Hamed Joneidi; Neda Ragideh; Parviz Karami
Volume 31, Issue 4 , January 2025, , Pages 346-356
Background and objectives
Allelopathy refers to the direct and indirect harmful effects of one plant on another. These effects occur through the production of allelochemical compounds and their release into the environment, causing stimulation or inhibition. Considering the importance of the ecological ...
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Background and objectives
Allelopathy refers to the direct and indirect harmful effects of one plant on another. These effects occur through the production of allelochemical compounds and their release into the environment, causing stimulation or inhibition. Considering the importance of the ecological relationships of the two species Daphne mucronata and Amygdalus lycioides as one of the most important and suitable plants for implementing rangeland improvement projects in the region, it is essential to examine their allelopathic relationships in order to achieve the results of improvement programs.
In order to investigate the separation factors of D.mucronata and A.lycioides habitats, the effect of the allelopathic D. mucronata was studied on the early seedlings of Amygdalus Lycioides seeds. An experiment was conducted in an entirely randomized design with 20 iterations to investigate the allelopathic Daphne effects on germination (percentage and velocity, plumule growth, early growth indices (seed vigor, percentage deterrence, average germination time, mean germination time) and A. lycioides seeds. Test treatments were accomplished with the ratio of 0 (control), 20, 40, 60 and 80 percentages for both root and leaf extracts in experiment in a plate and germinator. Data analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA. Duncan test was used for grouping these treatments. All statistical analyses were performed in SPSS software.
According to the results, the allelopathic effect was observed in D. mucronata leaf extract in concentrations of 60 and 80% and D. mucronata root extract in all concentrations. D. mucronata leaf extract in concentrations of 60 and 80% decreased germination (by 6.5% and 13%, respectively), root length (by 20.1% and 26.2%, respectively) and inhibition percentage (respectively). 6.8 and 13.6 percent). The greatest effect of D. mucronata root extract on A.lycioides seeds was observed at a concentration of 80%, which decreased the germination percentage (69%), root length (93.01), inhibition percentage (73%) and average germination time (9.2%). and germination speed (12.42%).
The root extract showed more allelopathic effect than the leaf. Also, in both root and leaf extracts, the allelopathic effect increased with increasing concentration. Finally, these investigations showed that the effect of allelopathy is one of the factors that played a significant role in the separation of daphne and almond habitats in a region. This finding indicates that when implementing rangeland improvement projects, especially biological operations in similar areas using these two species, ecological considerations should be taken into account in terms of the harmful effects of these two species on each other to increase the likelihood of success of such projects.
Abdolhamid Hajebi; Hamidreza Mirdavoudi; Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor
Volume 29, Issue 1 , February 2022, , Pages 66-85
Taverniera spartea is one of the most important species in the Gulf and Omani rangelands. In this study, some ecological needs of Taverniera spartea and their response to soil and topographic factors in three main habitats in Hormozgan province (Siahoo, Ahmadi and Bashagard) were determined. The results ...
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Taverniera spartea is one of the most important species in the Gulf and Omani rangelands. In this study, some ecological needs of Taverniera spartea and their response to soil and topographic factors in three main habitats in Hormozgan province (Siahoo, Ahmadi and Bashagard) were determined. The results showed that the percentage of cover was significant at the level of 1% and the percentage of bare soil and the percentage of rocks and pebbles at the level of 5% was significant. Applying the generalized collective model for each of the environmental variables showed that the variables of soil lime percentage, clay percentage, acidity, soil organic carbon content, soil nitrogen and bare soil percentage on species yield are significant. Increasing the percentage of soil clay from the Monotonic decrease, increasing the acidity of the soil, from the Bimodal distribution, increasing the amount of soil lime and also the percentage of bare soil from the Unimodal and increasing the percentage of organic carbon and soil nitrogen from the Monotonic increase followed. The phenological study of the species showed that the growth of this plant starts from the second decade of November and from the third decade of May, enters a stage of stagnation. Considering the nutritional value of the species and its role in the protection of rangeland soil, it is recommended to plant this species in the degraded rangeland areas that have the conditions for its establishment.
