Seyed Mohammadreza Habibyian; Hosein Barani
Volume 26, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 809-823
Rangeland degradation, intensive grazing and the weakness of accurate grazing management are considered as issues which have distributed rangeland ecosystems’ equilibrium as well as have made dangerous in pastoralists’ life survival. Therefore, it is important to recognize of affecting factors ...
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Rangeland degradation, intensive grazing and the weakness of accurate grazing management are considered as issues which have distributed rangeland ecosystems’ equilibrium as well as have made dangerous in pastoralists’ life survival. Therefore, it is important to recognize of affecting factors on grazing management as a primary step for improving and altering this condition into a sustainable state. This study was conducted in Shesh-Boloki clan of Qashqai tribe at Fars and Bushehr provinces in 2016. In the study, data collection was done using literature review and field work (questionnaire and interview). Paired comparison questionnaire (AHP questionnaire) was filled out among 40 knowledgeable beneficiary and 25 experts. Descriptive and nonparametric statistical methods were used for determining and comparing weights and priority of affecting factors on grazing management items based on exploiters and experts’ point of view. The result indicated that there was a significant difference between two points of views in terms of weights and priority of affecting factors on grazing management (p<0.01). Also, in case of many items, the weight difference was dramatically high and in some cases this amount was non-significant. AHP method was used with the aim of integration of exploiters and expert’s points of view. The results also showed that this method, overlapping in two views were 72.4%. Government support through providing forage and water in drought years, being accordance experts and exploiters about migration calendar, preventing of land-use change in upland rangelands, stabilization of nomads’ roads and registration of land rights for nomads to migrate are considered as executive recommendations of this study with the aim of organizing the early migration to upland rangelands and improving grazing management.
Seyed Mohammadreza Habibian; Hosein Barani; Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani
Volume 26, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 551-569
In order to determine and prioritize the most effective factors on grazing management in Qashqai Nomads’ ecosystem (Shesh Boluki tribe), sampling was done by selecting 405 households (using Cochran formula) from nomad exploiters and 45 individuals from experts with experiences in migration and ...
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In order to determine and prioritize the most effective factors on grazing management in Qashqai Nomads’ ecosystem (Shesh Boluki tribe), sampling was done by selecting 405 households (using Cochran formula) from nomad exploiters and 45 individuals from experts with experiences in migration and grazing management in Fars and Bushehr provinces in 2015 and 2016. The survey used descriptive participant observation with questionnaires and interviews. In this study, the viewpoints of two statistical groups were obtained through Likert scale (five-point scale) and then the analysis was done using nonparametric tests including Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test. he result showed a significant difference between the viewpoints of exploiters and experts regarding prioritization of effective factors on elements and sub elements of grazing management (P<0.01). The result from integration of exploiters and experts viewpoints showed that effective factors on the element of grazing time were consisted of decreasing in precipitation and frequent drought, early cold weather in summer rangelands, early warm weather in winter rangelands, sufficient foliage in rangeland, water scarcity in winter rangelands; element of spatial distribution of grazing was included of role of shepherd in herd movements and distribution of watering points in rangeland; element of type and composition of herd were consisted of topographical condition, distance from watering point, climate variability and frequent droughts, and also element of livestock number was consisted of exploiter’s livelihood, drought and climate variability and inter-annual precipitation. In general, a more homogenous answer was observed between expert viewpoints.
Ahmad Ahmadi
Volume 10, Issue 4 , August 2019, , Pages 479-489
Ardavan Ghorbani; Ardashir Pournemati; Nazila Bibak
Volume 26, Issue 1 , June 2019, , Pages 1-17
The aim of this study was to assess the rangeland health of North Sabalan in three-elevation classes (less than 1500, 1500 to 2100, and 2100 to 2700 meters), which were the representative of rural, rural-nomad, and nomad rangelands, using the landscape function analysis (LFA) in Ardabil ...
