuh–e–Genu, a single and isolated mountain rising above the Persian Gulf Coastal plain. The Genu Protected Area is located in Hormozgan province, 30 km north west of BandarAbbas between latitudes (27°18′50″-27°29′16″ N) and longitudes (55° 57′30″-56°18′4″E), at about 70 to 2347m above sea level. It covers an area of about43000 hectares. The main aim of this research is to identify relationship between plant associations and environmental factors. In this investigation the relationship between environmental factors and establishment and expansion of plant associations was carried out. The each plant association, 38 ecological factors including different soil characteristics such as soil texture, lime, saturation moisture, gypsum, acidity, electrical conductivity, soluble ions (Na+, K+, N, P, Mg2+, Ca2+, CL-, CO32-, HCO3- , SO42-) in two depth, elevation and slope of habitat were determined too. Multivariate method (Principal component analysis) was used to analyze the collected data. A matrix of vegetation and environmental factors was prepared and the ordination was done by the PCA using PC-ORD software. The results show that the measured environmental variables affected the plant association distribution pattern. The most important factors that have influenced plant associations separation are as follows: electrical conductivity, elevation, moisture saturation, organic matter, lime, K+, Na+, SO42-, Ca2+, CL-, Mg2+ and slope of habitat, respectively. The multivariate analysis expression, the effects of the complicated environmental variables on the plants in a simpler way and introduce the most important factors. As a general, each plant association depends on habitat conditions, ecological needs and tolerance shows a significant relation with environmental factors especially some soil properties.
Kian Najafi Shabankareh; Mohammad Khosroshahi; Mohammad Gholampoor
Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2008, , Pages 95-113
Resistant species to salinity and aridity and temperature fluctuation are approximately introducer of desert. These species have particular morphology compatibling themselves to fragile and acute condition of desert area. Some species accumulate water in their tissues. Some other species decrease leaves ...
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Resistant species to salinity and aridity and temperature fluctuation are approximately introducer of desert. These species have particular morphology compatibling themselves to fragile and acute condition of desert area. Some species accumulate water in their tissues. Some other species decrease leaves area and develope their root systems to use groundwater resources and some have particular phytocynthesis systems. As a general desert species with different mechanism resist against acut climate condition and unsuitable soil properties of desert regions. Characteristics of desert species distribution area can be determined the geographical domain of desert area. In this study dominant plant types in certain grupes and some of main ecological properties were assigned and related map in GIS environment was prepared. Finally, according to public characteristics of dominant species of every plant type and accompany species, desert area was sperated. In study area 22 plant group, each consist of some plant types was recognized. The distribution area of plant groups of Zygophyllum atripolicoides, Gymnocarpos decander and Hammada salicornica is about 730132, 599941 and 53260 hectar respectively.
Saeid Choopani; Mohammad khosroshahi; Mohammad Gholampoor; khosro Mirakhorlo
Volume 13, Issue 1 , February 2006, , Pages 17-26
The country of Iran is situated in an arid and semi-arid zone, with an average precipitation of about 250 mm per year. Hormozgan province in southern Iran, is one of the most arid parts of Iran with an average annual rainfall of only 170mm. The study area is located ...
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The country of Iran is situated in an arid and semi-arid zone, with an average precipitation of about 250 mm per year. Hormozgan province in southern Iran, is one of the most arid parts of Iran with an average annual rainfall of only 170mm. The study area is located in the Zagros and Makran geological zones.. In the study area the oldest formations are of Palaeozoic age. Another characteristic of the Zagros zone are diapirs. Diapirs rise up from the deepest part of sedimentary rocks, and after cutting through the upper layers, they may appear at the surface, which seriously affect groundwater quality and land use. Desertification; in Iran has occurred from Neosene and Quaternary. Geological formation have important effect on salinisation and desertification. Thus, the geographical investigation of desert area is very important. This investigation is based on GIS method Applications, geological map (1:250000) and supported by, fieldwork. At the first, prepared and digitizing of geological maps by Ilwis program and was carefully checked and corrected where possible. The next step prepared evaporation formation and Quaternary maps and its overlying. Prepared cross map of Quaternary and Hydrographic network and determination of primary and secondary deserts area. The final step was prepared a cross map of primary and secondary desert area map and checked by fieldwork. To comparison between units of desert area map, can be result, more than 78 percent of study area is situated in the deserts area.
Mehdi Morovati Sharifabad; Jalal Barkhordari
Volume 9, Issue 3 , September 2001, , Pages 1023-1034