Ghasem Ali Abrsaji; Mohammad Mahdavi; Mohmmad Hasan Jouri
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 308-318
This research was aimed to investigate some ecological characteristics of Frankenia hirsuta in saline rangelands of Golestan Province. This region has saline soil with high underground water table, and halophytes usually grow naturally in this area. For this purpose, some factors such as soil characteristics, ...
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This research was aimed to investigate some ecological characteristics of Frankenia hirsuta in saline rangelands of Golestan Province. This region has saline soil with high underground water table, and halophytes usually grow naturally in this area. For this purpose, some factors such as soil characteristics, vegetative cover, phenology, forage quality, preference value and so forth were determined. According to the results, this species is usually distributed on silt-loam soils with an acidity of 7.7 to 7.8 and EC (Electrical Conductivity) ranged between 28.2 to 30.2 dS/m. The autumn regrowth of this species starts in October but, active vegetative growth begins at the middle of February, flowering occurs in June and seed ripening occurs in August. At vegetative growth stage, this species consists of 10.3% crude protein, which is decreased to 8.7% at flowering stage and 7.1% at seed ripening stage. In addition to the main root, this species has also lateral roots. The main root length is usually short around 5 cm but the lateral root length is about 50 cm, moving horizontally at first and then penetrates deeply. Overall, in saline rangelands of Golestan Province, this species has been distributed as patches in low lands and the places with suitable moisture and relatively less salinity. In order to protection and sustainable utilization of this species, it is suggested that the seeds of this plant be sown every few years in the prone areas. In addition, the time of enter and exit of livestock have to be chosen carefully.
kazem Saedi; Hosein Azarnivand; Rohangiz Abbas azimi; Behnam Hamzeh
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 464-474
Considering Artemisia-Astragalus as the largest community in Iran, currently, basic studies are conducting on Artemisia spp. properties. Ecological-systematical aspects of anatomical studies of eight populations (six species) of the genus were dealt with in Western Azarbaijan. For removal of ligneous ...
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Considering Artemisia-Astragalus as the largest community in Iran, currently, basic studies are conducting on Artemisia spp. properties. Ecological-systematical aspects of anatomical studies of eight populations (six species) of the genus were dealt with in Western Azarbaijan. For removal of ligneous hardness and tissues maintenance, after a six-month pretreatment of leave, root, stem and epidermis of five bushes per population, hand-cutting slides prepared for observations under a light photomicroscope .Taking photographs and measurings followed coloring different transversal sections or preparing epidermises. Adaptability and xeromorphic aspects of structural characters were studied. To determine the indicators among characters, useful for categorizing species/populations, ANOVA analysis was used in SPSS 11.2. Results were indicatives of the prevalence of ecological conditions on systematical attributes; therefore, nearly all characters were significantly different between populations (even between populations of a certain species). As another important conclusion, stomata density and length were not useful anatomical factors for taxonomic purposes in Artemisia genus, although many researchers laid emphasis on them.
Daruosh Ghorbanian; Sudabeh korouri; Parvin Salehi; Amar Rafiei Emam; Mohammad Mousavi
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 525-539
This project was done as a part of ecological and phonological studies of Haloxylon sp. This study was done in artificial habitat (Mohsenabad in Garmsar) and natural habitat (Chahjam in Shahrood) of Haloxylon sp. General information about condition of Haloxylon sp. habitats was gathered. Haloxylon ...
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This project was done as a part of ecological and phonological studies of Haloxylon sp. This study was done in artificial habitat (Mohsenabad in Garmsar) and natural habitat (Chahjam in Shahrood) of Haloxylon sp. General information about condition of Haloxylon sp. habitats was gathered. Haloxylon stands were examined from different points including viability of seeds, dry matter in green, yellow and green- yellow stands. Phonological studies were done. In addition, soil physical and chemical properties were determined. Results indicated the direct and significant effect of precipitation and temperature on growth of Haloxylon sp. The other important factors were insufficient amount of major elements, unsuitable texture, the low distance between stands that caused strong competition between trees to get nutrients. The presence of rare green stands indicated their genetical resistance. It seems that the origin of these stands are form central desert region of Iran.