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The aim of this study was to assess the rangeland health of North Sabalan in three-elevation classes (less than 1500, 1500 to 2100, and 2100 to 2700 meters), which were the representative of rural, rural-nomad, and nomad rangelands, using the landscape function analysis (LFA) in Ardabil province. For sampling, three 50-meter transects were established in each elevation class according to the uniformity of the habitat and distribution of patches. Using the LFA framework, three characteristics including stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling of soil surface were determined using 11 indicators. Statistical analysis of data was conducted using the LFA method and instructions of Tongway and Hindley in Excel software. The soil stability index for vegetation life forms in the elevation class of 2100 to 2700 m was more than that of the other two elevation classes, with significant difference (P>0.05); however, there was no significant difference between the first and the second class .Comparison of the infiltration and nutrient cycling indices for vegetation life forms in the elevation class of 2100 to 2700 m was also more than those of the other two elevation classes with significant differences (P<0.05). The stability index in the third elevation class (72.35) and in the second class (48.75), the infiltration index in the third elevation class (73.31) and in the first elevation class (15.99), and the nutrient cycling index in the third elevation class (78.75) and in the first elevation class (10.12) had the highest and least values, respectively. Overall, the health condition of the third elevation class was better than the other two classes. By examining the functional characteristics of ecological patches, we can identify the vegetation indicators affecting rangeland health, and then conduct proper management to protect that ecosystem.
massoud Borhani; Zahra Jaberolansar
Volume 25, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 191-200
Plant species diversity always implies ecosystem stability against environmental and biological disturbances. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of grazing management on diversity indices of plant species in grazed and exclosed rangeland sites of Hanna station- Semirom. ...
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Plant species diversity always implies ecosystem stability against environmental and biological disturbances. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of grazing management on diversity indices of plant species in grazed and exclosed rangeland sites of Hanna station- Semirom. Sampling was performed using 30 plots (1 m2) along four transects. Canopy area and density of species were recorded in sampling units, and the floristic list was provided in the whole area. Species richness, heterogeneity and evenness indices were calculated from density data and parametric diversity indices including log normal, geometric, and broken stick were fited in both exclosed and grazed areas. The Chi-Square test was used to examine the significance of measured traits. The results of numerical indices showed a higher species richness, evenness and species diversity indices in grazed than in the ungrazed site. The logarithmic diagram in the exclosed and grazed areas followed the broken stick model, indicating the presence of dominant species. The floristic lists of the study sites showed that the number of specific plant species in the grazed site was higher than that of exclosed site. Overall, the results showed that moderate grazing conditions in Hanna station improved plant species diversity indices and increased climax plant species.
Mohammadreza Habibian; ali saleh pour
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 321-311
This research was performed in semi-steppe rangelands of Fars province in the Cheshmeh Anjir region, in 2013. Soil sampling was performed in a random-systematic manner. In each area, three transects of 50 m were established randomly with a proper distance in an area of about two hectares, and on each ...
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This research was performed in semi-steppe rangelands of Fars province in the Cheshmeh Anjir region, in 2013. Soil sampling was performed in a random-systematic manner. In each area, three transects of 50 m were established randomly with a proper distance in an area of about two hectares, and on each transect, two soil profiles were dug. The soil samples were collected from two depths of 0-25 and 25-60 cm. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The study area at three levels (key, reference and critical) and the sampling depth at two levels (0-25 and 25-60 cm) were considered as main factor and sub-factor, respectively. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Mean comparison was performed by Duncan's test. The results of this study showed a significant difference (p<0.01) among the grazing management regions in terms of soil physical and chemical properties including pH, organic carbon, sand, clay, and total nitrogen, so that pH and sand percentage increased and clay percentage decreased with increasing of grazing intensity. Meanwhile, with increasing of grazing intensity, organic carbon and total nitrogen decreased in the key area and then increased equivalent to that of reference area. Significant differences (P<0.01) were found between soil depths for the soil pH, and the percentage of sand, silt, phosphorus and total nitrogen. In addition, the percentage of organic carbon and total nitrogen varied significantly (P<0.01) among transects.
Mehdi Moameri; Mohamad Fayaz; Masoume Abbasi Khalaki; Ziaaddin Almasi
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 1-13
This study was conducted in northern Khorasan province to investigate the indigenous knowledge of herders about livestock grazing management. In this study, the statistical population included herders and elderly people who use the rangelands traditionally. In each tribe or village, three people were ...
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This study was conducted in northern Khorasan province to investigate the indigenous knowledge of herders about livestock grazing management. In this study, the statistical population included herders and elderly people who use the rangelands traditionally. In each tribe or village, three people were selected to do interview and complete the questionnaires. Data collection was conducted using interviews and questionnaires, as well as observing the herders' activities in the field. The Likert scale was used for scoring and quantitative evaluation of questions for the study species. Our results confirmed the wide knowledge of herders used in different aspects of livestock grazing management including livestock distribution and uniform utilization of rangeland, night grazing, selecting the resting and grazing place for livestock, segmentation of rangeland with traditional methods, and ensuring the safety of drinking water for livestock. On the other hand, results showed that, actually, herders paid little attention to observing livestock grazing capacity and preventing or reducing selective grazing.
Saeed Rashvand; Ali Ehsani; Hasan Yeganeh; Anvar Sour
Volume 21, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 591-603
Knowledge of the phenological stages of species constituting a plant community has a considerable importance in grazing management to achieve the goals of sustainable production. The study of plant phenology is critical for monitoring, management and conservation of ecosystems. In this research, ...
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Knowledge of the phenological stages of species constituting a plant community has a considerable importance in grazing management to achieve the goals of sustainable production. The study of plant phenology is critical for monitoring, management and conservation of ecosystems. In this research, the phenology of two shrub species including Artemisia aucheri and Thymus kotschyanus was investigated for four years during 2007 to 2010. For this purpose, 10 samples were selected from each species and the phenological data were recorded every 15 days and every 7 days in the vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively. Results showed that the start and end time of growth in different years in these two species differed under the influence of temperature and precipitation. The flowering stage of Thymus kotschyanus began in the first half of June, and the seeding stage started in the first half of July, continuing to the first half of August.The vegetative growth of Artemisia aucheri started from the second half of May, the flowering stage began in the late August and the seeding stage started from the last week of September, continuing for 2-3 weeks.
Hamidreza Saeedi Geraghani; Ghodratollah Heydari; Hosein Barani; Seyed Zakaria Alavi
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 435-446
Holistic ecosystem approach in range management requires knowledge on all ecosystem components and their relationships. This is essential for sustainable management and proper planning in rangelands. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing management indices on range condition ...
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Holistic ecosystem approach in range management requires knowledge on all ecosystem components and their relationships. This is essential for sustainable management and proper planning in rangelands. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing management indices on range condition and forage production under three methods of utilization including collective property, private property and council property. The study was carried out in Damavand summer rangeland in Amol county, Mazandaran province. In this regard, 15 ranches were selected and according to the research objectives and hypotheses, 88 questionnaires were completed through direct interviews with exploiters in the region. Range condition was determined using four-factor method and forage production was estimated by clipping method. The results of this study indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between the eight indicators of grazing management and range condition and forage production at 1% level of significance. In addition, the results of correlation analysis between individual items or indicators of grazing management and range condition showed that there was no significant correlation between three items (including considering the proper time of beginning and ending of grazing in rangeland and the number of allowable livestock by ranchers) and range condition in different ranches. However, other indicators of grazing management showed significant correlation with range condition and the highest correlation was obtained for exclosure program.
Ali Ehsani; Mamak Ahmadian; Saeed Rashvand; Mohammad Ali Dehghani Tafti; Mostafa Zare
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 13-23
Study of the phenology of range key species is important to regulate and apply proper management for sustainable utilization of rangeland forage. In this study, the phenological stages of Artemisia aucheri were examined as a key species at three sites of different semi-steppe regions during 2007-2010. ...
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Study of the phenology of range key species is important to regulate and apply proper management for sustainable utilization of rangeland forage. In this study, the phenological stages of Artemisia aucheri were examined as a key species at three sites of different semi-steppe regions during 2007-2010. For this purpose, in each site, 10 individuals were selected and different phenological stages were recorded in 15-day and 7-day intervals for vegetative stage and reproductive stage, respectively. In addition, meteorological data including temperature and precipitation were recorded from the nearest synoptic station for each site. Results indicated that the occurrence of phenological phenomena of Artimisia aucheriwas more affected by temperature and precipitation indices of the growing season. According to the obtained results, the start and end of grazing were determined as early May to late October for Shirkooh (Yazd province), late May and early June to mid-July for Anjadan (Markazi province), and second half of May to mid September for Alamoot (Ghazvin province). Consequently, a complete understanding on the phenological stages of Ar. aucheri enables us to plan grazing management in order to determine the time of livestock entry into and exit from rangelands, optimal number of livestock for grazing and proper grazing systems.